Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 3781 Can you tell me in advance that I was almost killed by you?

Look at the tower ladder in front of you.

Su Chen took a deep breath.

When Su Chen stepped onto the first tower ladder, his whole body was instantly suppressed by a terrifying weight.

Almost crushed by this terrifying gravity, Su Chen finally understood why students could only stay in the first level of space to practice.

But he is no ordinary student, his own cultivation has broken through to the realm of King of the Universe.

After a brief period of confusion.

The blood wheel power of the nine blood wheels began to condense around Su Chen's body, and layers of strength defense began to take steps, one tower ladder after another.

Although it was difficult, after walking up twenty-nine tower stairs, Su Chen successfully entered the second level of space.

The power contained in the second layer of space is ten times stronger than that of the first layer of space.

Su Chen didn't waste any time and came to the tower ladder leading to the third floor as quickly as possible.

He knew very well that he could reach the second floor smoothly, but facing the third floor might not be that simple. After all, even the dean could not set foot on the third floor.

I only have half an hour, and I must not waste a single penny.

Just when Su Chen stepped onto the first tower ladder.

The whole person flew backwards instantly, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and it was so terrifying that gravity suppressed him.

Su Chen climbed up from the ground with difficulty, his eyes were solemn.

"Boss, the third floor of this Tianchu Tower has a seal left by a powerful person who transcends the universe. You can't go up there unless you are a truly powerful person who transcends the universe."

The voice of Taichu Zuao suddenly sounded in his mind. Su Chen directly pulled out Taichu Zuao and said angrily, "Can you tell me in advance that I was almost killed by you?"

Now Su Chen finally knew why no one in the entire Tianchu Academy could successfully step onto the third floor of the Tianchu Tower.

"Boss, don't be angry. I have a way to help you get up there."


You must endure it!

"Hurry up and help me up."

Taichu Zuao smiled and said, "Boss, although I don't have any combat power, I have always transcended the cosmic realm and possess the power of transcending the universe soul. Coupled with the boss's copying magical power, I believe we can set foot on the third level of space. "

Taking a deep breath, Su Chen swallowed the elixir and only condensed the replica blood wheel.

Waves of copying power surged out from the copying blood wheel, and Taichu Zuao's soul power instantly wrapped Su Chen tightly.

Stepping back onto the first tower ladder, the terrifying gravity still existed, but it had weakened by nine-tenths, leaving only one-tenth, which was nothing to Su Chen.

Su Chen's face suddenly became happy, and Su Chen immediately started walking towards the third floor without wasting any time.

Outside Tianchu Tower.

Looking at the dozens of wine bottles in front of him, the more Mr. Ta thought about it, the more he regretted it.

"Such a good wine should be tasted slowly. Why did I drink it all at once?"

"I can't help it with this bad mouth."

"Good wine, really good wine, but too little."

"Fortunately, Su Chen can continue to brew. Ten years of wine must be drunk slowly."

Calculate the time.

Half an hour has already passed. Mr. Ta was wasting time by drinking. Now an hour has passed, half an hour more.

"You bastard, you haven't come out even after half an hour as promised."

Very angry.

Standing up, the somewhat angry Ta Lao shook his head helplessly. He knew very well how tempting it was for the students to enter Tianchu Pagoda for the first time.


Walking into Tianchu Tower, the Ta Lao's aura instantly covered the first floor.

"Hey, it's not on the first floor."

Very surprised.

Ta Lao looked at the tower ladder on the second floor. He seemed not to have thought that Su Chen could go up to the second floor, because looking at all the students in the entire academy, no one had ever been able to go up to the second floor smoothly, except for teachers and assistants. Dean, including the dean, and he can only stop at the second level.

They all know that if they want to set foot on the third floor of Tianchu Tower, they need to break through to the transcendent universe realm.

I admired Su Chen very much, and the trace of anger before instantly disappeared.

It turned out to be.

When Ta Lao came to the second floor and locked it, he found that Su Chen was not on the second floor either. Could it be the third floor?

It's definitely impossible. How could Su Chen go to the third floor.

"Has Su Chen already left?"

"It seems that I drank too much. Hey! I'm getting old, I'm getting old."

The tower boss didn't believe that Su Chen could go to the third floor, or even the second floor. The most likely possibility was that Su Chen had already left Tianchu Tower while he was drinking.

Maybe Su Chen didn't bother him when he saw him drinking, that must be the case.

After leaving Tianchu Tower, Ta Laoban lay in front of the tower, yawned, drank all the life wine, and wanted to have a good sleep.

Since Su Chen successfully entered the inner courtyard and got an independent residence, many people felt dissatisfied, but there was no way around it because it was a high-level decision.

Many people have already gotten the news that the backer behind Su Chen is the vice dean, and he even asked Bing Qinyi to destroy his own rules.

"Teacher Bing, is something wrong?"

"Go and find Su Chen for me. Tell him that I have something to ask him about."



br\u003e It won’t take a while.

"Teacher Bing, Su Chen is not here."

"Do you know where he went?"

"I don't know, we don't know him."

Su Chen had just entered the inner courtyard, and I met him because Su Chen made an exception and became a student of Bing Qinyi. After all, there were too many inner courtyard students in the entire academy.

Bing Qinyi nodded, turned and left.

"Teacher Bing is a little too concerned about this Su Chen."

"Who says it's not? I'm really curious about the origin of this Su Chen."

"No matter what his origin is, he can make an exception in the academy and can practice with Teacher Bing. His identity is certainly not simple, and I guess that Su Chen is likely to be a relative of the vice president."

"real or fake."

"I don't know, I'm just guessing."

After leaving, Bing Qinyi was very angry. Su Chen shamelessly became her student and did not come to class for four days. The whole academy was full of discussions about Su Chen.

"Damn Su Chen, where did he go?"

"Sister Bing."

"Huoyi? Why are you here?"

Huo Yi is a teacher in the outer courtyard and rarely enters the inner courtyard, especially during the day.

"Sister Bing, I came to you this time just to ask you why you wanted to accept Su Chen. I'm not saying bad things about people behind their backs. He is really shameless. I can guarantee that when he gets close to you, he just wants to hurt you. You have evil intentions, last time he secretly sneaked into the female teacher's residence, think about who he is."

"This is arranged by the vice-dean, and there's nothing I can do about it."

Huo Yi's face was full of disbelief. Everyone in the academy knew what kind of character Bing Qinyi was. Not to mention the deputy dean, not even the dean could influence Bing Qinyi's decision.

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