Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 4159 To stay or not


Let alone Wanhuang Venerable, even if he is a powerful emperor from a small world, he will refuse without hesitation.

If you want to become a slave, even a powerful Chaos warrior is not qualified.


Faced with this situation, Su Chen was unwilling to offend Master Wanhuang because he also pointed to Master Wanhuang to help An Biyi recover.

Facing a puppet like Ji Nu, Su Chen had no choice. Otherwise, he would not have asked Venerable Wanhuang for help, and even delayed it until now.

As for why Lord Wanhuang wanted to surrender and become her sacrificial slave, this was something Su Chen couldn't figure out.

He is only in the creation realm of the universe, and is nothing to Venerable Wanhuang. ??

Let’s not talk about other people first.

Just the strength of the nine-headed phoenix outside is there, there is absolutely no need for this.

Ask as soon as it comes to mind.

Su Chen asked straight to the point, "Senior, with all due respect, why did you put forward such a condition?"

"I do."

Venerable Wanhuang said coldly, "You need my help, and I put forward conditions that are reasonable and reasonable. What's wrong with that? Since you refuse, I can only tell you that I can't do anything about what you just said."

"Senior, if I imprison you, will you still say this?"

"You're looking for death."

"To be honest, senior, there are too many strong men who have said this to me, and among them there are strong men in the God-Building Realm from the small world, but they have all become dead. I admit that you are very strong, but can you Is it better than a warrior in the God-Building Realm?"

The other party actually knew about the God-Building Realm, which actually surprised Master Wanhuang.


Venerable Wanhuang definitely didn't believe what Su Chen said. He thought that Su Chen was bragging. He was just a small warrior of the Universe Creation Realm. Can he kill the God-Building Realm?

is it possible?

Lord Wanhuang glanced around and said coldly, "You have swallowed up all the Phoenix power here. Now I need you to take it out."

"It can't be done."

"It seems you really want to die."

"Wanhuang, I'll give you face

, call you senior, if I don’t give you face, you are trash. If you want to intimidate me, you are not qualified enough. "

Su Chen suddenly became tough.

His eyes gradually became colder. Of course, Su Chen knew that he had to be strong in the face of this situation and absolutely could not show any weakness.

As the saying goes, a good horse can be ridden by others, but a good man can be bullied by others.

He could almost conclude that Venerable Wanhuang must be in trouble. Otherwise, why would he talk nonsense to him? It was completely unnecessary.


Su Chen still wanted to give it a try. Even though he knew that doing so would probably kill him, he was still unwilling to give up.

"You really want to die."

Su Chen nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, I do want to die. To be honest, I have lived enough. I just thought of countless ways to die. It is not bad to die in the hands of my seniors now." ”

Seeing the man walking towards her step by step, Venerable Wanhuang was shocked. Of course she knew that the man was deceiving her and was just an ant in the universe creation realm. Even if her current situation was not good, she wanted to kill him smoothly. This person is also a matter of minutes, and there will be no suspense.

However, facing the man's pressing step by step, Venerable Wanhuang frowned tightly and said coldly, "Boy, you don't need to pretend here. What is your strength? You should know better than me that I want to kill him." You, it's easy, I can give you one last chance now, as long as you are willing to surrender to me and become my slave, I."

Just after saying the words "I", before the Venerable Wanhuang could continue, Su Chen suddenly chose to take action. He would definitely not agree to the other party, and in Su Chen's opinion, the Venerable Wanhuang must have bad intentions. Since If you decide you want to surrender, then why should you continue to waste time with nonsense.

He knew clearly that he had to fight, so he didn't need to talk nonsense. The whole person disappeared in an instant, and the rolling divine patterns merged with the devouring power and blasted out fiercely.

"court death!"

"Since you

If you want to die, I will help you. "

Seeing that the man really chose to take action, the angry Lord Wanhuang was completely irritated. A huge water curtain light group suddenly appeared in front of him. Accompanied by the chirping of the phoenix, the water curtain light group solidified from the void and steadily resisted it. Divine Pattern Offensive.

