Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 116 The war will begin on Skull Island!

"What? Country M is willing to share this technology?"

"Is there any conspiracy in this?"

After hearing the words of the President of Country M, the first reaction of the heads of state of many countries present was not surprise, but concern.

Because Country M has always liked to engage in dictatorship, dictatorship, and technological blockade.

Now, how can this mecha technology be shared?

Seemingly seeing everyone's hesitation, the President of Country M said loudly: "The end of the world has truly come! If human beings don't unite together, they will be exterminated by the giant beasts that emerge from the ground! In the past, it took several decades to A giant beast, what are the years behind it, how many days are now, and how long will it be in the future?”

The words of the President of Country M shocked everyone.


Now, the frequency of giant beasts appearing is getting faster and faster!

No one knows if this is a sign of the end of the world.

At this moment, the leader of the island country raised his hand first: "I support the decision of the leader of country M!"

"I support it too! We, Country Y, will provide all conveniences to build mecha warriors!"

The head of Country Y also spoke.

"We in Maple Leaf Country support the decision of the leader of Country M!"

Maple Leaf Kingdom followed suit.

Without exception, these countries that have expressed their stance are all military allies of country M.

Seeing this scene, the head of country E looked at the head of country China, not knowing what to do for a moment.

They don't know if there is any conspiracy behind Country M's move.

When country M held a global summit, Dr. Chen and others returned to the headquarters of the Imperial Organization.

"Dr. Chen! Welcome back safely!"

Dr. Mark said with a smile on his face.

"Welcome! Dr. Jones! Dr. Mary!"

For safety reasons, Dr. Jones did not take Dr. Mary on the trip to the underground pyramid.

This time, Dr. Jones visited the Monarch Organization headquarters and picked him up.

Dr. Chen keenly noticed that the expression on Dr. Mark's face was very solemn, so he asked: "Dr. Mark, what's wrong? Did something big happen?"

"Yes! The President of Country M is convening a global summit. Their theme is to gather global power to build a mecha hunter and then go to war with the giant beast!"

Dr. Mark said solemnly.

"Dr. Mark, don't you think highly of them?"

Dr. Jones asked curiously.

"Yes! Look at the video of this battle! The Wanderer won so easily!"

Dr. Mark shook his head.

"Dr. Mark, what do you mean?"

When Dr. Chen heard this, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"What I mean is that at the moment of the decisive battle, that silver giant beast no longer has the strength of the top giant beast!"

Dr. Mark explains.

As he spoke, he showed the satellite footage.

"Look, in the previous battle with Fleet 11, this silver behemoth turned into the form of an aircraft and released a variety of weapons. The power of this weapon is very amazing!"

Everyone looked at Dr. Mark's scene and couldn't help but nodded, that was indeed the case.

"However, when the Wanderer appeared, it could no longer maintain the form of an alien spacecraft. This means that it no longer has enough energy!"

Dr. Mark continued.

Everyone watching nodded.

This discovery made their hearts extremely heavy.

This means that Country M has overestimated the strength of the Wanderer.

When the real war begins with the giant beasts, the human coalition will be vulnerable!

"Dr. Mark, have you responded to this question to the President?"

The black female colonel immediately asked anxiously.

"Reaction! However, the President did not adopt my opinion, but asked us to hand over the secrets we have about the giant beast!"

Dr. Mark had a helpless expression on his face.

Everyone understands that the President of Country M is really about to start a war with the giant beast.

They can all understand this.

Because, in the past, when behemoths were plundering, people from all over the world often took to the streets and demonstrated, demanding that the military send troops to destroy the behemoths.

However, before the Wanderer mecha came out, the military had no effective response.

Even the all-inclusive nuclear bomb cannot cause the slightest harm to the giant beasts.

On the contrary, there are several giant beasts that are born to feed on nuclear radiation.

It can be said that this behemoth that suddenly appeared is the nemesis of the world's major military power!

At this time, the President of Country M holds the Ranger mecha in his hand and finally has the confidence to go to war with the giant beast!

Taking this opportunity, Country M can not only consolidate its military status as a superpower.

The president of Country M himself can greatly increase his chances of being re-elected!

"Then what should we do?"

Dr. Chen asked anxiously.

"We can't do anything now!"

Dr. Mark shook his head.

Immediately afterwards, he said: "Just now, His Excellency the President has ordered that the funds for the Imperial Organization will be stopped, and military support to the Imperial Organization will also be stopped!"


Everyone present exclaimed.

Dr. Mark smiled bitterly and said: "What the President needs now is an organization that can defeat giant beasts, not an organization that studies giant beasts!"

"Then what will we do next?"

Professor Hoffman asked anxiously.

"We are no longer an army! Do any of you want to leave?"

Dr. Mark did not answer Professor Hoffman's words, but looked at everyone present and asked.

In the base, many experts and professors from various countries looked at each other, and finally, a few people came out.

Dr. Mark glanced at them without any surprise.

In the past, there were two different voices within the Imperial organization.

One, led by Dr. Serizawa, advocates finding ways to peacefully coexist with the giant beasts.

There is no doubt that this is not a good solution to the crisis.

Because behemoths have always existed on the earth, and it has always been difficult to find permanent peace.

No one can know what those giant beasts will do next.

Even if they just come out for a walk, they will cause earthquakes, hurricanes, and other major disasters.

Therefore, there are others who are more inclined to the military's attitude.

Study the Behemoth, then figure out how to kill it!

Dr. Mark also supported this view before.

Ultimately, it was at the decisive moment that Godzilla changed his perspective.

Of course, even so, Dr. Mark doesn't think Godzilla is on the side of humanity.

In the past few decades, there have been a lot of casualties because of Godzilla.

Especially for island countries, they are enemies in previous lives.

Therefore, the scientists who came forward this time were especially led by scientists from island countries.

Dr. Ito, the island scientist, bowed to Dr. Mark: "Dr. Mark, I respect you very much, but you and I have different views on treating giant beasts! Because, my father used to be an engineer at the Fukuyama Nuclear Power Plant..."

Dr. Mark nodded: "I respect your choice!"

Then, he arranged for a helicopter to send everyone away.

In the end, there were only a dozen people left in the imperial organization.

They looked at the empty base with mixed thoughts. Not long ago, the military personnel had also withdrawn.

Dr. Mark suddenly said: "The battle between humans and giant beasts will begin soon, starting with Skull Island!"

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