Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 508 If an accident occurs, I am not responsible

Su Chen's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard the word strange fire. He had almost no resistance to strange fire. As long as he could encounter it, he would try his best to get it smoothly.

He also did not expect that the Jiuyou Blood Monkey Clan actually contained strange fire.

It is very difficult for others to conquer the alien fire. Even if they are not careful, they will be counterattacked by the alien fire and die without a place to die. But he has no fear at all. After all, he has the alien fire nemesis in his hand. plate.

Devoured by the alien fire-burning disk, no alien fire could withstand it. Even the Immortal Burning God Flame, which ranked third on the alien fire list, was devoured and fused by the alien fire-burning disk.

"This kind of strange fire is called the twin blood and bone flames. It is ranked 106th on the strange fire list. There are two flames in one body. I hope that you can surrender the twin blood and bone flames and divide them into two. I, Jiuyou The Blood Monkey Clan only needs half of the strange fire, I believe there will be no problem, right?"

"make a deal."

How could Su Chen refuse such a good thing?

"You leave first." ??

"I'll accompany you."


The three monkey kings said, "Your Excellency, are you afraid that we will regret it? I, a member of the Nine Nether Blood Monkey Clan, can tell you the truth. Since I have agreed to cooperate with you, I will definitely not regret it."

Shaking his head, Su Chen said with a smile, "I don't trust anyone, I only trust myself. Just in case, let her leave first. I believe there is no problem with the three of you, right?"

To be honest, Su Chen is too lazy to talk nonsense. Although Wan Yaoxi is at the peak Tribulation Realm, it is really not enough to be seen in front of the Jiuyou Blood Monkey Clan, especially there are three quasi-emperors in the Jiuyou Blood Monkey Clan. Monster.

They did not continue to stop them. The three monkey kings did not care about this person's life or death. What they really cared about was that they wanted to get half of the strange fire, and they sincerely wanted to cooperate with this person. Otherwise, , why waste time and talk.

Wan Yaoxi stared at the young man next to her. From the initial contempt to the current curiosity, she seemed not to have thought that things would come to this point.

Nodding, Wan Yaoxi said, "Be careful."

Without staying any longer, Wan Yaoxi immediately turned around and left.

Wait until Wan Yao

After Xi left, Su Chen clasped his fists towards the three monkey kings and said, "You three, please."


The three Monkey Kings would not take the human warriors in the Venerable Realm seriously at all, but when facing this person, they were surprised because they had never seen a human warrior who could master dozens of different kinds of weapons at the same time. Fire, this is the real reason why they want to ask this person to help.

Of course the three monkey kings want to swallow the blood and bones of both bodies, but they have been trying for hundreds of years and have never been able to successfully surrender. With the tyranny of the alien fire, it is not easy to surrender. Later, they accidentally fell. Will fall.

After much deliberation, it was not easy to find such a human being who could subdue the strange fire. They only needed half of the strange fire, and they were already satisfied.

Deep in the mountain peak, three monkey kings jointly opened a passage, and a passage suddenly appeared. The dim passage was filled with gloomy winds. The three monkey kings walked in first, but Su Chen didn't think much and followed the three monkey kings directly into the passage. The others However, the Nine Nether Blood Monkeys stopped moving forward and stayed outside the passage.

If it were anyone else, they might not dare to follow the three monkey kings into the passage. After all, facing three quasi-emperor realm monsters at the same time, a human warrior at the venerable realm alone would not even have a chance to regret once he was tricked.

Only Su Chen chose to take risks under the temptation of the alien fire. He had to successfully obtain the alien fire no matter what. After all, the alien fire burning plate he obtained must be continuously integrated with the alien fire so that the level can be continuously upgraded and arranged. Only by creating the Strange Fire Burning Desolation Formation can the power of the formation be continuously enhanced.

The passage was very long, and the four of them walked for dozens of minutes before entering a huge cave. The breath of hot flames hit their faces, and the entire cave was like a huge fire cage.

As soon as he stepped into the cave, Su Chen instantly saw a ball of flame floating in a stone pool not far away. There were two strands. It was the so-called twin blood and bone flame, ranking 106th on the list of strange fires. .

