Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 3701 Unrequited Love

Su Chen's meaning is very simple.

He was testing Wan Changsheng's bottom line to determine how many members of the Immortal Whale Tribe he could hunt.

There is no mercy.

Su Chen knew very well that the world of martial arts was so realistic and cruel, and that the Immortal Whale was destined to be unlucky if it gave birth to the Immortal Egg.

It was precisely because of the Immortal Egg that the Immortal Whale Clan was surrounded and killed by many races, which caused the Immortal Whale Clan to begin to decline.

"Chief Wan, how many immortal eggs I need, I can't tell you right now because my wife and children need the fusion of immortal eggs too much. I hope you can understand."

"One hundred thousand."

"Thank you."

"I hope you mean what you say, let's go."

Looking at the many strong men leaving, Taichu Zuao looked very surprised and said, "Boss, why don't they take action? Although their fighting power is not good, I can feel that Wan Changsheng and others did kill us." Strength."

Su Chen nodded, he understood what Taichu Zuao meant.

He was even ready to shoot arrows. Who would have thought that Wan Changsheng would actually agree to it in the end, and was still willing to give up 100,000 clan members.

How generous.

The generosity made Su Chen a little confused.

No matter so much, since Wan Changsheng was unwilling to fight, he was too lazy to take risks and immediately continued to hunt the Immortal Whale.

Underwater palace.

All the hundreds of clan elders looked at the clan leader. Up to now, they were still unable to accept the clan leader's decision. Although after so many years of recuperation, the Immortal Whale clan already had a large number of clan members. Even if they could not return to their peak, they had at least recovered. .

One hundred thousand tribesmen are indeed nothing to today's Immortal Whales, but what do the tribesmen think of it?

Where is the face?

He even looks down on himself, he is so bullying.

"Patriarch, we hope you can give us a reason. Otherwise, we will not be able to understand what you are doing."

"That is, our Immortal Whale Clan was rounded up and almost exterminated. We finally found such a place to live, but now we are so humiliated by a small master of the universe. Why?"

"If the clan leader doesn't want to stay anymore, he can go to the small world."

this moment.

All the clan elders were completely angry.

Even if the patriarch has no fighting power, he is still a powerful transcendent universe. He has no problem suppressing some universe controllers. He has the power to fight even if he faces a half-step transcendent universe.

In this case, they really couldn't figure out why the patriarch would choose to compromise with a small master of the universe.



A sigh.

Wan Changsheng looked very helpless and said, "Please be patient. I also want to preserve the Immortal Whale. If I wanted to go to the small world, I would have left back then, so why wait until now."

"Chief, we just spoke harshly. I hope you can understand. We just don't understand."

"Please tell the clan leader."

The excited clan elders finally calmed down. They did talk nonsense just now. Thinking about it, the clan leader could not make such a casual choice.

Sighing again, Wan Changsheng said helplessly, "If it were anyone else, I would definitely take action. As long as it is not a powerful invasion from the transcendent universe, our clan can completely resist it with the current strength."

"And the reason why I didn't take action this time is because I felt the aura of the Ice Lord from this person."

‘Ice Lord? ’

All the clan elders are a little curious and don’t know who the Ice Lord is.

"At that time, I had just broken through to half-step beyond the universe. I left the clan without telling my ancestors and went out to practice. Although our clan's combat effectiveness was not high due to restrictions, I thought that I could compete with the controller of the universe. I would definitely have no problem in protecting myself in thousands of universes. of."

"But I never thought that after I left the clan, I found that I thought too well, especially when I met a woman called Ice Lord. Although she is only the peak controller of the universe, her own strength is comparable to half a step. Beyond the universe, it’s really amazing.”

Seeing the expression on the clan leader's face, all the clan elders looked very surprised.

"Clan leader."

"Clan leader."

"It's okay, I was a little distracted just now."



Hearing the clan leader's words, all the clan elders looked very surprised. One of the female clan elders smiled and said, "Clan Leader, I think you are not distracted, but thinking about spring."

"Clan leader, with all due respect, is there something going on between you and this Ice Lord?"

"Is the clan leader related to Ice Lord?"

Wan Changsheng shook his head and said helplessly, "I also want to have a relationship, but it's a pity that the Ice Lord traveled across the universe and didn't pay attention to anyone at all, while she devoted herself to martial arts training. , I did save her once, but she didn’t promise me.”

It turned out to be unrequited love.

Hearing the clan leader's words, everyone was in awe. After all, in their opinion, the clan leader was the number one genius in the clan. He had already

Breaking through to half a step beyond the universe, looking at the entire universe, I believe it is also the top existence.

Even so, Bing Zun didn't like the clan leader. The most terrible thing was that looking at the clan leader's expression, it was not only unrequited love, but also the fact that Bing Zun could not be forgotten after so many years.

"Clan leader, do you suspect that Su Chen is a descendant of Bing Zun?"

Wan Changsheng shook his head and said, "I'm not a descendant. I haven't figured this out yet. I will ask him personally later."

"Clan leader, are you being too selfish in doing this? Sacrifice your clan members for yourself, if this matter is known to the clan members."

"I understand what you mean, but have you ever thought about it, if I don't choose to compromise, this person has the aura of the Ice Lord. Once the Ice Lord enters the clan, who can resist it? Back then, the Ice Lord could kill him in half a step Beyond the universe, let alone her now."

"I may have selfish motives for other things, but when it comes to the interests of the clan, my selfish motives are not allowed. Whether you want to believe it or not, I, Wan Changsheng, have a clear conscience."

"Clan leader, I have wronged you."

All the clan elders are very aware of the personality of the clan leader. Whether he has unrequited love or is unwilling to give up his feelings, but in front of the race, I believe that the clan leader will not do such a thing.

Sacrifice one hundred thousand tribesmen in exchange for this person leaving, it may not be a bad thing for the Immortal Whale Clan. If the Ice Lord invades, I am afraid there will be big trouble, which no one is willing to do. See the results.

"Clan Leader, the only thing we are worried about now is that this person wants to continue hunting after killing 100,000 clan members. If this is really the case, then how should we choose?"

This is what the clan elders are most worried about, because they all know how tempting the immortal eggs contained in their own clansmen are to thousands of warriors in the universe.

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