Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 190 The Invincible Godzilla!

When Commander Sakata saw this scene, he immediately shouted: "Retreat! Retreat quickly!"

Unfortunately, Godzilla is completely angry at this moment, and he will not give these troops any chance to escape.

Godzilla's dorsal fin began to shine, then he opened his mouth and spit out a ball of fire.


The flames coming out of Godzilla's mouth are very hot.

Under the baking of these flames, the armored vehicles were directly melted into molten iron!

Boom boom!

There were also some tanks and armored vehicles that were directly burned and exploded violently.

boom! boom!

Godzilla looked up to the sky and roared, took heavy steps, stepped through the sea of ​​fire, and continued to move towards Kyoto.

In just one confrontation, Commander Sakata's tank company was all killed here.

However, he had no time to grieve, because Godzilla had broken through the first line of defense, and now the second line of defense was attacking.

As Godzilla approached the second line of defense, the Sakata Regiment's artillery brigade was ready.

Commander Sakata immediately ordered loudly: "Fire!"

boom! boom! boom!

Intensive artillery fire bombarded Godzilla.

A moment later, a violent explosion occurred next to Godzilla.

Godzilla was bathed in artillery fire and rushed into the artillery square.

With one sweep of its giant tail, several anti-aircraft guns were swept away.

Godzilla once again lifted up a giant foot and stepped down with a bang, causing the artillery formation to completely collapse!

Mr. Sakata's face was earthy.

The most powerful firepower of their division had been destroyed at this moment!

The disheartened Commander Sakata stood in a square. He pulled out the command sword from his waist and shouted: "Attack!"


Godzilla's huge feet fall from the sky!

"Oh my God! This Godzilla is so powerful! We can't do any damage to it with ground troops!"

In the shelter, a councilman said tremblingly.

His words instantly triggered panic among all officials.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister! We must ask for help! Ask for help from Country M! They have dealt with such a behemoth before and have relevant experience!"

The deputy prime minister came to a conclusion after deliberating with members of the House of Representatives.

"Okay! I will ask the President of Country M for help!"

The Prime Minister of the island country said helplessly.

Subsequently, he began to use the prime minister's dedicated channel to send video messages to the president of country M.

Soon, Country M got through.

Inside the screen is the office of the President of Country M.

At this time, the office of the President of Country M was sitting on the sofa in the office. On the side, there were several members of Country M and several experts.

Seeing this scene, the prime minister of the island country directly stated his purpose: "Your Excellency, I request the M side to assist the island country in fighting the giant beast Godzilla!"

After hearing the words of the Prime Minister of the island country, the President of Country M seemed to have expected it. He asked a biologist on the side: "Professor Casal, please talk about the weaknesses of the monster Godzilla!"

"Okay! Your Excellency, President!"

Professor Casal is an old man about sixty years old, with some wrinkles already appearing on his face.

He looked at the Prime Minister of the island country in the video and said: "In the past, the M Country Biological Research Institute once conducted special research on Godzilla. Its defense is very high and can resist all conventional bombs, even nuclear bombs!"


After hearing Professor Casal's words, the expression of the island country's prime minister changed instantly.

Not only him, but all the senior officials of the island country in the shelter changed their colors in shock.

Even nuclear bombs can withstand it, so what else can kill it?

The Prime Minister of the island country immediately asked urgently: "Professor Casal, is there any way to kill it?"

"There is a way! In the last giant monster war, our country once developed an oxygen bomb that can instantly consume the oxygen in the target area. This bomb once posed a certain degree of threat to Godzilla!"

Professor Cassar said truthfully.

The oxygen bomb was successfully developed under his leadership.

However, the result made him a little disappointed, Godzilla was not killed by the explosion.

Of course, Dr. Casal didn't know that the oxygen bomb actually did great harm to Godzilla.

It all depends on Dr. Serizawa and others to transport nuclear bombs to replenish nuclear energy for Godzilla, so that he can appear at the end and show his majesty to fight against Ghidorah.

Upon hearing this, the Prime Minister of the island country immediately looked at the President of Country M eagerly and asked: "Sir, do you still have oxygen bombs in your country?"

The president of Country M shook his head.

The island nation's prime minister was immediately disappointed.

At this time, Professor Casal added: "After this battle with the giant beast, our Institute of Biology continued to study Godzilla and found that it has another weakness!"

"What weakness?"

The fire of hope extinguished by the island nation's prime minister has been rekindled.

"This weakness lies in Godzilla's dorsal fin!"

Professor Cassar said slowly.

"is that so?"

The prime minister of the island country is somewhat skeptical.

However, this can be considered a breakthrough.

Therefore, the Prime Minister of the island country immediately conveyed the order: "Receive Air Force Lieutenant General Takumura!"

Soon, Lieutenant General Takumura's figure appeared on the screen.

"Your Mightiness!"

Lieutenant General Takumura looked at the Prime Minister of the island country respectfully.

"Now I am sending you an order to send bombers to bomb Godzilla from the air. The main attack part is on its dorsal fin!"

the island nation's prime minister said loudly.


Lieutenant General Tuocun responded immediately.

At this time, Lin Feng asked the smart assistant: "Smart Assistant, is Mr. Brother's weakness really in its dorsal fin?"

The reason why he asked this was to prepare for the future battle with Godzilla.

"Yes! Godzilla's dorsal fin is the main heat dissipation organ. If this organ is destroyed, Godzilla will produce a large amount of nuclear energy and the heat generated inside will not be dissipated, which will lead to self-destruction!"

The intelligent assistant analyzed.

"So that's it! So, is it really possible that the island country's bombing plan against Mr. Brother will succeed?"

Lin Feng was surprised.

At this time, the smart assistant threw cold water and said: "As Ghidorah, the master has the ability to regenerate, and Godzilla also has similar abilities!"

"Oh? What kind of ability?"

Lin Feng asked curiously.

"From a human perspective, Godzilla's cells have the ability to continuously proliferate. An independent cell may regrow a new Godzilla!"

The smart assistant said slowly.

"Oh my God! Isn't this kind of ability too foul?"

Lin Feng was shocked when he heard this.

This ability is even more awesome than Ghidorah's regeneration ability.

It can even be compared with the exclusive skill of the God of War in fantasy novels - blood rebirth!

If so, who can really kill Godzilla?

Even if you kill it once, it will regenerate quickly!

There is no way to kill such an awesome creature!

At this time, the island country's bombers have loaded up and launched!

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