Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 106 Genetic Biochemical Man!

"Sam, hold on! I'm here to save you now!"

After seeing that it was Sam, Dr. Jones immediately pulled out the military dagger from his waist and prepared to cut the mucus on him.

"No! No need! Dr. Jones, you, give me a good time!"

Sam shook his head, with a hint of pleading in his eyes.

"Wha, what?"

Dr. Jones thought he had heard wrongly.

"Hurry, hurry up! It's too late, just, it's too late!"

Sam said with a pale face.

During this period of time, he had seen too many people suffer the consequences of being parasitized by the Octopus Monster.

Sam didn't want to wait until this ugly thing came out of his chest.

As he spoke, blood was already flowing out of the corners of Sam's mouth.

He tried his best to hold back the severe pain in his internal organs.

The alien larvae were parasitic in his body, constantly sucking his life energy.

Dr. Jones also understood Sam's situation at this time.

But, how could he be able to do this after they met each other?

"Dr. Jones, please forgive me! I feel uncomfortable!"

Seeing that Jones couldn't do anything, Sam begged.

"Okay! Have a good trip, Sam!"

Dr. Jones sighed and pointed the gun at Sam's head.

After a moment, he closed his eyes and pulled the trigger.


There was a gunshot, and Sam's head was pierced, causing his brain to burst.


As soon as Dr. Jones' gunshot rang out, a hole opened in Sam's chest.

Remembering what Sam had just said, Dr. Jones immediately pointed the gun at Sam's chest and pulled the trigger.

Da da da!

A series of gunshots rang out.


There was a neighing sound, and the young alien emerged from Sam's chest. It rushed towards Dr. Jones, trying to bite him to death.

Bang bang!

Dr. Jones's marksmanship was extremely accurate, and he hit the alien and killed it completely!

The sound of gunfire here quickly attracted the attention of others.

After a while, Dr. Chen, Dr. Evan and others rushed over.

Looking at the body lying on the stone platform, Dr. Chen said with a low expression: "It's Sam!"

"He was parasitized by an alien, and I gave him a ride!"

Dr. Jones whispered.

"Dr. Jones! Don't feel guilty, I would have done the same!"

Dr. Chen patted Dr. Jones on the shoulder comfortingly.

The guilt of killing a teammate with your own hands is unimaginable to most people.

Everyone looked inside this stone room for a while and found that most of their teammates died here.

It even included William who was expelled from the team.

"It seems that this stone chamber is used to hatch aliens!"

Dr. Jones looked at it for a moment and then said.

"These mechanisms are used to transport alien eggs. Let's see where this pipeline leads!"


Dr. Chen and others immediately began to check.

At this time, in the sky over Egypt, there was a plane.

Shengtang, who was dressed in a suit, looked at the map and knew that he had reached his destination.

He immediately opened the box and took out several Gene Fury potions inside.

"You! Go and inject this genetic violence potion into the mice!"

Shengtang pointed at the researchers wearing white coats and said.


The researchers immediately entered the iron cage with the violent potion.

"Don't worry! This potion won't kill you!"

A researcher wearing glasses glanced at the strong man in front of him and said.

"I promise! If I have the chance, I will wring your neck!"

The strong man opened his eyes, glanced at the researcher and said.

This strong man has a number on his body, which is No. 1.

"I hope you get a chance!"

The researcher glanced at him and stabbed No. 1's arm.


The researcher pushed all the violent medicine in the syringe.

This kind of thing also happened in other iron cages.

When the Holy Church saw that all the 'white mice' had been injected with the violent gene medicine, a satisfied smile appeared on their faces.

Then, he looked at the Rolex on his wrist: "There are still ten minutes! In ten minutes, the medicine will take full effect!"

The researchers all panicked: "What should we do?"

If the violent potion works, these death row prisoners who are injected with the potion will turn into giants.

When the time comes, they will be the first to suffer!

"Now, let's attach parachutes to them!"

Santang pointed to the parachute on the side and said.

"Yes, sir!"

Several mercenaries in camouflage uniforms immediately took parachutes and tied them to the death row prisoners injected with the violent gene.

The church keeps an eye on the surveillance equipment.

At this time, the various indices in each death row prisoner's body began to surge.

Their size began to increase at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Quick! Open the hatch!"

The temple saw that it was almost done and immediately issued an order.

The pilot pressed a button and the plane's door immediately opened.

"Push it down!"

Santang pointed at the two mercenaries and said.


Two mercenaries pushed the iron cage containing the condemned prisoners out of the hatch.



Iron cages fell from the plane one by one.

These parachutes use the latest technology and can be set at a time to automatically open in mid-air.


The parachute of the first cage opened automatically.

Bang! The parachute of the second iron cage also began to open automatically.

"Oh! Four is so unlucky! There seems to be something wrong with his parachute!"

Seeing that No. 4's parachute never opened, Shengtang couldn't help but cover his face and sighed.


Inside the iron cage, the drugs on the death row prisoners took full effect, and their sizes increased rapidly.

The iron cage rattled loudly.

Boom boom boom!

The eyes of these death row inmates who had turned into giants had turned red and they began to hit the iron cage crazily.

"Sir! What should we do next?"

A mercenary asked the temple for instructions.


Santang put a box on his back, put a parachute on himself, and started to jump down.

Soon, he led a team of mercenaries to the outside of the Egyptian Sun Temple.

The mercenaries loaded their bullets and walked inside with caution.

In the Temple of the Sun, there was chaos, and dead bodies could be seen everywhere on the ground.

"Hey! It's quite lively!"

Santang glanced at the corpses on the ground and couldn't help but smile.

Then, he said to a person behind him: "Go and verify that person's identity!"

The person the temple refers to is none other than the Indian rich man Salman.

It seems that this person has the highest status among this group of people.

Soon, a man squatted down and scanned Salman's cheek with an instrument.

"Didi! Matching... Matching successful! Name: Salman, Nationality: Indian..."

"This person had some background, but he died here like this! It seems that this mission is a bit hot!"

After hearing Salman's identity information, Shengtang frowned.

Then, he waved his hand: "Everyone spread out, check the surrounding situation, and report any findings immediately!"

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