The first wave of attacks failed, but Su Chen did not pause at all, and continued to launch the second and third waves of seamless attacks.

Boom boom boom!

Under the continuous bombardment, Su Chen's eyes suddenly froze, and he was surprised. He really didn't expect that the opponent's defense was so abnormal, and the divine patterns could not break through the defense at all.

When he did not have any advantage, it would not be of any benefit to him. He originally thought that he would be able to hit the target with one strike. Even if he could not hurt Lord Wanhuang, at least he would have the capital to negotiate.

Immediately using the dragon and phoenix heaven-suppressing sound and merging with divine patterns, Su Chen was able to fight completely. Continuous attacks could not break through the defense. It was definitely not an option to continue like this.

"Not bad sonic technique, but unfortunately, your level is too low."

Smiling contemptuously, he originally thought how capable the other party was, but now it seems that he overestimated his strength. Ants are just ants, and the gap between the two realms cannot make much difference.

"Your attacks are ineffective against me. It seems that you have used all your methods. Now I am going to take action."

Of course, Su Chen would not sit still and wait for death. After all, the opponent was likely to be in the Transcendent Universe Realm. Even within the Transcendent Universe Realm, he could be regarded as the top existence. He was definitely not his opponent.

And Su Chen could see that the situation of Venerable Wanhuang was very bad, otherwise he would not have sealed himself in Jiufeng Dao's body.

For me, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Immediately running the Three Tribulation Yuan Technique, Su Chen's Yuan Shen began to transform from one to three. Three identical Yuan Shen condensed out instantly, occupying three different directions.

"Three Tribulations Yuan Technique."

Seeing the three primordial spirits appearing around him, Lord Wanhuang looked very surprised. He seemed to have not expected that this person actually performed the Three Tribulations Yuan Technique, and he knew best what the Three Tribulations Yuan Technique meant.


Master Wanhuang was surprised, and Su Chen was even more surprised, because the Three Tribulations Yuan Technique was taught by his previous life, and it is the most powerful secret technique among the Yuanshen. If it were not for the help of the blood wheel of this deity, if he had just understood it by himself, I'm afraid it will take several times longer.

He never expected that Venerable Wanhuang would recognize the Three Tribulations Yuan Technique he had performed at a glance. Both of them were surprised, but they both chose to take action at the same time.

The three primordial spirits took action at the same time. Lord Wanhuang did not choose to sit back and continue to defend, but also chose to take action. The two people's attacks collided violently in an instant, and the terrifying primordial spirit waves rippled out in an instant, spreading out. All the phoenix corpses around.

After a brief collision, Su Chen had realized that he was definitely no match for Lord Wanhuang, and continuing to fight would not do him any good.

With a turn, Su Chen's soul left in an instant, but Master Wanhuang did not chase him out, but stared at the disappeared soul with cold eyes.

"You can't run away."

After leaving, Su Chen kept breathing heavily. This was the Universe Mountain space. He could not guarantee whether the situation of Wanhuang Venerable would cause a devastating blow to the Universe Mountain space.

However, according to Su Chen's guess, if he releases the sacrifice slave, I believe Dou Qu will definitely summon the sacrifice slave immediately. At that time, he will have no choice at all, because of the special nature of the sacrifice slave, he can't stop it at all.

It's not a matter of staying, it's not a matter of not staying. Whether to stay or not, Su Chen seemed very helpless, not sure how to choose for a while.

In the end, Su Chen chose to leave the Universe Mountain with the sacrificial slave, because he could not let any problems occur in the Universe Mountain. He would rather sacrifice the sacrificial slave than let anything happen to the two women. This was his bottom line.

Su Chen definitely didn't want to see the sacrifice slave being summoned, but if he had to make a choice between the two, there was no doubt that he would choose to keep the Space Mountain space.

The moment Su Chen left with the sacrificial slave, almost at the same time, Su Chen immediately released his own devouring power, instantly wrapping the sacrificial slave.

In this case, Su Chen was not sure whether Dou Qu could lock the sacrifice slave or even summon the sacrifice slave back.

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