Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 163 The coalition forces march on Skull Island!

"Where are the Chinese mechas?"

Everyone is looking towards the Chinese camp.

This time, the Chinese representative sent a colonel.

He is in his forties, with a rough appearance, thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Hearing the question from the military representative of Country M, the colonel laughed and said, "Ah? Are everyone here? If so, let's go!"

Representative of M Army: "..."

Representative of Maple Leaf Kingdom: "..."

Representative from Polar Bear Country: “…”

No one present would doubt China's military strength.

After all, China is a major military power. Even island countries have sent mechas. Why hasn’t China?

Can't it be made?


Because the most important core technology has been announced by country M.

China only needs to build the mecha body and equip it with weapons.

is it hard? At least it’s not difficult for a military power like China!

Seeing that the representatives of the Chinese military wanted to muddle through, Colonel Hans, the representative of the M Army, said directly: "Colonel Lin, you must give an explanation to the people here!"

"To show our sincerity, our country's mechas have taken the lead in entering Skull Island!"

Major Lin said seriously.

"Going in early?"

Everyone looked over in confusion.

Because they didn't know whether what Colonel Lin said was true.

However, since the mecha is so large, if it is dispatched, it will definitely be escorted by warships.

With such a big movement, and with so many high-level officials from big countries present, they would have received some rumors, right?

Major Lin said solemnly: "What our country is dispatching this time is a brand-new biological mecha. This has taken China decades of preparation time to specifically deal with such an operation to encircle and suppress giant beasts!"

As he spoke, he also took out a photo.

And in the photo, it was a photo of Liu Xuanfeng and Venom combined.

"It's really a biological battle armor, but isn't this head too small?"

"It looks like it's only one-tenth of the island nation's mechas!"

"Can such a small mecha really be effective?"

"That's right! If the giant beast is slapped, a bunch of them can be killed, right?"

A group of officers looked at it and started talking.

"Whether what I said is true or not, we will be able to verify it when we enter Skull Island!"

Seeing that everyone still didn't believe it, Colonel Lin immediately patted his chest and assured.

"That makes sense!"

The person in charge of the polar bear country nodded first.

Then the other leaders agreed to enter Skull Island first.

Soon, the representative of Maple Leaf Country stood up and said: "The Wanderer of Country M has entered Skull Island and has a record of killing giant beasts. I propose that this operation be led by the Wanderer of Country M!"

"I second the motion!"

Colonel Tomino agreed.

The military representative of the polar bear country looked at the Chinese military representative, hoping that he would put forward a different opinion.

Unexpectedly, Colonel Lin said carelessly: "I have no objection!"

Because, he himself is here to make soy sauce.

China has a high anti-war sentiment and does not want a war with the behemoth to break out.

Therefore, Dr. Lin and others were sent to Skull Island before, in order to prevent the M army from destroying the wormhole.

If the wormhole is destroyed and behemoths from foreign space enter Skull Island, they will definitely enter the Pacific Ocean from Skull Island, thus threatening the security of China.

Seeing that the representative from the Chinese country had no objections, the representative from the polar bear country seemed to have eaten a mosquito.

After all, he can only represent one side and cannot shake the command of M Army.

Seeing that no one objected, Colonel Hans nodded with satisfaction: "Yang Xi, Raleigh, I'm here to look forward to your triumph!"

"Yes, sir!"

Brothers Raleigh and Yancy held their round helmets and saluted Colonel Hans together.

Then, the two put on their helmets and entered the cockpit.

Soon, a series of testing procedures began.

"Start calibrating the right brain..."

"Start calibrating the left brain..."

"There is no abnormality in the weapons and equipment!"


A mechanical sound sounded, and the cockpit lowered to the designated position and docked with the lower body of the mecha.

Later, the three drivers driving the red storm also came over.

Colonel Hans warned: "You three brothers must cooperate with the Wanderer!"

"Yes, sir!"

The three drivers responded in unison.

The voice turned out to be a female one!

Obviously, these three mecha pilots are three girls!

They are very rare triplets.

When the M Army began to make arrangements, Maple Leaf Country and Polar Bear Country also began to prepare intensively.

In this operation, just like the last time, relevant command personnel will stay on the warship.

On the island country's side, Colonel Tomino looked at Kawashima Korako encouragingly: "Korashima, let those soldiers see the charm of the phoenix!"


Kawashima Korako bowed to Colonel Tomino.

Then, she also put on her helmet and entered the cockpit.

The only one who is free is Colonel Lin.

It seemed like he was just here for sightseeing.

However, unlike other representatives, Colonel Lin actually ventured into Skull Island.

This is also the only high-ranking officer who will enter Skull Island.

"Could it be that China is so confident in its biological armor?"

Colonel Hans of Country M and the representative of Maple Leaf Country looked at each other and thought in their hearts.


A helicopter flew in and stayed on the deck.

A soldier in camouflage uniform walked down from above.

"Colonel, Captain Conard reports to you!"

Colonel Hans nodded: "Captain Conard, you will pilot the plane this time!"

"Yes! Promise to complete the mission!"

Captain Conard loudly assured him in a strong voice.

At this time, Colonel Lin, the Chinese military representative, came over. He said with a smile: "This Captain Conard is the hero who successfully returned from Skull Island last time, right?"

When Captain Conrad heard the compliment, he immediately said humbly: "I can't call you a hero, I just completed my mission!"

Colonel Lin patted Captain Conrad on the shoulder: "Not bad! This time, I will leave safety to you!"

Everyone present was collectively petrified.

Even Captain Conrad was stunned.

He did not expect that representatives of the Chinese military would actually fly on his helicopter.

After all, Conard was the leader for a while.

Be the first to enter the storm area. If you encounter danger, you will be buried in the storm!

Immediately, Captain Conard felt a little more favorable towards Colonel Lin.

So, he said loudly: "Please don't worry, chief!"

Soon, Colonel Lin entered the helicopter.

Captain Conard also took up position in the wheelhouse.

This time the lineup is much more luxurious.

The M Army dispatched two mechas, the Wanderer and Red Storm.

Maple Leaf Kingdom dispatched a mecha named Raider.

The Polar Bear Country dispatched a mecha, codenamed Polar Bear.

The island nation dispatched a mecha, the Phoenix Gundam.

China, on the other hand, sent a colonel officer in.

Of course, there was no one present and Hua Guo only sent a senior officer to enter.

After all, the officers present knew the identity of Colonel Lin. He came from a military family, and it was only a matter of time before he was promoted to general!

Ten minutes later, in the warship's command room, a meteorologist said loudly: "In ten minutes, there will be a window period in the storm area. At that time, it will be the best time to enter!"

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