Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 188 Gathering the giant beasts!

Following Lieutenant General Sato's order.

Bang! Bang! Whoosh!

On the fighter plane, missiles fired in unison, dragging long tail flames and flying towards Godzilla below.

In the command room, everyone, including Lieutenant General Sato, was looking forward to it.

Moments later, missiles rained down on Godzilla.

boom! boom!

The missile exploded into bursts of fire, and Godzilla's huge sound and shadow seemed to be bathed in a sea of ​​fire.

boom! boom!

After the violent explosion, Godzilla once again walked out of the smoke and fire.

This scene made the fighter formation in the air completely despair.

"What kind of creature is this? It can actually withstand such a saturation attack! Doesn't it have any weaknesses on its body?"

Lieutenant General Sato was stunned when he saw this scene.

Each fighter jet carries a limited number of missiles.

Soon, after a new round of attacks, the missiles on the fighter jets were all fired.

Such an attack has completely angered Godzilla.

Boom! Boom!

Godzilla moved his thick legs, one step at a time, and stepped out of the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.

Its eyes looked in the direction of Kyoto.

"No! Godzilla is going to a densely populated city!"

Seeing this scene, Lieutenant General Sato felt that something was wrong!

He immediately sent an order to the ground command headquarters where Division Commander Sakata was located: "Sir, Mr. Sakata, Godzilla has come towards your division, please be sure to stop it!"

"Yes! Your Excellency, Commander! Sakata will do his best to prevent Glass from invading Kyoto!"

Mr. Sakata said with a serious face.

Then, he immediately loudly ordered: "Tank brigade, armored vehicle brigade, immediately set up their positions to meet the enemy!"

Soon, armored vehicles and tanks formed a line of defense at Pingdao Pass.

They have to stop Godzilla here.

Because, behind them is Pingdao Shelter.

Inside the shelter are millions of residents of this city!

After giving the order to Commander Sakata, Lieutenant General Sato continued to issue instructions to the fighter formation in the air: "Attack with machine guns immediately! Focus on its eyes, nose, and mouth!"


The pilots shouted in response.

Then, the fighter planes dived downwards in an orderly manner, preparing to attack with cannons.

Seeing Lieutenant General Sato giving this order, Lin Feng couldn't help but shake his head.

What a stupid decision!

Because, currently, Godzilla cannot attack fighter jets in the air.

However, if they take the initiative to attack, they will deliver the goods to your door.

Therefore, Lin Feng watched the battle between the island country's fighter group and Godzilla with great interest.


A fighter plane swooped down from mid-air. After flying to a height similar to Godzilla, the pilot immediately pressed the cannon button.

call out! call out! call out!

A barrage of bullets was fired at Godzilla's head.


Godzilla was beaten by bullets, and then his giant tail swept.


The fighter jet that was firing was destroyed instantly!

"Keep your distance! Keep your distance!"

Seeing this scene, the air commander immediately yelled.

When the other fighters saw this scene, they immediately raised their altitude quickly to avoid being attacked by Godzilla.

However, there were still a few fighter planes that couldn't dodge, and were swept into streaks of flames by Godzilla's huge tail.

Seeing the fleeing fighter group, Godzilla stretched his neck and roared to the sky!


The roar was like thunder, frightening the pilots on the fighter jet!

"Intelligent assistant, what are you doing?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but ask when he saw this scene.

He believed that Godzilla would not be made incompetent and furious by these fighter jets!

"Godzilla seems to be gathering other monsters!"

The smart assistant said.

"What? I can't fight these fighter jets. Are you looking for help?"

Lin Feng was shocked.

He didn't expect that his brother always had such a dark side.

At this time, all countries around the world are paying attention to the surprising changes that have occurred in the island country.

"Godzilla! Godzilla appears again!"

The president of country M looked at Godzilla who appeared in the island country and said loudly.

Then he asked: "Hans, are there any signals from the Wanderers and the Red Storm?"

"Sir! The Rover's signal has just been received, and they are in the Western Pacific!"

On the warship Ham, Colonel Hans responded.

"Order them to return immediately!"

The President of Country M ordered.

The reappearance of the giant beast made him feel the crisis, and he decided to recruit the Wanderers and Red Storm back to protect the homeland!

"Yes, sir!"

Colonel Hans immediately responded loudly.

At this time, on the Pacific Ocean, the mecha team appeared here.

Inside the Wanderer, Yang Xi said loudly: "I have contacted the command center!"

"What orders does the command have? Are you going to support the island country immediately?"

In the team channel, North, the driver of the Raider mecha, asked.

Just now, they had received news that Godzilla appeared in the island country of Pingdao.

Fighting against the giant beasts was the mission of the Mecha Hunters. Therefore, Yang Xi, the captain of the mecha team, immediately asked the headquarters for instructions to immediately go for support.

At this time, the headquarters sent a call back.

"Wanderer, return immediately! Wait for maintenance!"

This is the order sent by Colonel Hans on the Ham.

Upon hearing this order, Yang Xi fell silent instantly.

Next to Yang Xi, Luo Li whispered: "How cold-blooded!"

Just now, they fought against the giant beast together with the Phoenix.

At the critical moment, Phoenix even risked his own life.

At this moment, a giant beast appears in the island country. Just when the mecha hunters are needed, the command headquarters orders them to return!

Yang Xi and Luo Li looked at each other and then closed the communication directly.

"The Wanderer! The Wanderer!"

On the Ham warship, Colonel Hans was waiting for Yang Xi's response, but after hearing a burst of noise from inside, the communication was cut off.

He immediately looked at the technician beside him: "What's going on?"

The technician immediately began to check. After a moment, he said helplessly: "Sir Hans, the communication has been interrupted!"

"Check it for me immediately! Apply to collect satellite images over the Pacific! I want to know the locations of the Rover and Red Storm!"

Colonel Hans shouted loudly.

The Red Storm and the Wanderer are the latest technologies in Country M. There can be no mistakes at this moment.

Otherwise, he will not be able to explain to the President of Country M, Congress, and all the people of Country M!

In the Western Pacific.

In the cockpit of the Wanderer, Yang Xi said in the team channel: "The command just sent a message asking everyone if there is anything that needs maintenance?"


In the cockpit of the Raider, North shouted back.

"Red Storm is not needed! In perfect condition, please go out to fight!"

In the red storm cockpit, Dora responded loudly.

"Polar bears don't need maintenance either, so please go out and fight!"

Troff's rough voice also came from inside the polar bear.

In the cockpit of the Wanderer, a smile appeared on Yang Xi's face: "So! The next target of the mecha hunter team is the island country Pingdao!"

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