Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 138 Contempt death!

"Maintenance team! Maintenance team! This is the command post, please answer if you hear it!"

On the warship, Colonel Hans held a communicator in his hand and shouted nervously.

After a long time, there was no reply from the communicator.

At this time, the technicians from the Information Department checked for a while, and then said: "Your Excellency, Colonel! Now we cannot receive the communication signal from the maintenance team, and they are temporarily out of contact!"

In the command room, all the soldiers stopped what they were doing and looked here.

Could it be that the maintenance team failed?

Colonel Hans became a little nervous.

He asked the monitoring team on the side: "How is the situation on the Wanderer?"

"The situation is relatively stable for the time being. The cockpit is damaged and the No. 1 pilot's shoulder is injured. The bleeding needs to be stopped immediately! The physical signs of both pilots are normal!"

The supervisor of the monitoring center reports the situation.

"Let's wait! Give the maintenance team another twenty minutes. If there is no response after twenty minutes, another team must be sent!"

Colonel Hans said in a solemn tone.

Because the Wanderer is the first mecha in Country M, and even in the world.


Their first priority at this time is to ensure the safe return of the Wanderer!

Not only was the command center in a tense atmosphere, but at the presidential palace, the President of Country M and Colonel Kosk were also sweating.

What was thought to be a very easy operation to encircle and suppress the giant beast actually caused the Wanderer to be damaged and trapped on Skull Island.

In Skull Island, in the dead wood forest.

Captain Conrad followed the traces left by Dr. Worshoe.

Soon, the group of people walked farther and farther inside the dead wood forest.

However, what made Captain Conard feel slightly better was that they were getting closer and closer to where the Wanderer was.

Da da da!

There was a burst of gunfire from the woods ahead.

Captain Conard immediately shouted: "Quick! There is a situation ahead!"

As a result, everyone quickly chased in the direction where the gunfire came from.

The gunshot was not only heard by Captain Conrad and others, but also by brothers Yancy and Rowley in the Wanderer.


Yang Xi whispered.

"What a pity! The instruments inside the mecha were damaged and the radar equipment cannot be used!"

Raleigh sighed.

The cockpit is the core part of the mecha.

In the previous battle with the Skeleton Lizard Leader, the right cockpit was damaged, damaging some of the instruments inside.

"This island is deserted. There may be some of our people in the direction where the gunshots came from!"

Yang Xi guessed.

"Brother, what do you mean, we should go over and take a look?"

Raleigh asked confused.

After all, the command had previously ordered them to stay on standby here.

If they move too far away, the rescue team will not be able to find them.

"Raleigh, check how much of the weapons and equipment are still usable. If they are our people, they must rush to support!"

Yang Xi said firmly.


Raleigh immediately started checking.

Soon, he said: "Brother, the plasma cannon can still fire two rounds, and the left arm engine and shoulder cannon are still intact!"

"We immediately go to where the gunfire came from!"

When Yang Xi heard the situation of Luo Li's inspection, his face lit up and he said.

"Okay! If it's our people, they must be here to rescue us. We can't be too cold-blooded!"

Raleigh nodded.

Yang Xi said softly: "Luo Li, thank you for your hard work! Driving alone will be a heavy mental load!"

"Don't worry! It's only a few steps away from here!"

Raleigh said pretending to be relaxed.

He also knew that it was very difficult for a person to pilot a mecha alone.

Currently, no one can do it.

Of course, that doesn't include him.

During previous training, Raleigh had tried that he could drive a mecha dozens of kilometers by himself!

However, the sequelae will be very serious, and you will immediately fall into a coma.

Raleigh pressed a button in the cockpit.

Instantly, the turbine on the chest of the blue mecha lit up and then spun rapidly.

boom! boom!

Raleigh started running in the cockpit, and at the same time, the pace of the blue mecha also followed suit.

When Captain Conrad arrived at the scene of the incident, he happened to see a lizard-like monster biting the monster where Dr. Waltho was sitting.

At this time, when he saw the true appearance of this monster, he was also extremely surprised.

Because the appearance of this monster looks like a piece of wood.

However, now there are more limbs and a head.

Now it looks more like a praying mantis.

The skeleton lizard bit the mantis monster's tail, held it with its teeth, and flicked it.


Dr. Waltho above was thrown out!


Dr. Worshoe was thrown against a big tree and fell to pieces.

"What's happening here?"

Captain Conrad was also stunned when he saw this scene.

He did not expect that the main target of this skeleton lizard was not their group of humans, but the mantis monster.

And this mantis monster evolved this camouflage-friendly appearance structure, probably also to confuse the enemy.

Captain Conard saw the opportunity coming and rushed over quickly.

He helped up Dr. Worshoe who was lying on the ground: "Let's leave!"

At this time, the skeleton lizard was biting the mantis monster.

Because it has a lot of hard shells on its body.

In order for the skeleton lizard to eat, these shells need to be removed.

Soon, a group of people identified the direction and immediately ran towards a place in the dead wood forest.

That's where the Rover's signal is best transmitted.

The skeleton lizard was very powerful. It peeled off the mantis monster's hard shell in a few clicks and devoured the tender meat inside.

Then, it followed the scent and chased in the direction where Captain Conard and others left.

The Skeleton Lizard is an apex predator and is very sensitive to smells.

After a while, Captain Conrad and others can be seen.

"No! The monster is catching up again!"

As soon as everyone emerged from the dead wood forest, the skeleton lizard caught up with them.

A soldier pulled out the grenade from his waist and said resolutely: "Captain, doctor, leave quickly! I'll stop it!"


Captain Conrad was greatly shaken.

He wanted to prevent this soldier from dying, but he also knew that this was the only way at the moment.

Even, it might just be able to stop it for a moment.

So, Captain Conrad put Dr. Waltho on his back and ran forward quickly.

The soldier held a grenade in his hand, and the Skeleton Lizard lay on its feet on the ground, approaching quickly.

It saw the human blocking the road in front of it, and its white eyes revealed a ferocious light.

"Come on! Eat me!"

Seeing the skeleton lizard getting closer and closer, the soldier pulled the lead as if he was dead.


The grenade made a sound and was about to explode.

At this moment, the skeleton lizard suddenly swept its giant tail.


There was a loud noise and huge force, which directly swept the soldier, including the grenade, dozens of meters away, and hit the cliff not far away.


The grenade made a violent explosion!

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