Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 184 Defeat three mechas together!

"Want to leave?"

When Lin Feng saw the Ranger mechas trying to escape, he immediately spread his wings and quickly chased after them.


Lin Feng flew at a low altitude, creating a huge storm in an instant.

The dust, leaves, and even some branches below were all blown up.

"So fast!"

Inside the Wanderer mecha, Yang Xi's heart skipped a beat when she saw the golden flying dragon approaching in the blink of an eye.

Then, boom!

With a loud noise, the blue Wanderer mecha was directly knocked out by Lin Feng with great force!

He flew to Red Storm again, and with a sweep of his giant tail, Red Storm flew away again.

"I'll fight you!"

In the polar bear cockpit, the pilot Troff yelled.

Suddenly, the polar bear mecha swung its giant ax towards Lin Feng's huge body.

call out!

Lin Feng fluttered his wings and left instantly.


The polar bear mecha struck the ground with a heavy axe, breaking a large rock into pieces!


The entire cockpit was shaken by the powerful counter-shock force.

Troff's expression changed: "This flying dragon is so fast!"

At this moment, Lin Feng had turned around and used his wings to condense a sledgehammer.


The heavy hammer hit the cockpit of the polar bear mecha.

Thumb thump!

The huge body of the polar bear mecha retreated inadequately.

In the cockpit, the two pilots were shaken to pieces!

Not far away, Red Storm also climbed up from the ground.

In the cockpit, the three sisters looked solemnly at the golden flying dragon in the air.

Because they knew that they would definitely not be able to run away. The speed of this golden flying dragon was really too fast!


Lin Feng flapped his wings and flew away, and the golden light and shadow flashed away.

The next moment, the attacker's tall body flew directly out.

boom! boom!

The Raider mecha was knocked to the ground and rolled over.

In the cockpit, the pilot North and the co-pilot were almost knocked unconscious!

In just a short period of time, Lin Feng used the body of a golden flying dragon to fight three mechas alone, and gained the absolute upper hand!

"It's too strong! This golden flying dragon is completely beyond the reach of the mecha hunter!"

In the cockpit of the Ranger, Yang Xi said somewhat feebly.

Raleigh on the side nodded with deep understanding.

The golden flying dragon is so huge and has such terrifying speed, it is simply unbecoming of a human being!

foul! So foul!

"Is that all?"

Lin Feng looked down at his three defeated generals.

Boom! At this moment, a huge explosion suddenly came from the Death Canyon!


The whole island was shaking violently!

"How is this going?"

Lin Feng's heart skipped a beat.

He felt something was wrong!

Then, Lin Feng looked towards the canyon.

All I saw was a blue light shining out!

It seemed that a beam of light came out from the previous cave and shined into the sky!

In an instant, the situation changed!

"Is this a space wormhole being penetrated?"

Lin Feng had a bad feeling in his heart.

A moment later, a loud roar came from Death Valley.


The roar was like thunder, accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps.

"Someone big is coming out of the valley!"

Lin Feng understood instantly.

He glanced at the Wanderer mecha and quickly flew towards the valley.

Soon, Lin Feng saw a giant blue beast that looked like a lobster.

Its height is about 60 meters, and it has a thick carapace.

"This is an underground monster coming out! Could it be that the violent explosion just now led them out?"

Lin Feng thought in his mind.

The reason why it was them was because he saw another giant beast similar to a wild boar running out.

At this time, Skull Island began to tremble violently.

At this time, the smart assistant reminded: "Master, due to unknown reasons, geological changes have caused geological changes, and the major earthquake has been brought forward!"

"What? The earthquake has been brought forward?"

Lin Feng's expression changed.

He thought of King Kong who fell in the valley.

So, Lin Feng flew over quickly.

At this time, King Kong still fell in the valley. He tried to wake him up with telekinesis, but found that it had no effect at all.

Because its consciousness has completely fallen into a deep sleep!

"Master, King Kong is under the influence of anesthesia, there is nothing serious for the time being!"

The smart assistant reminded.

Just now, it has conducted a comprehensive inspection of King Kong.

"Okay! I'll take it away now!"

Lin Feng thought of Dr. Chen and others who were still on the island and said.

The next moment, he flew above King Kong and lifted King Kong up with his two huge claws.


Lin Feng took King Kong and flew in the direction of the wooden boat.

At this time, the Rangers also saw two giant beasts suddenly appearing in the valley.

"Oh my god! How many giant beasts are there on this island?"

Yang Xi couldn't help but exclaimed.

They have seen King Kong, a golden flying dragon, and a giant lizard, as well as a swamp giant squid and a giant bull beast.

At this moment, two giant beasts emerged from the ground.

Moreover, at first glance, these two giant beasts don't look like they are easy to mess with.


The armored boar saw Lin Feng flying away from his eyes and set his sights on the Wanderer.

It roared angrily and rushed towards the Wanderer!

Boom! Boom!

The armored wild boar is about 50 meters high and more than 70 meters long. When it runs, the whole ground trembles.

"Everyone, please be vigilant!"

In the cockpit of the Wanderer, Yang Xi saw such a shocking change and immediately spoke to everyone in the team channel.


The rest responded immediately.

At this time, the armored wild boar had already rushed to the Wanderer in a menacing manner.


When Yang Xi saw this, he immediately shouted to his brother Luo Li.


The two men immediately made a turn and turn in the cockpit.

Soon, the Wanderer mecha synchronized this action.

The giant iron-clad boar hit everything in one go and rushed under the Wanderer, always thinking of hitting it in front.


The big trees along the way were directly broken!


With a loud noise, the sharp teeth on the armored boar's lips crashed directly into the mountain, causing the entire mountain to tremble!

"This guy is so powerful!"

Yang Xi, the driver of the Wanderer, changed his expression.

If their mecha had been hit by this armored wild boar just now, it would have been directly destroyed!


Yang Xi shouted.

At this moment, they had no more artillery shells, and there was absolutely nothing they could do against these two giant beasts.

Besides, there is also a golden flying dragon.

After receiving Yang Xi's instructions, the Raider, Polar Bear, and Red Storm all began to evacuate in the direction they came from.

The armored wild boar crashed into the mountain and was unable to pull out its fangs for a while.

At this moment, a missile dragged a long tail flame and shot towards the body of the armored wild boar!

"who is it?"

In the Wanderer cockpit, Yang Xi saw the missile and immediately looked in the direction of the missile launch.

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