Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 159 Animal mutations!


Governor Hirashima was so shocked that he exclaimed when he heard the news.

"Your Excellency, Governor, what happened?"

The deputy governor and several officials looked at Governor Hirashima together.

"At a nearby beach, a killer crab attacked tourists, killing at least 12 people!"

Governor Hirashima said with a sad tone.

"Killer crabs attacking tourists?"

All city hall officials present were shocked.

The killer crab is a strange creature that lives on the coast of island countries. It is the largest known crustacean in the world.

They are fierce in nature, with a spindle-shaped body and pointed ends. The crab claws are long and sharp, especially the pair of claws, which are very hard and powerful.

The head and breastplate of an adult individual can be up to 30 centimeters wide. When it stretches out its sharp claws, the span is more than 3 meters, and the largest one can reach 4 meters.

Despite their name, killer crabs don't actually kill anyone.

"what on earth is it?"

Congressman Osaka was also extremely surprised.

"Keiko, prepare the helicopter. I will rush to the scene immediately. Also, call the biologist Dr. Kubo!"

Governor Pingdao immediately began to make arrangements.


The secretary Keiko on the side responded immediately.

The other officials were also busy.

An attack on tourists resulted in the death of at least 12 people. This was definitely an incident that shocked Pingdao, the country, and even the world!

If this matter is not handled well, it will become a disaster for the island country’s tourism industry.

Just as Governor Hirashima and others were preparing to rush to the scene, incidents related to the attacks of killer crabs on beachgoers in the island country had spread all over the Internet.

"Oh my God! This is too dangerous!"

When netizens saw the relevant videos, they exclaimed repeatedly.

On the beach, tourists were enjoying the sunbathing. At this moment, a 3- to 4-meter-large killer crab landed on the beach.

They extend their terrifying claws towards the tourists.

After experiencing the sudden attack, tourists began to flee in panic.

Some tourists were pinched and escaped, while others were not so lucky and directly became food for killer crabs.

"Why do killer crabs become so vicious?"

On the plane, Governor Hirashima asked Dr. Kubo.

"Your Excellency, Governor, usually, killer crabs do not actively attack humans. There is only one possibility for them to do so!"

Dr. Kubo is in his forties, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and looks knowledgeable.

"What's possible?"

Governor Hirashima asked impatiently.

"They're stimulated!"

Dr. Kubo said with great certainty.

Killer crabs have been notorious for a long time, but there have never been any actual killings by killer crabs.

This time, it’s the first time!


Hearing this, Governor Pingdao suddenly felt enlightened.

Then, he asked: "Will nuclear radiation cause a drastic change in the temperament of killer crabs?"


Dr. Kubo said with great certainty.

"Nuclear radiation will not only cause organisms to become larger and deformed, but will also drastically change their temperament, and originally gentle animals will become extremely aggressive!"

"Is it really because of nuclear radiation?"

Governor Hirashima murmured.

By this time, the helicopter had arrived at the beach.

At this time, the place was under guard control.

Reporters gathered outside the cordon and began filming with cameras.

The helicopter parked at the beach, and Governor Pingdao and relevant personnel immediately went to the blockade.

Seeing that it was Governor Pingdao who was coming, the island country police responsible for blocking the scene immediately let him go.

At this time, the forensic doctor was collecting the body of the deceased.

Governor Pingdao stepped forward and lifted up a white cloth, revealing a shocking corpse lying underneath.

The body had experienced great pain before death and was covered with scars.

In fact, most of the skin and flesh on his body had been gouged out, leaving him bloody and bloody!

After Governor Pingdao took one look, he immediately covered the white cloth back.

Then he saw the carcasses of killer crabs left on the beach.

These killer crabs are more than 50 centimeters wide and seven to eight meters long, which is nearly half the size of normal killer crabs.

Dr. Kubo looked at these dead specimens and nodded: "Judging from various signs, it is very likely that they were exposed to nuclear radiation!"

Governor Hirashima immediately said: "Dr. Kubo, I will order some specimens to be sent to your laboratory, and I will leave everything to you!"


Dr. Kubo responded immediately.

Later, Governor Hirashima stayed at the scene for a while and accepted interviews from reporters.

"Governor Hirashima, what do you think of this incident of killer crabs attacking tourists?"

a reporter asked.

"This is an accident, an accident that no one wants to see. As the governor of Pingdao, I can only do my best to deal with the aftermath to prevent similar incidents from happening!"

Governor Hirashima said in a sincere tone.

"Some people say that these killer crabs are contaminated by nuclear pollution. Is this true?"

A foreign reporter asked loudly.

As soon as this happened, he sent the news back to China. Some experts analyzed that this might be nuclear pollution that caused the killer crab to mutate.

"This matter has not been investigated yet, so I have no comment at the moment!"

Governor Hirashima spread his hands.

Afterwards, he responded to some more questions and left urgently.

While still on the plane, Governor Hirashima began to mobilize police forces to prepare for the trip to the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

Because a nuclear leak may have occurred at the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, everyone involved in the investigation this time wore thick protective clothing.

When they arrived outside the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, the deputy station director here received Governor Hirashima.

"I want to see your stationmaster!"

Governor Hirashima said expressionlessly.

With such a big thing happening, the station manager of the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant must come out and give an explanation.

The deputy station director smiled bitterly and said: "Your Excellency Governor, our station director is not in the power station today!"

"Okay! Since you are the highest-ranking person here, you can take me to the department that handles nuclear waste!"

Governor Hirashima said immediately.

"So what happened?"

The deputy station director looked confused.

"We received reports from the outside that there was a nuclear leak at the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant!"

Governor Hirashima didn’t hide it either.

"What? Didn't a congressman come to investigate not long ago?"

The deputy webmaster's heart skipped a beat.

He did not dare to neglect and immediately led everyone to the department that handles nuclear waste.

As soon as they arrived here, everyone felt an obvious abnormality.

Because the surrounding vegetation is obviously contaminated by nuclear pollution.

"Look at that frog, it only has one leg!"

Congressman Osaka pointed to a small frog in the grass and said.

Everyone looked and saw it immediately.

Immediately, two staff members wearing protective clothing stepped forward and captured the one-legged frog for analysis.

"not good!"

The deputy webmaster's expression changed.

Afterwards, everyone opened the blocked door and stepped into the nuclear waste disposal station.

Here, it has long been abandoned and remains the same!

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