"What is this?"

There were bursts of exclamations from the crowd.

Just now, they saw two unknown creatures jumping out of the water and attacking the crowd.

At this moment, two island country special forces were injured. They were floating in the sea water, and the surrounding sea water was dyed red.

"It's about the same size as a monkey, so it must be a monkey!"

Tang Hai, who was at the back of the crowd, said with great certainty.

In the past, he often visited graves and was extremely wary of such places.

While the archaeological experts were obsessed with the ancient buildings around them, he had been paying attention to the movements around him.

At that moment, Tang Hai clearly saw two animals about one meter long with gray hair jumping out of the water and attacking the crowd.

This kind of creature swims very fast in the water. They have sharp claws. With just one stroke, they cut open the diving suit of the special forces!

"Are you kidding me? There are monkeys in the sea?"

Hearing what Tang Hai said, Uchida Kuna, an archaeologist from the island country, was the first to retort.

"Do you have any common sense? We have to rely on diving equipment to get down to such a deep seabed. How can the monkey get down?"

Aweil, an archaeologist from Country M, also expressed doubts about Tang Hai's views.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Everything you said is right! Whatever you say is what it is!"

Seeing that no one believed him, Tang Hai waved his hands and said loudly.

Mr. Wu on the side took out his pistol and moved closer to Tang Hai. He whispered: "Fat Tang, is he really a monkey?"

"Call Fatty!"

Tang Hai glared at Mr. Wu.

Mr. Wu smiled coquettishly, but at this moment he had no one to ask for, so he could only shout in a low voice: "Fat Master!"

Fatty Tang nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "Come over here!"

When the people around saw this scene, they all looked over in confusion.

Because they didn't see the attacker just now.

Mr. Wu immediately moved closer to Tang Hai.

Fatty Tang whispered: "Actually, I didn't understand it either!"

When Mr. Wu heard this, his handsome face kept twitching.

If he hadn't needed Fatty Tang, he would have been shot right in the head.

At this time, Colonel Tomino came over and said loudly: "Everyone, be careful! Keep moving forward!"

Then, he squatted down, looked at the two injured special forces, and found that the arteries in their necks were torn.

At this time, he had no pulse due to excessive blood loss.

After everyone heard what Colonel Tomino said, they had no choice but to move on.

However, at this time, they were much more cautious.

After passing through the stone pillars, everyone came to a stone path.

This stone path leads to the pyramid.

Because this stone path is relatively low, the Wanderer mecha and several other mechas cannot pass through.

Because they were worried about destroying these stone paths and causing incalculable consequences, they waited outside the stone paths.

On the contrary, the Phoenix Gundam, maintaining its bird form, was able to pass through this stone passage.

After entering the stone path, everyone came to a stone room.

This stone room was filled with water, and everyone was struggling to sneak around.

At this moment, there was a splash and something was approaching in the water.

Behind the crowd, an archaeologist was bitten on the neck by a mysterious creature.

He kicked his legs violently a few times, and then completely lost his voice. The surrounding waters were dyed red by the blood flowing from his neck!

"It! It's here again!"

An archaeologist said with a look of horror on his face.

The archaeologist who had just died was walking behind him.

Hearing the noise, he turned around and glanced back, just in time to see the ferocious appearance of the mysterious creature, as well as the horrifying scene of it opening its mouth, revealing its fangs, and biting the dead archaeologist's neck!

"What exactly is it?"

Colonel Tomino came over and asked anxiously.

"Monkey! Monkey! It's monkey!"

The witness said with a horrified look.

"Are there really monkeys at the bottom of the sea?"

Everyone frowned.

Everything in this underwater city is unusual.

"Tell me! What exactly did you see?"

Colonel Tomino asked again.

The witness recalled with horror: "It looked so long and swam very fast in the water. It stretched out its pointed claws and grabbed Eagle at once, then opened its mouth, Revealed its pointed teeth and bit off Eagle’s neck!”

Eagle is the name of the dead archaeologist.

At this time, everyone looked at Tang Hai in the crowd.

It was he who said he saw a monkey for the first time.

"Why are you all looking at me like that? I just said it was a monkey, and none of you believed it!"

Tang Hai spread his hands and said.

"Please tell me in detail, what does the thing that appeared look like?"

Colonel Tomino also looked at Tang Hai and asked.

It was obvious that Tang Hai was much calmer than the witness just now. Naturally, he could also express himself more clearly.

Tang Hai stared into Colonel Tomino's eyes: "Please be more polite! Call me Expert Tang!"

"Okay! Expert Tang! Tell everyone what happened just now!"

Colonel Tomino repeated it very patiently.

Tang Hai then said with considerable satisfaction: "Actually, I'm not sure if it's a monkey!"


Everyone looked at him displeased.

You were the one who said it was a monkey just now, and now you are saying that you are not sure.

Tang Hai continued: "Let's say it's a monkey. It does look like a monkey, but there are some differences!"

"What's the difference?"

Colonel Tomino asked.

"Its feet don't look like that!"

Tang Hai said quickly.

"The feet don't look alike?"

Everyone looked into Tang Hai's eyes.

"Yes! The feet don't look like that! This guy just now has webs between his toes, just like a duck!"

Tang Hai nodded.

"Like a duck?"

After hearing Tang Hai's words, everyone was puzzled.

Is there really such a creature?

Colonel Tomino pondered for a while, and then said: "Keep moving forward!"

At this time, the atmosphere in the team was obviously more solemn, and no one wanted to go to the back of the team.

Because, the last person who had just walked was directly attacked by an unknown creature in the water, and his neck had been bitten off!

At this time, Colonel Tomino ordered the soldiers to pull out their thorns.

Because it is in water, the bullet will be affected by the water and will not be easy to hit.

On the contrary, military spurs are more suitable for close combat.

This time everyone further compressed the team, and they were very close to each other.

In the stone path, there are many pictures carved on the stone walls on both sides.

Among them, there are temples, human faces, and hieroglyphs.

However, at this time, the archaeologists did not dare to leave the team to observe. After all, the crisis has not been resolved at this moment. Once they leave the team, they may lose their lives!


The sound of water sounded again!

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