Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 131 M Army’s Trap!

"Is the power of mind still useful in this way?"

Lin Feng was very surprised.

Then, he looked at King Kong and found that King Kong's movements had become sluggish in his eyes, as if they were in slow motion.

"This auxiliary effect is awesome!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a little excited.

In this way, when others attack him, he will have the opportunity to avoid them calmly.


King Kong jumped up high and punched a skeleton lizard on the long and narrow head, instantly flattening its head and even the eyeballs burst out!


The remaining skeleton lizards neighed and jumped over.

They struggled with King Kong.


King Kong yelled, punched and kicked.

Some of the skeleton lizards bite King Kong's hands, and some bite his neck, which is very difficult to deal with.

Lin Feng suddenly had an idea, so he said loudly: "King Kong, watch behind you, use your left fist, right knee..."

His consciousness reacts faster than these skeleton lizards, and he can guide King Kong to calmly resolve the attacks of the skeleton lizards every time.

This is just like in a martial arts movie, where a martial arts master directs the novice protagonist to defeat a powerful enemy.


When King Kong pulled out the tongue of a skeleton lizard and tied a knot, all the skeleton lizards were hammered to death by it!

King Kong stared blankly at everything in front of him.

It couldn't believe it was done by itself.

In the past, it would have been a fierce battle with so many skeleton lizards.

"King Kong! Let's go!"

Lin Feng greeted King Kong to leave.

King Kong immediately followed Lin Feng on his hands and knees.

Now, it looked at Lin Feng with even more admiration.

The boss is not only strong, but can also make it stronger!

Follow the boss, that's right!

Soon, Lin Feng and King Kong came to the center of the valley, where there was a big hole.

Those skeleton lizards came out of this big hole.

"What is in this hole?"

Lin Feng looked at King Kong and asked.

King Kong immediately shook his head.

Apparently, it never went down either.

"Is the earth hollow, or is there a wormhole leading to other planets?"

Lin Feng was also very curious.

However, he temporarily restrained his desire and did not jump immediately.

Because Lin Feng's current strength is not enough to conquer everything.

If there is a powerful giant beast underground, he may be buried under it!

"Let's go! Look and see! Let's go back and sleep!"

Lin Feng greeted King Kong to leave.

He planned to wait until he advanced to the eighth level before entering this big hole.

Outside the foggy area.


A helicopter dropped on the deck.

Soon, several large wooden boxes were carried down from the helicopter.

What was inside was a blast bomb.

Colonel Hans looked at his pocket watch again. It was already close to the time predicted by the meteorological team.

He immediately shouted an order: "Rover! Get ready!"

Brothers Raleigh and Yancy immediately entered the cockpit.

Then start emergency debugging.

"The left brain has been corrected!"

"The right brain has been corrected!"

"The heartbeat is normal!"

Amidst the system prompts, the Wanderer was put into the sea water.


The turbine on the chest of the blue mecha began to rotate rapidly.

Brothers Luo Li and Yang Xi were in the cockpit, moving forward.

boom! boom!

The huge blue mecha walked towards the foggy area step by step.

At this time, Colonel Hans ordered: "Fox No. 1! You are responsible for guiding from the front!"


Colonel Paabo immediately stepped into the helicopter.

The next moment, Teng Teng!

The helicopter took off from the ship deck and flew towards the foggy area.

Later, brothers Luo Li and Yang Xi followed closely.

On the warship, all the officers and soldiers looked nervously at the big screen in the command room.

call! call!

On the screen, the sound of a hurricane roaring could be heard.

The huge body of the Wanderer struggled to move forward in the hurricane.

In the cockpit, brothers Luo Li and Yang Xi were staggering around, and the situation was very bad.

"The weather inside is very bad!"

Colonel Hans clasped his hands, a little worried.

At this time, the expert from the meteorological team said loudly: "It's now! There is a window period for the hurricane! It's about 20 seconds!"

Colonel Hans immediately said: "Wanderer! Wanderer! This is the headquarters! The window period has appeared! The best moment has arrived! The time is 20 seconds!"

"Got the order!"

Luo Li and Yang Xi immediately went into full gear.

boom! boom!

The huge blue mecha followed closely behind the Fox 1 helicopter, broke through the water, and walked forward.

Soon, the Fox 1 helicopter crossed out of the storm area and appeared on Skull Island.

Immediately afterwards, the Wanderer stepped out.

"Is this right here?"

Luo Li and Yang Xi observed the outside scenery through the equipment.

This place is different from what they imagined.

The wind is sunny and the vegetation is lush. It doesn't look like the harsh climate and difficult environment you imagined.

"Where's the giant beast King Kong?"

Yang Xi asked Colonel Pabo in Fox 1.

"I'll immediately ask the people left behind for news!'

Colonel Pabo did not dare to neglect.

Because the fuel of the Wanderer mecha is limited, it is impossible to stay on Skull Island for too long.

Colonel Pabo immediately asked through the communicator: "Captain Cage! Captain Cage! Please answer if you hear it!"

After he sent the message, there was no response in the communicator for a long time.

"Huh? Are they also in trouble?"

Colonel Pabo had a bad feeling in his heart.

He called again: "Captain Cage! Captain Cage! Please answer if you hear me!"

At this time, the sound of stabbing, stabbing came from the communicator.

"Copy that! Captain Cage got it!"

After a while, Captain Cage's voice sounded.

However, the interference in the communicator was still very strong.

Colonel Pabo immediately asked: "Have you left the camp?"

"Yes! Colonel! Our original camp was attacked!"

Colonel Cage said immediately.

"For now, we are evacuating to the west and hiding in a valley!"

Captain Cage reported his situation.

"Did King Kong attack you?"

Colonel Pabo's heart tightened.

"No! Yes, it's a large lizard! Their sense of touch is very sensitive. Four of our people have died in its hands!"

Captain Cage replied sadly.

"Large lizard?"

Colonel Pabo asked doubtfully.

"Yes! This kind of lizard has two thick front legs and is more than ten meters long. Their leather is so hard that a machine gun cannot penetrate it!"

Captain Cage replied immediately.

"Stay where you are and wait for help!"

Colonel Pabo said immediately.

"Yes! Colonel!"

Captain Cage nodded.

After hanging up the communicator, Colonel Pabo said to the pilot on the helicopter: "Find a place to land immediately!"

"Yes! Colonel!"

Soon, the pilot hovered over a grassy field.

He then lowered a rope and Colonel Paabo took the lead in abseiling down it.

Later, the remaining soldiers landed with weapons and equipment.

"Get ready! Lay a trap!"

Colonel Pabo shouted an order.

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