Arriving in front of the stone pool, the three monkey kings pointed at the strange fire in front of them and said, "You must have guessed that this is the 106th one on the list of strange fires."

We have already studied Twin Blood Bone Flame. Twin Blood Bone Flame can be forcibly split into two parts. Maybe the power of Twin Blood Bone Flame will be slightly reduced, but it will not affect the level. As long as you can successfully surrender and separate, , you kind of, we kind of, how about? ""no problem. "

Su Chen looked at the twin blood and bone flames in the stone pool, and of course he understood that this kind of strange fire could indeed be forcibly separated, but it would definitely affect the level of the twin blood and bone flames.

The most important thing is that he can't guarantee whether the three monkey kings will take action against him when he surrenders the strange fire and successfully peels it off, so he must make sure plans.

With a serious face, Su Chen stared at the strange fire in front of him.

"What's wrong, sir?" "Three of you, with all due respect, this kind of strange fire is very special. Even I am not completely sure that I can successfully surrender it, and once I surrender, it will be impossible to peel it off."

"What do you mean, Your Excellency?"

"It's very simple. Before surrendering, I forcefully peel off the alien fire. Then I help the three of them surrender and fuse the alien fire. Later, I will surrender and fuse the other half of the alien fire." ??

Hearing this, the three monkey kings were all happy. This was the result they wanted, and in their opinion, this human warrior did not dare to play tricks.

"Then what should we do?"

"The three of you will use your power to cover the stone pool, and I will start to peel off the strange fire. Once the strange fire is separated, I will help the three of you refine the strange fire. As for who will surrender and fuse, that is a matter for the three of you."


"Start now."

The three monkey kings immediately covered the stone pool with their palms, and a stream of power poured into the stone pool. It was not a surprise to be able to subdue and integrate the strange fire.

Su Chen's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness. He didn't dare to bet, because he knew very well that if he lost the bet, he would definitely be killed by the three monkey kings.

Preemptive strike, and the twin blood and bone flames must not be separated. He wants to conquer the entire twin body blood and bone flames.

The strange fire burning disk floated out, slowly

Arriving on the stone pool, the blood and bones enveloped both bodies, and waves of power surged out crazily.

"Are you three ready?"


"Let's start now."

From the Strange Fire Burning Desolate Disk, various types of strange fires began to emerge continuously, including the Immortal Burning God Flame, Pan Emperor Burning Bone Flame, Bone Netherworld Fire, Hell Hell Flame, Phoenix True Flame, and Ninth Grade Purple Lotus Flame. Tribulation Heart Hell Flame, Dragon Elephant Buddha Flame, Qilin Flame, Lihuo Flame, Golden Crown Flame, and Black Nightmare Flame.

The extremely domineering alien fire instantly condensed into the alien fire burning formation, covering the three monkey kings, frightening the three monkey emperors' bodies to tremble violently.

Opening his eyes suddenly, the Monkey King asked anxiously, "What do you want to do?"

"Don't worry, you three. I can only use the formation to subdue the twin blood and bone flames. If the three of them are not enveloped, even if I can peel them off by then, I believe that the three of them will not be able to successfully integrate the alien fire. I can stop at any time. But if it fails later, I will have to fuse both bodies of blood and bone at the same time."

The faces of the three monkey kings were very gloomy, and they knew very well that there was nothing wrong with what this person said. After all, it was not easy to surrender the strange fire.

If they could achieve fusion, there would be no need to wait until now, and they would even need to use the power of outsiders to subdue the strange fire.

After all, they still can't do it. This person can use the alien fire to arrange the formation and use the alien fire formation to suppress the two bodies of blood and bone. There is no problem.

They must be worried, this is the most normal thing, but compared with surrendering the strange fire, the risk is still worth it.

The other party is only in the Venerable realm. If we deal with them, it will be difficult to leave alive. I believe that as long as this person is not a fool, he will definitely not dig his own grave.

Thinking of this, the three monkey kings nodded and said, "Excuse me, Your Excellency."

"Please don't be distracted. I won't be responsible for any accidents."


Seeing the three monkey kings taking action again, Su Chen sneered. He would not leave his destiny to the three monkey kings, he must control it in his own hands.

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