Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 4178 One Sword Destroys Nine Demons

The invincible sword energy hit the surrounding cages wantonly.

That terrifying sword energy made the hearts of the nine great demons begin to tremble.

All of them had extremely gloomy expressions, unable to accept the facts in front of them.

"We can't let him break the cage."

"Nine Demons Town Hell!"

Continuing to strengthen the seal of the cage, nine forces continued to pour in.

"Hmph! You are not overestimating your own abilities!"

He held the desolate sword in his hand, but the blood wheel of the invincible sword condensed above his head was emitting a vortex of sword energy, completely surrounding Su Chen.

this moment.

It seemed that Su Chen was the only one left in the world.

One person and one sword, proud of the sky!

Bai Ruili clenched her fists tightly, watching the battle in front of her nervously.

The nine great demons cannot be defeated.

Once defeated, the nine great demon gods will surely die.

She knew very well that Su Chen was cruel and would not give the enemy any chance. She still couldn't accept this fact.

But she didn't take action, but watched quietly.

Bai Ruili has been looking for opportunities. As long as she finds a suitable opportunity, she will take action without hesitation. It doesn't matter whether she makes a sneak attack or not.

Don’t look at the process, only look at the results.

Looking coldly at the nine great demon gods around him, Su Chen slowly raised the desolate sword in his hand. The sword energy on his body rippled everywhere, and accompanied by the roar of the sword, the vast sword energy vortex shot straight into the sky.

Even if the nine great demon gods put all their strength to suppress it, the condensed devil breath cage cannot suppress the sword energy whirlpool. The more so, the nine great demon gods also feel that it is difficult.

Invincible swordsmanship, the third form, the peak of which is annihilation with one sword.

Su Chen, who had reunited the blood wheel of the Invincible Sword, had a new understanding of this sword. If it were before, he might have had 60% confidence in facing the nine great demons.

But now, he has 100% confidence.

Not to mention facing the nine great demon gods, even if he encounters a truly low-level transcendent universe realm powerhouse, Su Chen has the power to fight.

With one sword move, all the vast sword energy came out.

The sword energy in the sky was firmly locked on the nine great demons, but now Bai Ruili chose to give up on the nine great demons.

Whether she wanted to believe it or not, the facts in front of her had already formed.

What she has to do now is to rush to the giant tower space. As long as her father is in charge, Su Chen can't hurt her at all.

On the one hand, he gave up the nine great demon gods, and on the other hand, he stayed and died with the nine great demon gods.

How to choose?

Bai Ruili felt very angry, and even more reluctant to give up.

But there was no way, because Bai Ruili didn't want to die. As long as she could enter the giant tower alive, she could summon her father to deal with Su Chen.

Until now, his father still doesn't know about Su Chen's strength, and he is no longer able to compete with him.

Just when Bai Ruili turned around and wanted to leave.



The sword roared, and all the terrifying sword energy gathered together. The dense sword energy condensed around him and was as dense as an ox's hair. They were all like poisonous snakes staring at Bai Ruili.

It was very frustrating, because Bai Ruili had never thought that as a half-step transcendent cosmic powerhouse, one day she would be so depressed that even the sword energy would dare to stop her.

Bai Ruili discovered one thing, that is, if she did not move, the sword energy would not move. If she moved, she believed that the sword energy would definitely choose to attack her.

She couldn't just wait and wait until Su Chen killed the nine great demons. She wouldn't even have the last chance. She had to take advantage of the nine great demons to hold Su Chen back and kill herself.

Thinking of this, Bai Ruili immediately began to attack forcefully.


Bai Ruili still underestimated the lock of the invincible sword energy. No matter how she attacked, she could not break the sword energy envelope, just like a huge sword energy cage.

"Su Chen!"

Su Chen chose to ignore the angry roar.

Just as Bai Ruili thought.

Nowadays, Su Chen can't care about her at all. Although the blood wheel of the Invincible Sword has been condensed, which greatly increases his strength, Su Chen also knows very well that he still cannot take it lightly when facing the nine great demons.

As the saying goes, a lion still needs all his strength to attack a rabbit, let alone facing the full strength of the nine great demons.

The sword struck by Su Chen directly imprisoned the entire world. All space seemed to be motionless at this moment, and the only thing moving was the sword energy.

One sword turned into nine swords, and the countless sword energies around him were gearing up to boost morale.

The nine great demon gods felt that they were locked by the sword, and their expressions changed drastically. Of course, they were not willing to sit back and wait for death, watching helplessly as they were slashed by the sword.

The only thing they can do is to burn their essence and blood to forcefully break through the sword energy lock, otherwise, they will have no choice but to perish here.

The nine great demons who were forced to do so all chose to burn their essence and blood at the same time. Because the nine people who practiced special secret techniques still burned their own essence and blood, they could burn each other and rely on each other's power, that is, their respective powers could transform into each other.

This is the greatest help given to the nine great demon gods. Otherwise, if it were another half-step transcendent universe, even if it burned the essence and blood, I believe there would be no way, and they could only watch helplessly being imprisoned.

Forcibly breaking the sword energy lock, seeing the sword energy in front of them continuously amplifying, the nine great demon gods did not dare to show any ink or carelessness, and immediately defended with all their strength.

They also want to take the initiative to attack, because everyone knows that being beaten passively is the worst way, and taking the initiative is the best defense.

However, it was no longer possible for them to take the initiative and were forced to defend, because the nine great demons could clearly sense the terrifying power of the sword displayed by Su Chen.

Not willing to fight head-on, but can only choose to defend forcefully.

The speed was so fast that the nine great demon gods had just burned their essence and blood to break the sword qi lock, and the nine sword qi had already slashed across the void.


The moment the sword energy collided with the defensive attack, the invincible sword energy directly tore through the defense and slashed hard at the nine great demons.

It was impossible to guard against it, and the domineering sword energy was far beyond the scope of the nine people's cognition. Each body flew upside down, and the blood dyed the void red.

Su Chen was not surprised that the nine great demon gods were not killed with one sword. After all, the strength of the nine great demon gods was there. They were said to be invincible existences that transcended the universe. How could they be so easy to kill.

Although they were not killed, Su Chen could tell that the nine great demon gods had been severely injured and would definitely not be able to withstand his second sword.

"Surrender or die."

The nine great demons who hit the ground hard stood up slowly. Their bodies were shaky due to their injuries, but the nine great demons could not help but feel horrified in their hearts.

They really couldn't figure out why the other party, who clearly knew the so-called controller of the universe, had such powerful strength.

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