Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 12 Giant python eats people!

"Bill, Andrew, you two go down and see what's got it wrapped around the propeller!"

Danny said to the two mercenaries.

"Yes! Captain!"

The two mercenaries shouted.

Soon, they put on their diving gear and jumped from the bow of the boat.

The water in the river was extremely turbid and visibility was very low. However, not long after they dived, they were shocked.

"Snake! The boa constrictor has wrapped its body around the propeller!"

"We must tell the captain this news!"

After the two of them saw the situation clearly, they were about to sneak up and report the situation.

At this moment, the giant python suddenly rushed towards the two of them.

The giant python was very fast in the water, and one of the people had no time to hide before he was bitten by the waist.


The man screamed, and then countless blood bubbles came out of his mouth.

The giant python twisted its waist and dragged the mercenary away.

The remaining Bill immediately struggled upstream.

The people on the fishing boat kept looking at the water. It was calm for a while, and suddenly the water surface began to fluctuate.

Then, his companion Bill put his head out of the water. His face was full of horror: "Snake! It's a python wrapped around the propeller!"

Just after saying this, a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared underwater.

Then, a black shadow quickly passed by, and Bill was dragged down!

"Anaconda! It was the python that dragged Bill away!"

"Shoot! We have to save him!"

On the fishing boat, the mercenaries exclaimed.

Then, they held the weapons in their hands and started shooting wildly.


The sound of bullets being fired into the water continued.

However, the giant python swam to nowhere.

At this time, there were nine mercenaries left on the fishing boat, with frightened expressions on their faces.

"This python is so scary! It will kill us all!"

said the black mercenary Robert.

The other mercenaries were in shock.

Captain Danny immediately comforted him: "Don't worry, everyone! This is in the water. In the water, the giant python can hide too easily! On land, it will no longer be our opponent!"

Johnson rushed out of the cabin and looked at Danny angrily: "Are you crazy? Are you going to abandon the ship and go to the Amazon jungle?"

"Why not? These soldiers under my command have very rich experience in jungle combat. In the jungle, the giant python cannot hide so easily in the water. The only thing waiting for it is our bullets!"

Danny said forcefully.

After speaking, he asked: "Johnson, how long does it take from here to the finish line?"

"It's been so long that I can't remember the details. It's still about half a day's journey!"

Johnson turned his head to the side.

"Then, our captain, please bring the ship to the shore and our soldiers will disembark!"

Danny said to Johnson.

"Okay! As you wish!"

Johnson spread his hands.

Soon, the fishing boat slowly docked on the river bank.

The mercenaries began to move things down from the ship.

Lin Feng had been watching from a distance, and he found that these mercenaries had really many weapons.

In addition to various automatic rifles, there are also machine guns, rocket launchers, flamethrowers, etc.

If they were fighting a giant python on the shore, with their firepower, they could really hunt it down!

After the mercenaries moved the weapons ashore, they immediately opened a road and headed towards the place where the blood orchids grew.

Along the way, the mercenaries were on alert to be ready for the python's surprise attack.

However, they had been driving for three hours, and the giant python never appeared again, which made them start to relax their vigilance.

"Is the big man full?"

A mercenary looked at the dull crowd and said loudly.

"Watch your words! It ate my best friend!"

When the black man Robert heard what he said, he immediately became furious.

The mercenary who died at the beginning had a very good relationship with him.

The other mercenaries also said: "Lance, the one who died is our comrade!"

At this moment, the mercenary responsible for opening the road came back and reported: "Captain! There is a depression ahead. Do you want to go around it?"

"Depression? How deep?"

Danny asked immediately.

"The water is not too deep, about waist high!"

"I'm going to check on the situation!"

Danny immediately left the group and ran forward quickly.

Soon, he came to the edge of the depression and looked around. The area of ​​​​the depression was very large.

If you want to get around this depression, you will have to take a long detour.

So, Danny ordered: "The team is divided into two groups! One group carries heavy weapons to make a detour, and the other group goes on the road with light equipment and wade through the depression!"

"What? You want to wade through this depression?"

After hearing the news, Johnson rushed over immediately.

He said loudly: "Captain, I think you are really crazy! This is the Amazon jungle! There may be something in this depression. Maybe your people encountered an accident as soon as they got in!"

The mercenaries all looked at Danny.

Danny looked at Johnson coldly: "Old boatman, are you questioning my order? You lead the way!"

As he spoke, he pulled out the gun from his waist and pointed the gun at Johnson's head.

"What a terrible decision!"

Johnson raised his hands helplessly.

He had to take the lead into the half-deep water.

Then, behind Johnson, five mercenaries followed.

All of them had removed their heavy weapons and only carried a submachine gun.

In the distance, Lin Feng, who was paying attention to the mercenaries, couldn't help but marvel at the mercenaries' boldness.

The water in this depression is neither deep nor shallow, but it is very suitable for giant pythons to live in!

This place is simply the python's home court. If they go down so rashly, aren't they just giving food to the python?

Sure enough, Johnson and others didn't wade in the water for long before a mercenary shouted loudly: "Everyone, be careful! There is something in the water!"

"What could it be? A crocodile?"

Everyone raised their guns.

Under normal circumstances, there will be crocodiles in such depressions.

At this moment, a giant python quickly approached everyone from underwater.

It opened its big mouth and bit into the last mercenary in the team.


There was a big splash on the water. After the giant python bit the mercenary, it quickly dragged him underwater.

Everyone heard the sound of water, and when they turned around, they only saw the remaining ripples on the water.

"Where's Doug?"

asked a soldier who had just walked in front of the captured mercenary.

"Damn it! He was dragged under the water!"

The rest of the mercenaries stopped and started looking.

At this moment, the water surface began to turbulence violently, and everyone only saw a black shadow drilling back and forth in the water.

After a while, the bitten mercenary was thrown out of the water, with blood all over his body.

Just as Doug was about to fall, a huge wave splashed up from the water.

Then, everyone was shocked to see a giant python as thick as a bucket, stretching out half of its body from the water. It opened its mouth wide and bit into the fallen Doug!


The mercenary Doug saw the bloody mouth and began to roar in despair.

"Damn it!"

A mercenary roared, picked up the submachine gun on his waist, and started shooting wildly at the giant python.

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