Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 4206 I held back before

"Three seniors, I, Su Chen, can promise that as long as you are willing to take action, when you leave the universe, I will give you a jade slip. If you take this jade slip to the master's family, I believe you will be able to get the family. shelter."

Without waiting for the three of them to speak.

Su Chen continued: "It's just."

"Little brother, if you have something to say, you might as well say it directly."

"What I want to say is that even if the three of them go to the small world and are protected by the master's family, they should not put all their hopes on anyone. They still need to rely on themselves."

In the end, the three elders nodded, and they all understood what Su Chen meant.

It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others.

Especially in a small world.

If I don't have enough strength, what will happen even if I get protection from my family.


The three of them had no idea that the family Su Chen mentioned did not exist at all.


Su Chen had no choice.

If you don't make up a family, how can you get the three ultimate elders to help you besiege Gu Ding?

Su Chen knew very well that with the help of the three intermediate-level elders and the ultimate needle, he believed that the ancient tripod would not be able to escape.

Until now, he had never thought that things would go so smoothly. Before, he was still thinking about how to get the ultimate needle smoothly.

Main hall.

Seeing Su Chen walking in, Shen Tuyan and the clan elders were all amused. They had already guessed that Su Chen would not dare to set foot on the Ultimate Peak at will, and it would be almost impossible to get the Ultimate Needle.

"Ahem, Mr. Su, ten days have passed and you haven't locked the ultimate needle yet, so according to our previous agreement, you must leave the ultimate clan today."

Because they were afraid of Su Chen, Shen Tuyan and others did not dare to force Su Chen to leave.

However, now that the agreed time has come, in their opinion, unless Su Chen wants to start a war with the Ultimate Clan, he should not dare to take action at will.

Of course Su Chen understood what Shen Tuyan meant.

"Chief Shentu, according to the agreement between you and me, as long as I successfully lock the ultimate needle, you will lend me the ultimate needle."

"That's right."

"I've successfully locked in."


"The ultimate peak."

"I said that the ultimate needle is not in the ultimate peak. What evidence do you have that proves that the ultimate needle is in the ultimate peak?"

"Clan Chief Shentu is deliberately playing tricks?"

"No, I, Shen Tuyan, am right, but the ultimate needle is indeed not at the ultimate peak, and you can't provide any evidence, so I have not failed to abide by the agreement between us."

Shen Tuyan's meaning was very clear. No matter whether the Ultimate Needle was at the Ultimate Peak or not, he would not admit it.

After all, Shen Tuyan was not willing to lend the ultimate needle to Su Chen.

Some clan elders have become impatient.

Especially the elder of the royal family, who was suppressed by Su Chen before, is still unwilling to accept it. After all, he is half a step beyond the universe, but he is no match for a small universe controller. Even he can't accept it. Such fact.

"Mr. Su, are you going too far? The clan leader has already said that we cannot go up to the Ultimate Peak. If you think the Ultimate Needle is at the Ultimate Peak, you can go to the Ultimate Peak yourself instead of guessing here."

"Old royal family member?"

"That's right."

"I held back before."


Waving his hand to stop the angry royal elder, Shen Tuyan said with a smile: "Mr. Su, please."

Too lazy to say any more, Shen Tuyan directly issued an order to expel the guests.

"Little brother, please stop teasing them."

As soon as he finished speaking, the figures of the three ultimate elders suddenly appeared, frightening everyone to immediately stand up and salute.

"I've met my ancestor."

"I've met my ancestor."

Shen Tuyan and others looked very shocked when they heard what they just said.

'Little brother'

Who is the little brother?

Could it be Su Chen?

They couldn't figure out why the three elders would call Su Chen such a name. They all looked at Su Chen. Could it be that Su Chen had already gone to the Ultimate Peak?

"Shentu Yan, he is our little brother, and the three of us have decided that from now on, the Ultimate Clan will fully assist Su Chen in dealing with Gu Ding."

"Kill the ancient tripod of the gods?"

"Uncle Master, there is no need for us to be enemies with Gu Ding. I have already received news that Gu Ding has broken through its own limits and achieved transcendence into the universe."

This is something that no one can figure out. Why, after everything went well, the three elders suddenly wanted to help Su Chen, and even helped Su Chen take action.

But now, everyone finally knows who Su Chen's enemy is. It turns out to be Gu Ding from the Suicide Clan, a powerful man who transcends the universe.

"The three of us have already made an agreement with my little brother on this matter. You just need to follow it."

"So what do we do?"

Things have come to this point, and Shen Tuyan and others know very well that even if they are unwilling, it will not help, because in the Ultimate clan, the status of the three ultimate elders is higher than them.

If it were anyone else, they could violate it, but facing the ultimate three elders, not even Shentu Yan was qualified to violate it.

Since you can't violate it, you can only agree.

"Everything depends on my little brother's arrangement."

"Third Elder, in that case, I want to go directly to the Killing God Clan. The ancient tripod will be handed over to the four of us. They will live around the Killing God Clan to prevent the ancient tripod from escaping."

Shen Tuyan looked at Su Chen and asked, "How confident are you that you can successfully kill the ancient tripod?"

This is what Shen Tuyan is most concerned about, because in his opinion, it is not only because Gu Ding is the leader of the God-killing Clan, but also because he is a powerful man who transcends the universe. Even if there are three ultimate elders sitting in charge, if he wants to kill Gu Ding smoothly, I believe it is definitely not an easy task.

"If I didn't have the slightest confidence before, but with the help of the three elders, I am very sure that I can kill the ancient cauldron, and I can promise that after killing the ancient cauldron, I will continue to understand the Universe Pill, as long as I can refine it Making the ninth-level cosmic elixir can help you achieve the true transcendent cosmic state."

Offering an olive branch again, Su Chen knew very well that although the three elders agreed to help him in the end, Shen Tuyan and others were not willing.

Shentu Yan and others are all half-step beyond the universe, and the only temptation is their cultivation. The universe pill cannot help half-step beyond the universe to impact the transcendence of the universe.

"Can you really refine the elixir that allows us to impact the transcendent universe?"

"You can ask Chief Shentu if it can be refined."

Shen Tuyan nodded and said: "The elixir he took out before is indeed effective, but it is unknown whether he can come up with the elixir that will allow us to break through."

"Everyone, things have come to this point. I actually don't have to promise, but for the sake of the three elders, I don't want your help to be in vain. If you don't want to go to kill the God Clan, you can tell us, even if it's just me and the three elders. Old, it’s enough to successfully surround Gu Ding.”

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