Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 3499 I hope you won’t keep me waiting too long

Holding back the endless anger in his heart.

Looking at the Shijue Corpse Emperor who was chained, Su Chen said, "If you are willing to surrender, I can promise you not to kill you."

"Surrender? You want me to surrender to you, an ant? Boy, are you afraid? If you are, you can open the tower prison now, and I will not kill you."


Void slapped the Shijue Zombie Emperor hard on the face with a palm.

This slap completely blinded the Shijue Corpse Emperor.

"You're just a prisoner. I'll give you a chance. You should seize it. When I refine you, you won't even have a chance to beg for mercy."

If he could surrender the Ten Jue Corpse Emperor, it would definitely be the best thing for him.

After all, it is not an easy task to successfully kill the Ten Jue Corpse Emperor.

Summoning a small fire, Su Chen said, "From now on, help me take good care of him."

The word "care" is very important.

Xiao Huo's eyes suddenly lit up. Of course he understood what the boss meant.

"You have to be careful."

"Don't worry, boss, I will take care of him remotely and won't get close to him."

In order to make sure nothing went wrong, Su Chen summoned Xiaopang and asked Xiaopang to look at Xiaohuo, which would at least make him feel at ease.

Wait until Su Chen leaves the tower prison.

Xiaohuo chuckled, and the strange fire power in his body formed a long strange fire whip. With a snap, he sneered and said, "You old turtle, the boss gave you a chance, and if you don't take advantage of it, then Master Huo will let you taste it." Taste the taste of the strange fire whip."

Bang bang!

The Shijue Corpse Emperor hurriedly dodged. He could feel that this little thing was the transformed form of the alien fire. He did not dare to confront the alien fire head-on, and it was still locked.

"You are so stupid, let me do it."

Xiaopang grabbed the strange fire whip and whipped it towards the Shijue Zombie Emperor.


Deserted palace.

Desolate Master slowly opened his eyes, his face was very gloomy. He already knew that someone had taken away the thirty-six Desolate Swords, but he was not sure who did it.

Back then, he paid a huge price to obtain thirty-six desolate swords.

Others didn't know, but he knew the origin of Huang Jian very well, and it was a top treasure from the small world.

Who can take away the desolate sword?

The most important thing is that now he is actually unable to locate the traces of Desolate Sword.

It is impossible to give up the Wild Sword.

"That's all."

He forced out thirty-six streams of essence and blood. When he refined the Desolate Sword, he only needed to use his own essence and blood to locate the specific location of the Desolate Sword.

Thirty-six drops of essence and blood slowly formed a strange pattern in front of Huang Zun, with thirty-six dense lines on it, and began to spread away quietly.

at the same time.

He did not continue to worry about the master's matter. After all, he did not want to see this matter. Who would have thought that the Shijue Corpse Emperor would seal his soul in the heart of the Shijue Cauldron.

What he can do is to wait until his cultivation is strong enough in the future and try to see if he can help his master Bai Yanyan be reborn, no matter how slim the chance is.

Su Chen is a little worried now, because of all the treasures he obtained, it is impossible to determine whether there is a soul in any of them.

And he has checked all his treasures one by one and found nothing strange at all, including the Chaos Devouring Tower and the Chaos Book.

Of course Su Chen knew that there was an innate hidden in each of the two innate chaos treasures.

The Chaos Souls are respectively Ta Zun and Chaos Tiandao.

Knowing what he could do, he couldn't expel any soul at all. He could only choose to accept it. If he was unwilling to give up, the only thing he could do was to quickly improve his own strength. Only in this way could he deal with all crises.


Somewhat surprised.

Su Chen found that his thirty-six desolate slaves actually had strange aura fluctuations, and his brows were furrowed tightly. This was endless. .??.

The past few days have been really uneventful. First, disciple Cang Yinxi suddenly awakened and betrayed, and then something happened to Shi Jue Ding. Before Su Chen could react, something was wrong with the aura of Thirty-Six Desolate Slaves again.

He immediately summoned the Thirty-Six Desolate Slaves. After experiencing what happened to the Desolate Lord Huo Nu, Su Chen was really worried that something might happen to the Thirty-Six Desolate Slaves.

Suddenly, he felt the void in front of him surge, and then a curtain of water condensed out.

"Huang Zun."

"Oh it's you."

The two of them looked a little surprised when they looked at their respective water curtains.

Su Chen instantly knew what Huang Zun meant, and it was nothing more than locking thirty-six Huang slaves with his special power.

However, locking it is one thing, and whether it can recapture the wild slave is another matter.

It was an accident that the Desolate Master broke away from the puppet, and the Thirty-Six Desolate Slaves were made by him, and it was impossible for the Desolate Master to take them away from the air. Su Chen was fully confident in this.

"You can actually refine the Thirty-Six Desolate Swords into a puppet. Su Chen, I admit that I underestimated you. Return the Thirty-Six Desolate Swords to me. Not only will you not die, but you can also become my friend, Lord Desolate. I can also write off what happened before.”

Desolate Lord knew that Su Chen had many puppets in his hands, but he never thought that Su Chen could refine all the thirty-six desolate swords into puppets. He thought that he could not even

Do something like this.

Hearing Huang Zun's words, Su Chen smiled.

Of course, he would not believe what Huang Zun said. After all, he had refined Huang Zun. If there was no accident, Huang Zun would always be a puppet and it would be impossible to recover.

Huang Zun hated himself so much, how could he forgive himself and become friends with himself? It was really a joke.

It was because of Su Chen that Su Chen sneered and said, "Desolate Lord, if you want your thirty-six desolate slaves, you need to come to me in person. I hope you won't let me wait too long."

Su Chen smashed the water curtain in front of him with one palm. Of course, Su Chen was fully confident that he had refined thirty-six desolate slaves. Even if the desolate master came in person, he would not be able to take back any of the desolate slaves by force.

Su Chen knew very well why the Desolate Lord was so anxious about the thirty-six desolate swords. In the final analysis, it was because the thirty-six desolate swords all came from the small world.

Deserted palace.

The angry Huang Zun was almost stunned. He really couldn't lock Su Chen's position, even if he wasted his blood, he couldn't figure it out until now. How did this kid do it? He was able to move thirty-six The barren sword was refined into a puppet.

He must not give up the thirty-six desolate swords. For him, this set of treasures is too important and must not be lost.

"Jiang Taisui, Jiang Taihuang."

"What are your orders, Palace Master?"

Both of them were very surprised, as if they didn't know what happened to the palace master.

"No matter how much you pay, you must lock Su Chen, including his family and friends, for me."

"Yes, we will do it immediately."

The two of them did not dare to show any slightness and immediately turned around and left. They did not ask any more questions about the reason. The current owner of the Desolate Palace was none other than Huang Zun, the palace owner who had just taken over the Desolate Palace.

"Su Chen, I will make you pay the price."

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