Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 216 The ambition of the Poseidon!

"The golden flying dragon is so powerful!"

Seeing the golden flying dragon defeating the giant shrimp on the bottom of the sea, Messi exclaimed in the red storm mecha.

Although the others did not speak, they were all deeply shocked by the battle just now.

It is impossible for mecha hunters like them to defeat a giant beast like the giant shrimp on the seabed.

Because once you get close to this deep-sea giant shrimp, the temperature will be frighteningly high!

They even suspected that the temperature of the fire dragon spit out by the giant shrimp had exceeded the melting point of steel.

If this is the case, even the mecha will be melted into liquid before they get close!

Such terrifying temperatures are simply terrifying to the extreme!

When Lin Feng saw the giant deep-sea shrimp being killed by him, he swept his giant tail and quickly swam towards the giant shrimp.

Soon, he came to this huge shrimp.

At this moment, the giant shrimp was dead, the molten liquid in its body had cooled, and its shell had turned colorless and transparent again.

Lin Feng immediately asked impatiently: "Smart assistant, you didn't control your strength just now. Can this giant shrimp still provide me with life energy?"

"Master, I can't do it anymore!"

The smart assistant detected it for a while and responded.

Hearing these words, Lin Feng was filled with grief and anger: "What a waste! He's already dead!"

If it wasn't necessary, he really didn't want to kill the deep-sea giant shrimp directly.

Because this would prevent Lin Feng from obtaining life energy.

Later, Lin Feng dragged the huge body left behind by the deep-sea giant shrimp towards the crater.

"What is the golden flying dragon doing?"

Inside the Wanderer mecha, Yang Xi asked doubtfully.

"I don't know. Could it be that he is worried that the giant shrimp monster is not completely dead and wants to destroy the body and eliminate all traces of it?"

Messi said doubtfully in Red Storm.

"The golden flying dragon is too cautious! If you go against him, you will definitely not end well!"

Inside the Raider mecha, North shuddered.

boom! boom!

Heavy footsteps sounded, and the surrounding seafloor trembled.

After a while, Lin Feng came to the submarine crater, and he dragged the giant shrimp into the crater.

"This kind of shrimp is a rare species, and no one has ever eaten it before!"

Lin Feng looked at the delicious shrimp meat inside the giant shrimp armor, and saliva gradually began to secrete in his mouth.

This scene surprised the mecha pilots not far away.

They gradually discovered that this golden flying dragon was using the natural terrain of submarine volcanoes to grill the meat of deep-sea giant shrimps!


Not long after, a strong fragrance wafted out from the crater.

Lin Feng took a bite with great enjoyment and felt that it tasted extremely delicious!

Yang Xi and others in the distance were envious, but they didn't have such oral feelings.

Because they can't even get close to the submarine crater!

Just when Lin Feng was full, the smart assistant suddenly reminded: "Master, the shell of this shrimp has a thermal insulation effect, and the master can swallow it!"

"This is finally good news!"

Lin Feng felt much better after hearing this.

Then, he asked: "How long does it take to swallow the shell of this giant shrimp?"

Because, it is not safe under the deep sea!

"It will take a day!"

The smart assistant said.

"One day? The time it takes for the devouring gene to evolve has also become longer!"

Lin Feng nodded.

Then, he released his telekinesis, and a voice appeared in the minds of many mecha pilots.

"You just wait where you are!"

Yang Xi and others looked at each other in the cockpit of the mecha.

However, they did not dare to question it and had no choice but to wait near the submarine crater.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, dragged the giant shrimp's white and transparent armor into the submarine crater.

Because this is a natural place for evolution, and the high temperature here makes it impossible for ordinary creatures to approach.

As for Lin Feng himself, it is because he has the fire element talent due to the fire crystal.

Such a high-temperature environment, not only cannot cause harm to him, but also has a certain beneficial effect.

Of course, at this time, Lin Feng could not compare with the giant submarine shrimp that could create lava from its body.

Inside the underwater palace.

The Sea King Night Demon summoned all his ministers to gather here.

Among them were the prime minister wearing blue scale armor and the queen of the mermaid tribe.

Night Demon Poseidon sat at the head of the table. He scanned the whole place with majestic eyes, and then said: "The once-in-a-decade ceremony to worship the Poseidon is about to begin. Are your departments ready?"

"The shark people are ready!"

"The Green Scale Clan is ready!"

Various people under the sea expressed their opinions.

The blue eyes of the Queen of the Mermaid Tribe showed strong hatred.

"Mermaid tribe, what about you? How are you preparing?"

The Night Demon Sea King looked at the Queen of the Mermaid Tribe with majestic eyes.

"Reporting to His Majesty the Sea Emperor, our clan is ready!"

The mermaid queen immediately lowered her head to hide the hatred in her eyes.

"Well! All of you tribes, please step back!"

Night Demon Sea King nodded.

Various leaders on the seabed left one after another, but the leader of the Qinglin Tribe, who served as prime minister, stayed behind.

Night Demon Sea Emperor looked at him: "Prime Minister, how are you preparing?"

"Your Majesty, the Green Scale Clan army is ready to fight for Your Majesty at any time!"

Qing Lin immediately lowered his head and said.

Night Demon Sea King nodded slightly.

Because of their close relationship with the Night Demon Clan, the tribes under the sea need to contribute fewer sacrifices when holding sacrificial rituals.

The Night Demons, as the royal family at this time, do not even need to be sacrificed at all.

Therefore, after tens of thousands of years of development, the Night Demon Tribe has become the most powerful race among all species under the sea!

Under the Night Demon Clan is the Green Scale Clan.

The Green Scale Clan, when fighting, will be covered with a layer of hard scale armor, with amazing defense, they are the best warriors!

"Prime Minister, aren't you worried that you will fail this time?"

Night Demon was silent for a while, looked at the Prime Minister and asked.

"Your Majesty will win!"

Qing Lin clenched his fists and said.

A sharp light flashed in the eyes of Night Demon Sea Emperor, and he nodded: "Our underwater race has been banned for too long. It's time to break the shackles and see the light of day again!"

"Your Majesty is very worried!"

The Prime Minister said loudly.

Night Demon Sea King asked: "What's going on over there with the mermaid tribe?"

"I have sent people to monitor closely, and the mermaid tribe has indeed sent a large number of people!"

Qinglin whispered.

"Then let them help us find them! They fishmen are better at finding people than we are!"

Night Demon Poseidon said calmly.

"Yes! I will definitely pay close attention to them!"

The Prime Minister whispered.

"Those are all trivial matters. Taking advantage of the opportunity this time to eliminate the Abyss tribe in one fell swoop is the great foundation for all the tribes under the sea to last for thousands of years!"

Night Demon Sea Emperor's eyes revealed powerful ambition.

Since the passage to the outside world was sealed, for ten thousand years, all races under the sea can no longer go to the surface.

The goal of the Night Demon Sea Emperor is to eliminate the Abyssal Clan and use the Abyssal Clan's passage to return to the surface.

When the time comes, he will lead the underwater race to conquer the land in one fell swoop and become the co-owner of both the surface world and the underwater world.

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