Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 4386 Su Chen draws his sword

Without exception.

All the people in the first group failed to successfully draw the Yuanting Sword and ended up in failure.

A sigh!

Although they had already guessed that this would be the result, those who failed to draw the sword still couldn't help but sigh, very unwilling.

Because each of them wanted to draw the Yuanting Sword, so that they could successfully get the support of Baili Mi and even the entire Baili family.

"Boss, when will it be your turn."

Su Chen looked at his serial number and said with a smile: "At this speed, I guess it will take about three hours for me to take my turn."

The little fat man laughed.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Boss, you will definitely be able to draw the Yuanting Sword."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because you have obtained a lot of divine swords, all from the Divine Sword List, I believe you have a connection with the divine sword. Although the Yuanting Sword is not a divine sword, I believe you can do it."

Patting the little fat man's head, Su Chen smiled and said: "Little brat, you know nothing."

Without saying anything more, Su Chen did not have any confidence that he would be able to successfully draw the Yuanting Sword.

Groups of warriors came to the sword-drawing platform and began to try to draw the sword.

Some were blocked by the sword cover, and the rest who successfully entered the sword-drawing platform all failed to draw the sword.

"I knew that no one could draw the Yuanting Sword. Even my aunt couldn't draw it, let alone this group of people. It's a waste of time."

"Shh! Keep your voice down. If my aunt knows, you'll be beaten by her."

Baili Rourou was also helpless. Although everyone in the Baili family had already guessed this possibility, they couldn't help but sigh when they saw that no one could successfully draw the Yuanting Sword.

"Dad, if this continues, I'm worried that my aunt will be hit."

This is what Baili Rourou is most worried about. After all, although my aunt is a powerful Tianzun, she will definitely have no problem fighting against masters.


When it comes to emotional issues, my aunt seems like a blank sheet of paper.

If no one can draw the Yuanting Sword, my aunt's sword-drawing marriage is a joke.

Baili Chuan didn't say anything, just watched quietly.

Because he didn't know what to say. He originally refused this matter, but the aunt insisted on finding a husband for him. As the head of the Baili family, he had no way to do it.

Two and a half hours later.

Half an hour earlier than the time Su Chen guessed.

Su Chen and a hundred people came to the sword-drawing platform.

Feeling the sword cover, Su Chen directly mobilized the copy power and successfully entered the sword-drawing platform.

Among the hundred people, about forty people walked onto the sword-drawing platform.

One by one, they began to draw the sword.

One by one, they failed.

Finally, Su Chen was left, and he came to the sword-drawing platform and looked at the Yuanting Sword in front of him.

Just when Su Chen was about to draw the sword.

Su Chen suddenly saw that there were three very thin and long grooves on the hilt of the Yuanting Sword. The more he looked at it, the more familiar it was, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

"Boy, draw your sword quickly. It's useless even if you want to delay time."

"That's right. If you can't draw it out, you can't draw it out. Even if you watch it for ten thousand years, you still can't draw it out. If you don't want to draw your sword, then get out of here quickly and don't waste other people's time."

"If you don't dare to come down again, believe it or not, I will blow your ass."

Angry curses came one after another. Everyone was very angry, because everyone who went up was a quick battle, and there would be no dragging.

Only this person, he was hesitant to watch, wishing he could watch it for a lifetime. Is it useful? It's useless. If you can't draw it out, you can't draw it out. It's impossible to draw it out just by looking at it.

The elder of the Baili family stood up and said, "This little brother, you should draw your sword quickly. It's useless to just watch it."

Su Chen nodded and said, "I want to ask, no matter what method you use, as long as you can draw the Yuanting Sword? Or is there a limit?"

As soon as this was said, it immediately attracted another round of curses!

The elder waved his hand to stop everyone from getting angry and looked at the aunt. After all, he couldn't make the decision on this matter. He just said that the one who drew the sword would win.

As for whether it was possible to use external forces, it depended on the aunt's opinion.

Seeing the aunt nod, the elder immediately said: "There is no limit."

"Any external force is fine."


Everyone under the sword-drawing stage cursed the man who talked so much nonsense, and even greeted Su Chen's eighteen generations of ancestors.

"He is so pretentious, as if he can definitely pull out the Yuanting Sword. If I were the Baili family, I would definitely kill this kind of rubbish first."

"I don't think it's a big deal. After all, everyone wants to pull out the Yuanting Sword smoothly, not to mention using external force. The Baili family is in front of him. If there is any accident, let alone whether he can pull out the sword smoothly, he will probably be killed by the Baili family."

"It's useless to be right. He definitely can't pull out the Yuanting Sword smoothly. Why do so many things? It's really speechless."

Su Chen ignored everyone's curses and looked back at the Yuanting Sword inserted on the sword-drawing platform.

It was still that familiar feeling, especially the three thin and long grooves on the hilt. Then Su Chen took out three ultimate needles.

Yes, it was the ultimate needle.

Su Chen believed his speculation. The three grooves on the hilt of the Yuanting Sword were almost the same length and thickness as the ultimate needles. How could there be no connection?

Su Chen was completely dumbfounded. He had never thought that the three ultimate needles he got in the universe were actually related to the Yuanting Sword.

Fortunately, he was greedy and had to get the three ultimate needles. Otherwise, the probability of him being able to pull out the Yuanting Sword would be less than 20%.

Before, Su Chen still wanted to use the copy blood wheel to see if he could pull out the Yuanting Sword. Now that he has discovered this secret, Su Chen is ready to use the ultimate needle.

"I'm really impressed. I want to beat this bastard to death. He delayed me from going up to draw the sword. Maybe I can successfully draw the Yuanting Sword."

"He wants to use external force, but I don't know what kind of external force he wants to use. And if he can use external force, won't the person in front suffer a loss?"

"That may not be the case. Since he can't draw the Yuanting Sword, he can't draw it anyway, even if he uses external force."

"What do you think this person wants to do?"

"Who knows."

Everyone cursed, but even the Baili family was willing to wait, so they dared not say anything and could only watch this person continue to stand on the sword-drawing platform.

"My little brother, if you don't want to draw the sword, please leave the sword-drawing platform and let others continue to go up to the sword-drawing platform."

Su Chen finally started to move.

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