Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 120 Skeleton Lizard!

King Kong looked very miserable at this time. There were some blood marks on his chest, and blood was leaking out.


King Kong roared at Lin Feng's back, and then hit his chest with his huge palm.

Lin Feng didn't care about it.

Afterwards, King Kong left lonely.

The surrounding wild animals all understand that a new generation of kings of Skull Island has been born!

After King Kong left the hill occupied by Lin Feng, he kept walking forward along the stream in the middle of the canyon.

In fact, Lin Feng had been merciful to it just now. Although the electromagnetic pulse made it lose its combat effectiveness in a short period of time, it recovered relatively quickly.

If Lin Feng had used the destroying ray just now, it would have left several large, unhealable holes in King Kong's body.

boom! boom!

King Kong kept walking forward along the stream and soon came to a valley.

This valley is a restricted area for creatures on the island.

Here, corpses litter the mountains.

The most eye-catching ones are the two huge corpses that look like mountains.

The skull is as high as a small mountain, and just the teeth are as big as an adult.

King Kong walked up to the two corpses, his eyes full of frustration.

King Kong is the out-and-out king and patron saint on Skull Island.

Not only is it, but so are its parents.

However, King Kong's parents died tragically in a battle with the Skeleton Lizard half a century ago.

Currently, this King Kong is the last King Kong surviving on Skull Island.

The meaning of its existence is to protect this island and maintain ecological balance.

The arrival of Lin Feng just now broke the balance on the island, so it took the initiative to come to the door.

Unfortunately, although King Kong is strong, he is no match for Lin Feng.

Can't even last one round!

Passing through the tomb of mountains of bones, King Kong came to the center of the canyon.

Here, there is a huge underground cave.

This cave is the passage through which the skeleton lizard crawls out of the ground.

Every time there is a huge vibration on the ground, the underground monster will crawl up along the passage.

They are apex predators, born to fight.

When you come to this island, you will destroy every creature you see!

As soon as King Kong arrived at the canyon, three skeleton lizards more than ten meters in size rushed over.

They are hairless and bare, with grey-brown, hard leather, and look creepy.

The skeleton lizard has two huge front legs, a long tail, and moves very fast.


With a roar, one of the skeleton lizards opened its mouth wide and bit directly into King Kong's neck.


King Kong was angered by the Skeleton Lizard's attack. He quickly grabbed the Skeleton Lizard's neck with one hand, and then smashed it to the ground.


A huge boulder was smashed.


The skeleton lizard grinned and screamed.


On the other side, two skeleton lizards besieged King Kong together.

They bit into King Kong's thick arms.

The other end bit King Kong's calf.


King Kong felt the pain and quickly kicked out, sending the skeleton lizard on his leg flying away.

Its other hand grabbed the skull lizard's head biting the arm.


Just crush the skull lizard's neck!


A skeletal lizard spit out its long tongue and wrapped it around King Kong's neck, trying to suffocate it.

King Kong directly grabbed its tongue and pulled.


Directly pull the skull lizard's tongue off.

In just a few minutes, a fierce battle was over.

King Kong sat on the boulder next to him, breathing heavily.

Although this skeleton lizard is not big, it has an extremely ferocious character, is fast, and has great strength.

If King Kong hadn't grown to a size of 60 meters, it wouldn't have been able to kill the three-headed skeleton lizard so easily.

King Kong looked at the big hole in the valley with great worry.

The skeleton lizards that came out were only small ones, and there were larger ones below.

When those 30 to 40-meter-long skeleton lizards appear on the ground, it will be very difficult to deal with them with its current strength.

If it were that kind of skeletal lizard that was 40 to 50 meters tall, even it would be in danger.

Back then, King Kong's parents died at the hands of the giant skeleton lizard.

King Kong rested in the valley for half an hour. He got up and walked slowly towards the stream, ready to wash his wounds and drink some water.

The battle just now consumed a lot of energy.


King Kong's body was as high as a mountain peak. It passed through the canyon and came to the middle of the stream. It slowly squatted down and drank water from the water with a huge palm.

King Kong's palm is very broad, and one finger is much thicker and longer than an adult's.

The water slipped from the fingers and fell into the lake, making a huffing sound like a flash flood.

After drinking a handful of water, King Kong began to clean his wounds with lake water.

At this moment, a thick and long tentacle quickly stretched out from the bottom of the water.

This tentacle directly tied King Kong's legs.



The second root, the third root, the fourth root...

A series of eight thick and long tentacles jumped out from the bottom of the water, and they firmly strangled King Kong's whole body.

Among them, one tentacle was wrapped around King Kong's neck, trying to strangle it to death.

If it were before, before he was injured, King Kong would definitely not be attacked by the giant octopus in the lake.

However, at this time, King Kong did not notice the enemy for a moment, and was instantly strangled.

This giant octopus is one of King Kong's enemies.

Whenever there is an opportunity, he will attack King Kong.

However, King Kong had never encountered such a huge creature before.

King Kong, who is more than 60 meters tall, was actually tightly strangled by this giant octopus and was writhing in the water with difficulty.


Initially, King Kong can still struggle.

Soon, its arms became weak, and the giant octopus strangled King Kong's neck, causing him to suffocate so hard that even his black pupils turned blood red.

boom! boom!

King Kong desperately attacked the lake with his giant palm, trying to catch the giant octopus's body.

However, this giant octopus is too huge, and King Kong cannot touch the giant octopus's body at all.

On the hill.

Lin Feng was leisurely basking in the sun. Suddenly, he heard King Kong's angry roar.

Immediately, there was a violent crash on the other side of the canyon.

Boom! Boom!

A huge sound echoed through the canyon, like thunder.

"King Kong seems to be in trouble?"

Lin Feng was slightly surprised when he heard this voice.

Then, he flapped his wings, took off from the hill, and flew toward the canyon.


Lin Feng's speed was very fast, and a scream was heard in the air.

Flying over the canyon, he saw King Kong struggling fiercely in the water from a distance.

At this time, King Kong was wrapped with thick tentacles.

These tentacles are very thick, more than one meter in diameter, like a big tree.

"It seems that King Kong is indeed in crisis!"

Lin Feng saw that King Kong's struggle was weakening.

So, he dived and rushed towards the stream!

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