The Mobile Suit Gundam of the island country is different from the Mecha Hunter of the M country. The materials used are different, resulting in the size of the Mobile Suit Gundam being only one-third of the Mecha Hunter.

So, in terms of driving, one person can handle the load.

In terms of combat methods, Mobile Suit Gundam is also more flexible.

When the driver Kawashima Korako entered the cockpit, a system prompt sounded: "Start calibrating the mental induction system!"

"The driver's psychopathy is intact!"

At this time, Kawashima Kongzi launched the Phoenix Gundam.

call! A brilliant tail flame was ejected from the tail end of the Phoenix Gundam, and it began to slowly lift off the ground.

"Start testing weapons!"

Kawashima Kongzi pressed a button with a calm expression.

The next moment, a gun barrel stretched out from the wing of the Phoenix Gundam.

This is the Mega Beam Cannon, very powerful!


Kawashima Korako pulled out the beam saber between her legs.

This is a beam saber. It is very powerful. The beam it emits can cut steel!

Then, with a flash of golden light, Kawashima Kongko activated the Phoenix Gundam's transformation. In an instant, it transformed from a human-shaped Gundam into a bird-shaped Gundam.

"The weapon system is normal!"

After testing the weapon systems one by one, Kawashima Koko replied.

Below, the Prime Minister of the island country and Colonel Tomino were shaking with excitement.

After a lapse of decades, the island country once again has its own top weapons.

At this time, the Prime Minister of the island country said: "Thank you for your hard work, Colonel Tomino! This time for participating in the Skull Island operation, as for the island country, Kawashima Korako will pilot this Phoenix Gundam to participate in the battle!"


Colonel Tomino said excitedly.

This trip to Skull Island can be said to be a grand battle that attracted global attention.

It is a supreme honor for Kawashima Korako to participate in the Phoenix Gundam!

Afterwards, the Prime Minister of the island country left with satisfaction.

However, just when he led the crowd out of the gate of the secret military base, he saw Governor Hirashima and others who had been waiting for a long time.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister!"

When Governor Pingdao saw the Prime Minister of the island country, he immediately shouted anxiously.

"Have you been waiting for me?"

The Prime Minister of the island nation was very curious.

Just now, he personally witnessed the birth of the island country's first Gundam, and he was in a very good mood.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, something big has happened!"

Governor Hirashima said loudly.

The Prime Minister of the island country immediately turned serious and said, "Speak!"

"A nuclear leak occurred at my country's No. 1 nuclear power plant!"

Governor Pingdao said solemnly.


The Prime Minister of the island country froze when he heard this.

This incident shocked him extremely.

Because the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is of great significance to the island country!

If a nuclear leak occurs at the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, the impact will be extremely huge!

"How serious is it?"

the island nation's prime minister asked immediately.

He has been in a secret military base today and has no information from the outside world.

Because this kind of military base uses a completely local area network to prevent it from being invaded by foreign spies.

Unexpectedly, just after leaving the base, I heard about such a big event.

"Your Excellency, the nuclear leak has caused the mutation of marine fish in the surrounding seas! Moreover, at noon today, there was an incident of killer crabs attacking tourists on Pingdao Beach!"

Governor Hirashima immediately told everything.

When the Prime Minister of the island country heard this, he couldn't help but trembled and felt a little unsteady on his feet.

After a while, he said in a trembling voice: "Godzilla!"

"What? Godzilla?"

Governor Pingdao was shocked.

He didn't understand why the Prime Minister said that.

"A nuclear leak will attract Godzilla!"

"In the Godzilla attack more than thirty years ago, it was because of a nuclear leak! Godzilla feeds on nuclear waste!"

The Prime Minister of the island country said with a horrified expression.

Thirty years ago, when he was in his twenties, he witnessed the tragedy with his own eyes.

Hearing the Prime Minister's words, Governor Hirashima's hands and feet instantly went cold.

If Godzilla attacks the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, then Hirashima will be completely destroyed!

"Let's go! Go back to the cabinet!"

The island nation's prime minister immediately walked quickly to Air Force One.

This is his personal car.

Skull Island, Worm Valley.

Inside the base of Energy Gene Company.

At this time, this place has become a hell on earth.


Screams continued to sound.

A group of zombies with rotting skin were crawling in the valley. Their eyes were gray and white, and they were biting other living people. There was blood between their teeth.

Eunice stood aside with her hands folded.

"This, what kind of potion is this?"

The church looked on with horror.

Because, after using the new genetic medicine prepared by researchers, the employees of Energy Gene Company turned into zombies!

These zombies are so terrifying that neither anesthesia nor bullets can stop them.

The Holy Church had just tested it. He shot a zombie to pieces in the chest, and he was able to stand up again.

"This is a harvest potion!"

Eunice had a look of satisfaction in her eyes.

The effect of this potion was better than she imagined!


One of Eunice's hands instantly grew longer. She pinched the neck of a zombie and dragged it over.


Eunice crushed the zombie's head directly in front of the church.

Inside, was a pulsating mass of milky gelatinous substance.

"See! This is the condensed essence!"

Eunice reached out and took out the gel substance and said with a smile.

As she spoke, she opened her mouth wide, threw the milky white gel into her mouth, and tasted it with enjoyment.

After losing the gel substance, the zombie completely lost its life!

"Devil! You are the devil!"

The eyes of the Holy Church looking at Eunice were filled with fear.

He didn't expect that his boss had become so insane.

Of course, the Holy Church had no idea that the boss of the Energy Gene Company was already dead!

The woman in front of me was transformed from Planet X.

For the people of Planet X, using this virus to turn Earth people into zombies and condense a gel substance is a waste utilization!

"You are of no use to me anymore!"

Eunice looked at the church with cold eyes.

As she spoke, her arms instantly grew longer and she dragged him over instantly.

"Seeing as you have been with me for so long and have been working so hard, I will give you a chance to become a part of my body!"

As she spoke, Eunice inserted a needle into the temple's neck.

Gu Gu!

After the medicine entered the body of the temple, it quickly began to spread.

Holy Church's eyeballs instantly turned blood red, and the blood vessels throughout his body began to bulge. He began to have a high fever, and the blood in his body seemed to be boiling.

This is the process of zombie virus infection.

The zombie virus developed by Eunice extracts all the essence of the human body and condenses it on the head to form a milky white gel.

At this time, the core of a zombie will no longer be the heart and brain, but this mass of gel material.

If this milky white gel substance is not destroyed, then this zombie can still move even if its heart is taken out and its brain is cut off!

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