Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 4232 Awakening the Dao Phoenix


The collision of sword energies caused a terrifying sea of ​​blood to surge.

Su Chen didn't take a step back, and even pressed forward step by step.

If the Corpse Heavenly Ancestor was at his peak, he might have the upper hand and be able to suppress Su Chen.

but now.

With Su Chen's special strength, coupled with the enhanced action of using the Blood Sacrifice Diagram, the Corpse Heavenly Ancestor could no longer hold on.


There was an icy roar, and before Su Chen could even react, his entire body and the endless sea of ​​blood instantly disappeared into the corpse painting.

Looking at the light curtain in front of him, Su Chen smiled.

It seems that the situation of the Corpse Heavenly Ancestor is much more serious than I imagined. But the Corpse Heavenly Ancestor has the power to deal with him, so I believe he will not choose to compromise.

If it were anyone else, they would definitely leave the corpse painting after finally leaving it.

Only Su Chen.

Not only did he have no intention of leaving home, but he wanted to continue to deal with the Corpse Heavenly Ancestor. He knew very well that if he left, he would have no chance to deal with the Corpse Heavenly Ancestor.

Although there is no grudge between him and the Corpse Heavenly Ancestor, no one can guarantee whether the Corpse Heavenly Ancestor will deal with him in the future.

The best way is to take advantage of the corpse Tianzu's bad situation to suppress it.

Holding the Blood Sacrifice Diagram in hand, Su Chen knew that he could not forcefully continue to activate the Blood Sacrifice Diagram. It would not be of any benefit to him if he suffered the backlash of the Blood Sacrifice Diagram.

And now the only person who can suppress the corpse painting is the blood sacrifice picture, and I definitely can't do it.

Thinking of this, Su Chen summoned the Dao Phoenix. Although the seeds of chaos had been planted in the Dao Phoenix, it was still unknown whether it would be 100% effective based on his current level of Chaos Devouring Technique.

However, he had no choice but to forcefully plant chaos seeds in Dao Huang, hoping to improve the level of the Chaos Devouring Technique in the future.

According to what Ta Ling said.

If the Chaos Devouring Technique that I have practiced can break through to the third stage of the eighth level, or even the ninth level, I believe that the Chaos Seed can be promoted to the highest level.

If this is the case, I believe that under the confinement of the Chaos Seed, I believe that I do not need to worry about being backlashed by the Chaos Powerhouse.

After all, he successfully obtained two innate treasures, which will definitely attract all the powerful Chaos warriors to snatch them in the future.


He needs to be on guard and see if he can use these half-step innate chaos experts to check and balance other half-step innate chaos experts.

Daohuang was still in a deep sleep, and Su Chen never woke him up.

Because he is not sure if he forcibly awakens the Dao Phoenix, whether it will directly awaken the chaotic consciousness like the Chaos Phoenix.

If this is the case, under the premise that the Chaos Seeds cannot have any effect, it is really unclear whether they are enemies or friends.

He didn't want to be an enemy of Dao Huang.

but now.

He must awaken Dao Huang to deal with the corpse painting.

Su Chen knew very well that if he just forced himself to continue to activate the Blood Sacrifice Diagram, the consequences would be disastrous if it was backfired. It was completely unnecessary.

However, if Daohuang can use the Blood Sacrifice Diagram, not only will he not be counterattacked by the Blood Sacrifice Diagram, he will even help himself suppress the Corpse Painting with the help of the Blood Sacrifice Diagram.

The soul poured into Daohuang's mind, and he carefully tried to awaken Daohuang.

Su Chen was not completely sure that he would be able to wake up Daohuang. After all, Daohuang had been sleeping for too long.

Daohuang suddenly opened his eyes. There was no expression on his face. His whole body suddenly erupted with an extreme coldness, like an ice peak descending. Even Su Chen couldn't help but shudder.


Su Chen could clearly sense that Daohuang was forcibly awakened by him and had not awakened his chaotic consciousness, so strictly speaking, Daohuang was still a puppet.

Daohuang followed Su Chen's orders and began to frantically activate the Blood Sacrifice Diagram. The vast sea of ​​endless blood surged out of the Blood Sacrifice Diagram instantly.


A heavy cold snort suddenly resounded through the void. The angry Corpse Heavenly Ancestor did not seem to have thought that she had chosen to compromise and not take action. She originally thought that the other party would just leave.

The results of it?

Not only did Su Chen not leave, but he chose to continue taking action. This was a naked provocation. How could he not feel angry.

The Corpse Heavenly Ancestor was completely angered and wanted to cut Su Chen into pieces.

It’s really frustrating.

She can even kill Shen Tuyan and others at will, but she actually has to give in when facing a small controller of the universe.

Faced with such a provocation, the Corpse Heavenly Ancestor, who could no longer retreat, chose to take action.

The endless corpses surging in the corpse painting began to gather into a sword. This time, she did not take action in the corpse painting space because it would not be of any benefit to her.

The dense corpse sword energy breaks through the corpse painting space and kills towards the endless sea of ​​blood. If the sword energy attacks the sea of ​​blood, it will disappear.

This is what makes Tian Zu the most angry and unacceptable.

She had full confidence in the sword energy she used. A simple Su Chen would definitely not be able to resist the sword energy, but the blood map in this person's hand was not simple.

She could almost conclude that the blood map in Su Chen's hand must have come from the small world and was of a very high level. If she could get such a blood map, it would definitely be even more powerful for her.

"Zombie Heavenly Ancestor, I can give you a chance. As long as you are willing to surrender to me, I promise that when I break through to the halfway point of transcending the universe, I will give you your freedom and help you recover from your injuries."

Su Chen's meaning was very simple. He just wanted to surrender the Corpse Heavenly Ancestor instead of killing the Corpse Heavenly Ancestor. It was more meaningful for him to surrender the Corpse Heavenly Ancestor. There was no doubt about it.

The Corpse Heavenly Ancestor did not answer, but judging from the Corpse Heavenly Ancestor's frantic use of the Corpse Sword Qi, it already explained what the Corpse Heavenly Ancestor meant.

"Stubborn, since you are unwilling to surrender, I can only kill you."

After Su Chen swallowed the pills continuously, he did not choose to take action. Instead, he relied on Dao Phoenix to activate the blood sacrifice map, hoping to use the endless sea of ​​blood to suppress the Corpse Heavenly Ancestor.

at this time.

The entire Sacrificial Clan began to tumble, and the terrifying aura of the sea of ​​blood spread throughout the Sacrificial Clan, and the enveloped Sacrificial Clan disciples began to scream pitifully.

The high-level warriors were completely stunned as they looked at the scenes in front of them.

"How is this going?"

"Everyone avoid it immediately."

Unfortunately, many people had no time to dodge, because the blood mist released by the blood sea spread too fast, covering the warriors and starting to slaughter them wantonly.

No matter what else the Blood Sacrifice Diagram is, as long as it is within the coverage of the Blood Sea, it will be refined unscrupulously and become a drop of blood in the Blood Sea.

Ordinary elders and guardians did not dare to stay any longer, and they no longer even cared about the lives and deaths of other members of the sacrificial clan. All they could do now was to leave here quickly and avoid being covered by the blood mist.

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