Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 202 The Gate of Space!

After receiving the memory transmitted by the armored warrior, Kawashima Kongzi also obtained the method to unlock the pyramid restrictions.

After taking a deep breath, Kawashima Korako controlled the Phoenix Gundam according to the method in his memory...

"The figure in this light and shadow can still move?"

Tang Hai blinked, thinking he had seen it wrong.

At this moment, the wall of the pyramid facing them suddenly burst into colorful light, shooting out parallel beams of light.

When everyone saw this, they immediately retreated quickly.

This colorful light became more and more powerful, and finally, it condensed into substance!

"Is this forming a light bridge? A light bridge leading to the interior of the pyramid?"

Seeing this scene, Colonel Tomino was extremely excited.

Decades ago, his father discovered the wreckage of the spacecraft, which had already put the island nation's technology at the top of the world, and even created super-tech products like the Phoenix Gundam.

At this moment, a door to a new world opens!

Thinking of this, Colonel Tomino immediately ran towards the light bridge quickly.

Soon, everyone noticed that he slowly stepped onto the light bridge.

This scene is very strange. This light bridge seems to be suspended in the air, but at this moment, it can bear the weight of a person!

After making sure that he would not fall, Colonel Tomino immediately ran towards the portal at the entrance of the pyramid.

Behind him, everyone stepped onto the light bridge one after another.

"Let's go!"

Mr. Wu glanced at Tang Hai.

Tang Hai was a little dumbfounded: "This is incredible! Am I dreaming?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pinched Mr. Wu next to him hard.

"Hiss! Are you crazy?"

Mr. Wu looked at Tang Hai displeased.

"I just want to confirm if it's a dream!"

Tang Hai stared obsessively at the Rainbow Bridge not far away.

The bridge built by rainbow, this scene only exists in myths and legends!

At this time, Colonel Tomino and his people had reached the end of the light bridge, and were only one step away from entering the pyramid.

And he also took that step.

In an instant, the armored warrior looked at Colonel Tomino and stretched out the trident in his hand.

call out!

A beam of light shot out from the trident.

The next moment, Colonel Tomino's entire body was directly turned into nothingness by this light!


Seeing this scene, everyone around Colonel Tomino stopped in their tracks.

"How is this going?"

Everyone stood on the light bridge tremblingly, not daring to move a step.

Because they were worried that the armored warrior would point his trident at them and turn them into nothingness!

Tang Hai and Mr. Wu, who had just stepped onto the Light Bridge, also stopped. At this moment, they were all standing on the Light Bridge, unable to advance or retreat!

After a moment, the armored warrior shouted: "Anyone who tries to sneak into the imperial city will die!"

"In this pyramid, is this the imperial city that the armored warrior said?"

When Tang Hai heard this, a strange color appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, the armored warrior suddenly began to flicker.


As if the energy was exhausted, the armored warrior disappeared.

At this time, Kawashima Kongko in the Phoenix Gundam seemed to have completed his mission.

She piloted the Phoenix Gundam and flew onto the light bridge.

"Sailor! Don't go ahead!"

Seeing Kawashima Kongzi flying towards the entrance of the pyramid in the Phoenix Gundam, Tang Hai couldn't help but remind him.

However, the Phoenix Gundam did not stay for a moment. With a flash of light, it entered the interior of the pyramid.

"Huh? Nothing will happen?"

Tang Hai said in surprise.

However, everyone around him was looking at him.

"Why are you looking at me? If you want to go in, just leave!"

Tang Hai couldn't help but shouted.

As he spoke, he patted his butt, raised his legs and walked quickly along the light bridge towards the entrance of the pyramid.

Seeing Tang Hai's actions, no one made any move, but looked at him to see if anything bad would happen to him when he passed through the light gate.

I saw Tang Hai's plump figure staggering into the light door.

The light door seemed to be flowing like water waves, and his body was instantly submerged into it.

"It seems that there is no problem?"

Mr. Wu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

So, he followed Tang Hai's steps and quickly walked towards the Light Gate.

"Maybe the armored warrior has disappeared!"

Everyone understood that Colonel Tomino was too impatient, so he was killed by the gatekeeper!

Tang Hai felt a squeeze, and soon he passed through the light door, and then entered a bubble suspended in the water.

"Oh my God! The world here is so beautiful!"

Tang Hai looked at the world around him in surprise.

Here, it seems to be independent of the outside world, surrounded by shining lighthouse jellyfish.

In the water, various large fish are swimming around!

Later, Tang Hai saw magnificent buildings, as if he had arrived at a royal palace.

Only then did Tang Hai realize that what the armored warrior just said was right, this was indeed the imperial city!

However, this may be a palace belonging to a certain sea emperor.

Tang Hai turned around and looked towards the road where he had just entered the imperial city, and found that the place where he had just entered was empty!

"What kind of technology is this? It's so weird!"

Tang Hai stood inside the bubbles in the water, amazed in his heart.

Soon, bubbles squeezed in from the void.

Tang Hai discovered that these people were his companions on this trip.

Like Tang Hai, these people were also shocked when they saw the scene in front of them.

"This is the lost civilization, right?"

an archaeologist muttered.

"Could the light gate we just passed through be a space wormhole?"

Another archaeologist said excitedly.

This magical scene just now has only been seen in science fiction movies.

However, it actually happened to them at this moment.

“The architectural style here is so strange, I’ve never seen it before!”

"I don't know, are these people living in the sea humans or other intelligent creatures?"

"I think it might be a human being. After all, there are many human-faced statues on the stone wall outside!"

"It's amazing! Ten thousand years before history, a super civilization actually appeared on the earth!"

Everyone was very excited.

At this time, Lin Feng, who was swimming in the Pacific Ocean, suddenly stopped.

Because just now the smart assistant suddenly told him: "Master, I have lost track of those people!"

"What? What means did they use to evade tracking?"

Lin Feng was surprised.

The technological level of intelligent assistants is far superior to that of earth civilization!

"Could it be that they entered some underground ruins?"

Lin Feng guessed.

The last time Dr. Chen and others entered the underground pyramid under the Egyptian Sun Temple, they also temporarily lost the signal.

"It's possible!"

The smart assistant nodded.

"Then let's immediately rush to the place where they last appeared to look for traces!"

Lin Feng said.

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