Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 3803 The kid in red


All four Tiankui eggs were swallowed by Su Chen.

It did not help improve his own cultivation, but Su Chen chose to swallow four egg liquids without hesitation.

The real reason is for his own blood chakra.

Because Su Chen knew very well how important these four egg liquids were to his own blood chakra.

All the egg liquid swallowed flows into the blood chakra of the deity, not a drop is left.


Su Chen looked at the Tiankui monster hovering in front of him. Since the egg liquid was useful to his own blood wheel, there was no doubt that the bloodline of the monster in front of him was also of great benefit to his own blood wheel.

The power to activate his own blood chakra had not yet been locked, but it gave him an unexpected surprise.

Seeing Su Chen's actions, everyone was very angry, but did not dare to say anything.

The fire slave summoned by Su Chen intimidated everyone, no matter how much anger and displeasure they had, they could only endure it.

"He won't be hunting the Tiankui monster."

"what you think?"

"Why don't you surrender? This is the Tiankui monster, and it is still dormant. It would be a pity if it was slaughtered like this."

"We are not him. Maybe the things we think are good are not worth mentioning in the eyes of others."

I really couldn't stand what Su Chen was doing, but there was nothing I could do about it, because they were not puppet opponents, so they could only stare at it.

Su Chen could see that the monster in front of him was in a dormant state. If he chose to take action at this time, he would be able to successfully kill the monster and devour the blood in the monster's body.

Now that it has been determined that the bloodline of the Tiankui monster is useful for his own blood wheel, Su Chen will not have any ink marks.

The sword energy of Zhijin instantly penetrated the mind of the Tiankui monster, without giving the Tiankui monster any chance.

After being massacred by Su Chen, Su Chen immediately started to disembowel him, and using the Chaos Devouring Technique in his body, he began to crazily devour the bloodline of the Tiankui monster.

A stream of blood was devoured crazily and poured into the body, and then began to merge into the blood wheel of the deity.

At the moment when Su Chen had just devoured all the blood.


The entire Tiankui Monster's body exploded instantly, not including the four altars.

"You dare to slaughter this monster. You are too impatient to live."

A cold sound suddenly resounded throughout the cave.

In everyone's shocked eyes.

A child in red clothes suddenly appeared. He had nine heads and nine pairs of cold eyes looking around. The aura on his body was very strange and cold.

The kid in red immediately locked onto Su Chen because he could feel that Su Chen had the aura of egg liquid and blood on his body.

"It's you."

What surprised Su Chen was that the kid in red didn't take action against him immediately. If it were another strong person, he would definitely take action as soon as he slaughtered the monsters. This is something without any suspense.

"Senior, this matter has nothing to do with us. He swallowed the egg liquid and killed the Tiankui monster."

"Yes, it is indeed him. He comes from Tianchu Academy."

The people in Tianchu Academy were very angry, but they did not dare to say anything, and they knew very well what these people meant.

Just want to kill someone with a borrowed knife.


The people who had just spoken were instantly hit by a burst of red mist before they could react, and their entire bodies exploded instantly.

Blood mist.


Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone stepped back one after another, with horror and shock written all over their faces. They really didn't understand the psychology of the child in red.

Why take action?

Even Su Chen didn't understand.

"how should I address you?"

"Su Chen."

The child in red nodded, smiled and said, "Do you know why I want to kill them?"

"have no idea."

"Because they talk too much, they want to use my power to kill you. This is the kind of person I hate the most. I did want to kill you just now, but now I have changed my mind."

"Can I know the reason?"

"It's simple. I can't kill you because you are more powerful than I thought."

Su Chen was a little surprised. He really didn't expect the kid in red to say that. His soul had recovered and he could kill the kid in red with the help of the God-killing Bone Bow and arrows. But did the kid in red know this?

"My name is Hong Luan."

"Nice name."

"You lied, because my name sucks. It's just the name my sister gave me and I can't refuse."

Hong Luan looked around and said, "I don't have to kill you, but you drank the egg liquid and slaughtered my monsters. I need to vent the anger in my heart."

"Don't kill people from Tianchu Academy. You can do whatever you want with the rest of the people, as long as you are happy."

Su Chen didn't care at all about the life and death of other people, and he didn't relax at all, because Su Chen could see that this so-called Hong Luan was not simple, and it was impossible for him to choose to give up killing himself for no reason.

There must be a reason, it's just that the red color is gone

Just said.

Everyone who heard this was completely stunned. They knew very well how powerful the kid in red was, and what he just did meant everything.

If the kid in red takes action, everyone here is no match for the kid in red. They don't want to die here.

And the results.

The child in red suddenly smiled and said, "You asked me to kill, but I refused to kill. Since you can enter here, we are destined, and you have chosen this path, but it doesn't matter, all nine paths will end in the same way." The place is just inaccessible.”

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They felt that this Hongluan had really unstable personality. He would kill sometimes and not kill sometimes. If you asked him to kill, he would not kill. He was completely like a child.

With a wave of his hand, a stone door appeared on the recently collapsed stone pillar. Hong Luan made an invitation gesture and said, "Everyone, since you are all here, please invite me."

Everyone's expressions were gloomy, because they didn't know what was behind the stone gate and whether it would be dangerous. But facing such a powerful threat, could they refuse?

If you dare to refuse, you will be killed.

Su Chen didn't care, because when he entered here this time, he wanted to find the power to cause the fluctuation of his blood wheel, and his soul had been restored. With the help of the God-killing bone-killing bow and arrow, he could completely ignore all dangers.

It was precisely because of this that Su Chen was the first to choose to enter the stone gate and disappear without even thinking about it.

Huoyi was the second one. Seeing this situation, the rest of the people began to pour into the stone gate.

When the last person was about to go in, Shimen suddenly disappeared. Hongran smiled and said, "I'm sorry, you are the last one. You don't need to go in, just stay here."

As soon as she finished speaking, before the woman could react, she was shrouded in red mist and shattered into pieces.

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