Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 3906 Race against time

The more war you have, the more anxious you are.

Being suppressed to death.

With a muffled groan, one of the big demons was kicked so hard by Ye You that his whole chest was almost broken.

No longer able to hold back, a mouthful of blood spurted out. The remaining eight great demons were startled and hurriedly came from other directions, hoping to surround Wei and save Zhao and force the little girl not to continue attacking.

"You monsters are just in time."

A backhand is a kick.

One foot becomes a hundred feet.

A hundred feet become ten thousand feet.

Foot shadows swept across the sky. This time, the eight great demons did not dodge at all, choosing to fight head-on. The great demon who was kicked was panting heavily.

Their eyes were full of horror and horror. The combat power transformed by such brute force was too terrifying. If it continued like this, it would be a fatal blow to them.

I originally thought that there would be no suspense if the nine of them joined forces to kill Su Chen, including this little girl, in almost a minute.

The results of it?

The little girl's brute strength exceeded all of their understanding. Not to mention suppressing the little girl, with the battle up to now, they were even worried that the nine of them would be suppressed.

Covering his heart, the injured demon rushed out again after a short period of recovery.

Ye You's offensive was all based on brute force, and they were all close combat, suppressing nine people with one against nine.



Under the continuous collision, the nine great demon gods became more and more passive as they fought.

Right now.

The figures of the nine great demons instantly became illusory, one transformed into two, two transformed into ten, and ten transformed into hundreds.

In the blink of an eye, the nine great demon gods turned into thousands of great demon gods, all of them illusory figures.


With a focused look, she realized that her brute strength was indeed great, but in other aspects she was probably a little inferior.

Looking at the phantoms of the Great Demon God all around her, she couldn't tell which one was his true form and which one was the phantom. It was really difficult for her.


The illusory figures all over the sky began to attack from all directions, one wave after another. Ye You was not idle either, waving his feet and palms constantly.

It's a pity that the illusory figures that are constantly being smashed are not the real ones.


Not yet.

is not.

Every time I take action, it’s not me who smashes them apart.

Gradually, Ye You began to become upset and agitated, and his offensive gradually became less fierce. This was the effect that the nine great demon gods wanted.

Just a few minutes later.

Ye You was hit dozens of times in succession, and his whole body was dyed red with blood.

"You are so shameless."

"Little girl, I have to admit that your brute force is really powerful. Unfortunately, brute force alone is not enough. If you surrender to us, we can promise that we will treat you well in the future."

"You come from a small world and you are a reincarnation person. We can help you succeed in reincarnation. I hope you choose the right path instead of a dead end."

The sounds all around made Ye You gasp for breath, and her angry eyes were full of murderous intent. She was very angry and unwilling. If it were a head-on confrontation, the nine great demons would definitely not be her opponents.

"You are shameless. If you have the ability, come out and have a fair fight with me. Let's see if I can kick you to death."

"A fair fight? Haha, a little girl is a little girl. You are still too young. What is fair? The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. If you lose, fairness is a joke."

"As long as we can win, it belongs to our strength. If we give you one last chance, are you willing to surrender?"

"I surrender to you big-headed devil, you go die."

After Ye You rested for a while, he once again attacked the nine great demon gods around him. However, Ye You could no longer resist them now. There would definitely be no problem in a head-on confrontation.

However, the martial arts used by the nine great demons were unreal, and there were illusory figures everywhere. As Ye You's offensive continued to fail, the nine great demons had opportunities to take advantage of.

Boom boom boom!

Ye You's offensive is getting stronger and stronger.

Outside Tianchu Academy.

Seeing the battle in front of them, Yin Lao and others looked very ugly. The two people around Su Chen were very powerful. Unfortunately, it was difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. If it continued like this, it would not be of any benefit to Su Chen.

"Dad, please help Su Chen. As long as the academy is willing to take action, Su Chen may not lose."

"Dad, if Su Chen loses, the witch will definitely not let it go. If the witch joins forces with Thousand Burials, there will be a lot of trouble for our Tianchu Academy."

Bing Qinyi, whose body was imprisoned, roared angrily. She didn't want to see anything happen to her father and the academy, but she also didn't want to watch something happen to Su Chen.

Yin Lao didn't say anything. He understood what his daughter meant. It would be a lie to say that he was not afraid of the witch.

However, he cannot do this. If he takes action at this time, he will destroy Tianchu Academy with his own hands. As the dean of Tianchu Academy, he cannot just watch something happen to the academy.

As for the grudge between the witch and Tianchu Academy, that is a matter for the future, and he will contact the other five hidden races to take action together, not just Tianchu Academy.

I can only feel sorry for Su Chen.

I hope Su Chen can understand.

this moment.

Su Chen has gathered the essence and blood of all the little guys and himself, and also fused the souls of himself and Tianzai. He just wants to use the summoning blood wheel to see if he can summon a powerful force. It depends entirely on luck, and he Only one chance.

He looked up to the sky and let out a long roar, like thunder tearing through the layers of void. The terrifying spatial fluctuations were so oppressive that everyone could not breathe.

Su Chen endured the bursts of weakness that came from his body. He knew very well how troublesome his summons was this time, but the situation was critical and he could no longer care about anything else.

I hope that I will be lucky and be able to summon a powerful force that satisfies me. Because of this, I will try my best to succeed.

The power that has been fused with essence and blood is forced into the summoning blood wheel.

Qian Zhan, Bai Ruili and others frantically attacked Su Chen, but Tianzai resisted them alone. They felt it was very difficult, but there was nothing they could do.

Now that he had no choice but to delay Su Chen, he hoped that Su Chen's next actions would save them from danger.

"Tianzai, do you really want to die with Su Chen?"

"Tianzai, we will give you one last chance. As long as you stop resisting, we can let you leave. Otherwise, don't blame us for not being polite."

Both Qian Zhan and Bai Ruili were extremely angry. For some reason, they always felt that this matter was a bit strange. The aura exuding from Su Chen was too terrifying, giving them a very bad premonition. .

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