Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 102 What exactly is it?

After Lin Feng got rid of the satellite tracking, he stayed directly in a desert.

He planned to take a closer look at the half-broken body of the Silver Transformer.

"Intelligent assistant, can I fuse this half of the Transformer body?"

Lin Feng asked the smart assistant.

"Of course! The owner can fuse the material in this body into his own tail, thereby greatly improving the tail's toughness!"

The smart assistant suggested.

"That's what I thought!"

Lin Feng nodded.

Then he began to dig a huge cave in the desert and buried himself in it.

Because, the smart assistant reminded that it takes forty minutes to absorb the Silver Transformer.

During this period of time, Lin Feng cannot be disturbed!

Underground pyramid stone interior.


Dr. Jones, Dr. Chen and others are carefully studying the reliefs carved on the statues in the hall.

At this moment, the stone sculpture in the center suddenly moved.

"How is this going?"

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the half-human, half-animal stone statue.

Assistant Liu also moved the muzzle of the gun over, ready to shoot at any time.


The huge stone statue continued to ring.

Everyone was very worried. They were worried that the monster lurking in the dark had come here.

Soon, the stone statue stopped moving.

Behind the stone statue, footsteps sounded.

Da da da!

"somebody is coming?"

Dr. Jones also holds a pistol in his hand. If there is the slightest sign of trouble, he will shoot immediately!

The footsteps were scattered and messy, and it was obvious that more than one person was coming.

Soon, a middle-aged man wearing mercenary clothing walked down from behind the statue.

His eyes were a little strange, with no whites, as if they were covered with a layer of darkness.

Behind this strange mercenary was the high priest of the Sun Temple.

"Assistant Liu, Dr. Jones? Dr. Chen? Why are you here?"

The high priest was very surprised after seeing Dr. Jones and others.

"It turns out to be the high priest!"

Dr. Jones had a smile in his eyes.

Then, he pointed behind the statue: "Is that the road leading to the outside world?"

The reason why Dr. Jones is so happy is that he finally found a way out.

He didn't want to stay in this damn place for a moment longer.

Not only Dr. Jones, but Dr. Evan and Dr. Magellan also had expressions of relief on their faces.

During the half day they were trapped in the underground pyramid, they had been worried.

The high priest glanced at Dr. Jones with a complicated look in his eyes, and then asked: "Dr. Jones, have you seen anything strange here?"

When Dr. Jones heard the high priest ask this, his heart skipped a beat and he looked at him in surprise: "What is the high priest referring to? We saw many strange things down here!"

At this time, Sirius, who was walking in front of the high priest, said in a strange voice: "Food! Nutritious food!"

Everyone focused their attention on him.

Dr. Chen and Dr. Jones both noticed his abnormality.

At this time, the mercenary leader Sirius seemed to be dehydrated, his skin all over his body turned black, and the black blood vessels on his cheeks were bald, like ferocious earthworms.

Seeing this scene, Assistant Liu immediately walked over quickly and pointed the gun in his hand at Sirius: "Who are you?"

Obviously, to his intuition, this didn't look like an ordinary person.

Not even a person!

"Hey! I'm not a human! I'm a god!"

Sirius rolled his strange eyes, looked at Assistant Liu, and grinned, revealing some blackened teeth.


Assistant Liu instinctively felt something was wrong, so he started to pull the trigger.

Da da da!

A series of bullets were fired at Sirius.

However, it's too late.

Sirius's speed was very fast. The black shadow flashed and he had already rushed in front of Assistant Liu.

All the bullets fired from the submachine gun fell into the air!

"What a speed!"

Everyone's heart skipped a beat.

The speed displayed by this strange mercenary is almost like a ghost!

Assistant Liu has practiced martial arts since he was a child and has great skills. He immediately started to fight with Sirius in close combat.

Bang bang!

Assistant Liu quickly attacked Sirius's neck, chest, and legs.

However, they discovered that this wolf was so fast that it was almost inhuman, forming a series of afterimages.


Assistant Liu received a kick and was kicked ten meters away. He fell directly out of the temple and rolled down the stone stairs.

Dr. Jones saw the opportunity, took out his pistol, and fired rapidly.

Bang bang bang!

Three bullets were fired at Sirius's head and shoulders in a Z-shaped pattern.

I saw that Tian Lang swayed, calmly dodged the bullet, and chased Assistant Liu.

"What the hell is this?"

Dr. Evan's face was filled with surprise.

The high priest and others hesitated to speak.

Dr. Jones immediately hurried out in pursuit.

Everyone shouted: "Dr. Jones, be careful!"

Dr. Jones carefully walked down the stone stairs.

Soon, he found Assistant Liu and the mercenary Sirius at the end of the stairs.

At this time, Sirius had fallen to the ground.

The same goes for Assistant Liu next to him.

What worries Dr. Jones is that Assistant Liu's body is shaking continuously at this time.

"Is everything going to be okay?"

Dr. Jones immediately walked over quickly, squatted down, and picked up Assistant Liu's head.

Then, he used his fingers to spread Assistant Liu's eyelids.

The next moment, Dr. Jones' hands shook in fright.

Because, he saw that Assistant Liu's eyeballs had turned pitch black.

The whites of his eyes completely disappeared!

This is exactly the same as the mercenary leader Sirius!

"How is this going?"

Dr. Jones was extremely shocked.

He looked at Sirius beside him.

I found that his body had become shriveled up, as if all the moisture in his body had been lost!

"It can't be that Assistant Liu is infected with some kind of disease, right?"

Dr. Jones guessed in his mind.

In some science fiction movies, there have been many such situations.

"What should I do? Will Assistant Liu become like him?"

Dr. Jones was very confused.

He debated whether to smash Assistant Liu's head directly to prevent his body from being used by that strange thing.

Dr. Jones was a very rational person. After thinking for a moment, he pointed the pistol at Assistant Liu's head and prepared to pull the trigger.

"What do you want to do?"

Just as Dr. Jones was about to shoot, a dull voice sounded.

The next moment, a black substance condensed from Assistant Liu's body.


The black substance formed a black fist and struck Dr. Jones' chest.

The huge force instantly knocked Dr. Jones far away!


Dr. Jones kept coughing up blood and looked at Assistant Liu lying on the ground with a shocked face.

What happened to him?

What exactly is that black substance?

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