Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 157 Target: Godzilla!

Island country, the first nuclear power plant.

Taro Miura, the congressman turned into Babanu from Star X, led the team here.

"Warmly welcome Mr. Taro Miura, Representative, for your inspection!"

Harada Akimitsu, the station director of the nuclear power plant, led a team to warmly receive them at the gate.

Miura Taro nodded slightly: "Keep everything simple!"


Stationmaster Akimitsu Harada immediately bowed again.

Taro Miura glanced at the tall buildings inside the nuclear power plant, and then asked: "Recently, I received reports from the masses that the sewage discharge of your power plant is substandard and the surrounding waters have been contaminated by nuclear pollution. I have been ordered to investigate!"

"Nothing! Congressman, regarding sewage discharge, our power station implements the strictest standards and will definitely not cause nuclear pollution!"

When the stationmaster Akimitsu Harada heard this, he was immediately startled and immediately defended himself.

"Take me to the area where sewage is discharged first!"

Miura Taro said noncommittally.


Station manager Akimitsu Harada immediately responded loudly.

Miura Taro looked at the many staff members beside the stationmaster and said with a stern expression: "I just said that everything should be kept simple. You are not allowed to stop your normal work just because I came to inspect today, and you should all go back to work immediately!"

"Yes! Your Excellency, Congressman!"

The managers at all levels of those power stations immediately bowed their heads and responded.

Station manager Harada Akimitsu also said: "You all go back to work! I will take the congressman to inspect the place where the sewage is discharged!"

Miura Taro nodded with satisfaction.

The main purpose of his visit this time was exactly where the nuclear power plant handles nuclear waste.

After sneaking into the island country for so long, Babanu has collected a lot of information about the monster Godzilla.

Among them, the most important point is that Godzilla feeds on nuclear waste.

Once upon a time, Godzilla even came ashore to attack the island nation, and his target was the nuclear waste in the nuclear power plant!

Nuclear waste can make Godzilla stronger.

Of course, Babanu's purpose is not to help Godzilla become more powerful.

He studied the battle between Godzilla and No. 0 and found that during the final battle, the nuclear reaction in Godzilla's body was out of control.

It was precisely because of this that Godzilla suddenly broke out and killed No. 0 easily.

However, the consequences for Godzilla are very serious, and it is very likely to cause the core of his nuclear reactor to melt down.

Godzilla who completely enters this state will eventually self-destruct immediately.

However, this Godzilla did not explode himself. Babanu guessed that Godzilla was recovering from his injuries at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

If nuclear waste is used to pollute the ocean, Godzilla will soon be attracted.

Because nuclear waste is a fatal threat to Godzilla.

Once Godzilla follows the traces to the First Nuclear Power Plant, then the war between it and the humans on Earth will begin again!

The reason why Baba Nu didn't take action against the Earthlings was that he was most afraid of this S-level beast.

When the time comes, all threats are removed, and he will be able to lead the X-planet people to occupy Earth Planet!

Soon, Station Manager Harada took Babanu to the nuclear waste disposal department of the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

Here, there is a complete set of sewage discharge equipment, and the entire department has more than 20 people.

At this time, they were all working hard.

Stationmaster Harada summoned a researcher in a white coat: "Go and get the recent sewage discharge records!"

"Yes! Webmaster!"

The researcher immediately went to get the sewage discharge records.

"Congressman, please take a look! All procedures at our power station are strictly in accordance with international standards. There is absolutely no possibility of polluting the waters!"

Stationmaster Harada assured, patting his chest.


There was a strange look in Babanu's eyes.

The next moment, his arms instantly stretched out and grabbed Station Commander Harada's neck.

Click, click, click!

Being choked, Station Master Harada's face instantly turned red.

His eyeballs instantly became bloodshot and protruded from their sockets. This was due to suffocation.

At this time, Babanu slowly transformed into Stationmaster Harada.


With a crisp sound, Babanu instantly broke Station Commander Harada's neck.

Babanu threw Station Commander Harada in the corner of the room, then closed the door and went out.

He entered the archives room and found the researcher just now. In his horrified eyes, he stretched out his arm, turned into a silver spike, and inserted it directly into the researcher's chest.


The silver spikes instantly penetrated the researcher's chest, passed through his heart, and came out from his back.

The researcher died without even having time to shout.

Afterwards, Babanu maintained the appearance of the Harada Station Manager and walked towards the staff who were treating the sewage.

Seeing 'Stationmaster Harada' approaching, the staff bowed and said hello: "Hello, Mr. Harada, Stationmaster!"

A strange smile appeared on the face of 'Stationmaster Harada'. The next moment, his hands suddenly lengthened, he grabbed a staff member by the neck and pulled him out.


Instantly, the staff began to scream.

"Monsters! There are monsters!"

Unfortunately, Babanu has already sealed the workshop, and the sound here cannot be transmitted at all.

Upon seeing this, a staff member immediately ran quickly towards the phone.


‘Stationmaster Harada’ swayed and appeared in front of the staff member.

He looked at the staff member with a strange expression: "Where do you want to go?"

"I, I don't want to do anything!'

The staff member was so frightened by this penetrating gaze.

"Go to hell!"

‘Stationmaster Harada’’s head suddenly turned into a huge mouth and bit off the staff member’s head in an instant!

Seeing such a scene, the other workers became even more frightened.

They began to scatter.


‘Stationmaster Harada’ instantly appeared behind a worker, his arm turned into a sharp blade and pierced him directly.


‘Stationmaster Harada’ flashed and appeared behind another worker again, his arm turned into a machete, and he chopped off the worker’s head!

"Ghost! This is a ghost!"

One island worker was completely frightened and collapsed.

However, 'Stationmaster Harada' did not let him go. He flashed over and looked at him condescendingly. Then his head turned into a giant mouth and bit his head off!

At this time, a worker climbed up the pipe and tried to escape from above.

"You still want to escape in front of the great Lord Babanu?"

A sneer appeared on the stiff face of 'Stationmaster Harada'.

The next moment, a silver spike separated from his body.


The silver spikes cut through the void and instantly pierced the forehead of the worker who climbed up the pipe.


Before the worker died, his eyes widened and he instantly fell from the pipe!


‘Station Manager Harada’ counted according to the work clock record.

"Yeah! Every one is missing, all in one order!"

The next moment, he walked towards the workshop where nuclear waste is processed.

‘Stationmaster Harada’ shut down all nuclear waste processing processes.

As a result, the unprocessed nuclear waste from the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant was discharged directly into the sea!

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