Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 4351 You can also do it yourself

If a man does not work for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth.

Su Chen thinks that he is a true gentleman.

He definitely wants to help Huo Xixi recover from her injuries, at least temporarily.

However, before helping Huo Xixi, the first thing to do is to provide himself with enough power to continuously improve his own realm.

Huo Xixi sneered and said: "In this case, you'd better talk to the little girl. Do you think I will choose to believe you?"

"It's your business whether you believe it or not. I have a clear conscience. You can look at Tianzai. If it weren't for me, he would not be able to recover from his injuries, let alone come to the small world, and there are Xiaopang, Xiaohuo and others."

"All the power is given to you, and you can't recover in a short time. In this case, who will protect my safety."

Huo Xixi didn't speak.

Su Chen continued, "I can promise that as long as you help me break the fire talisman, the power inside will be half for you and half for me. How about that?"

"Twenty-eight, you two and I eight."




Huo Xixi was really angry and cursed, "Su Chen, don't push your luck. Without my help, you can't break the seal of the fire talisman at all. My bottom line is 40-60. If you don't want to, then I can only do nothing."


Although he agreed verbally, it was 40-60.

Who's 40? Who's 60?

You can also take 60 yourself and Huo Xixi take 40.

Just as Huo Xixi said, he and Xiaohuo had tried and couldn't break the fire talisman smoothly. He didn't want to give up, so he could only agree to Huo Xixi temporarily.

"I will lend you my power temporarily. As long as you follow what I say, you can enter the Fire Talisman smoothly."

"Can't break it?"

"I was almost able to do it at my peak, but I can't do it now."

Su Chen was somewhat reluctant, because in his opinion, it was the best choice to forcefully break the Fire Talisman. In this way, no one could be sure whether there was any danger in the Fire Talisman.

Unfortunately, the current situation was very clear. Either he chose to do it according to Huo Xixi's method, or he chose to give up directly.

Unwilling to give up, Su Chen could only choose to accept Huo Xixi's method.


Huo Xixi's power poured into Su Chen's body. According to the method taught by Huo Xixi, he began to make seals with both hands, and one after another Fire hand seals were constantly injected into the Fire Talisman in front of him.

Without further hesitation, Su Chen took a step and the whole person instantly disappeared in the Fire Talisman.

Su Chen entered smoothly, but he was not surprised at all, because he didn't know whether this matter was dangerous for him.

This is a fiery red valley, with reddish magma flowing everywhere, and the hot air flow rushing towards us, even Su Chen is a little uncomfortable.

"Boss, the power here is not suitable for you and me to swallow."

"You can't swallow it either?"

This surprised Su Chen very much, because he knew Xiaohuo's true body very well, and he could swallow ordinary flame power without any scruples.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, this flame power has integrated a lot of other powers. If we swallow it, it will not only fail to help us improve our cultivation, but we will even be backfired by the power."

What Xiaohuo sensed, Huo Xixi also obviously sensed, frowning tightly, and said: "The power here is not suitable for us."

Even the Chaos Devouring Art can't handle it, it seems that this power is indeed not suitable. Su Chen is very unwilling in his heart, but he has no way.

"You haven't told me yet, what is the strange fire talisman."

"Talisman Master, have you heard of it?"

"Of course."

Su Chen certainly knows the Talisman Master. In the myriad universes, the Talisman Master is the same as the Formation Master and the Alchemist, and the talent required is stronger.

For a warrior, as long as you have some talent and enough effort, you may be able to improve your own cultivation, but if you don't have talent in the way of talismans, no matter how hard you work, it will be in vain.

"This strange fire space is obviously sealed by a powerful talisman master. To be able to refine such a strange fire talisman, this person's attainments in the way of talismans must be absolutely extraordinary."

"Is there a strange fire in it?"


Xiaohuo also shook his head. Su Chen may not believe Huo Xixi, but he chose to believe Xiaohuo.

It seems that his expectations are too high. Since there is no strange fire here and it cannot devour the power here, it is nonsense to venture in.

Just when Su Chen was about to leave.

He suddenly stopped and turned around, staring at the space in front of him, with some surprise in his eyes.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

The chaotic body contained in Su Chen's body itself has fused with the strange fire body. Just when he was about to leave, he suddenly sensed that the strange fire body in his body had sensed it.

This induction was very weak, almost negligible, but Su Chen caught it instantly.

He knew very well that he could trigger the induction of the alien fire divine body in his body. There must be an opportunity here. Without any hesitation, he immediately took out the Taibaojian and began to sense it quietly.

Xiaohuo did not speak. He knew the boss's character very well. He must have sensed some kind of opportunity.

Time passed.

I don't know how long it took.

Su Chen suddenly opened his eyes, took a step forward, and came to the center of the alien fire space.

"Boss, did you sense anything?"

"The breath of alien fire."

"It shouldn't be. If there is a strange fire here, it will definitely not be hidden from me."

Xiaohuo doubted his own judgment. After all, he had sensed it repeatedly before, and there was no so-called strange fire, including Huo Xixi.

But the boss sensed it. Xiaohuo would definitely not doubt the boss. He knew very well that the boss must have sensed it, otherwise the boss would not speak casually.

"Boss, can you lock the exact location?"

"It will take some time."

Su Chen closed his eyes again. A single fetal treasure mirror might not be able to lock it. It must be combined with the strange fire body in his body.


Su Chen suddenly stretched out his hand, and the terrifying devouring power and copying power formed a huge palm, grabbing directly towards the void in front of him.

As the void grabbed, Su Chen's power gathered in his palm.

The rolling airflow formed a vortex and began to absorb it frantically.


Accompanied by a deafening explosion, suddenly, a sword roar suddenly roared out from the void, and Su Chen was shocked.

A long sword with a fiery red body slowly emerged, with flames engraved on the hilt, as if it was about to burn the sky and the earth, giving people an extremely shocking feeling.


Who would have thought that there was a sword hidden here? If it weren't for the induction fluctuations of the Different Fire Divine Body, he would definitely have missed it.

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