Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 228 Shocking debut!


King Kong fell from a height of three thousand meters, with brilliant flames all over his body, as if a meteorite had fallen.

Seeing this scene, everyone fell silent.

Office of the President of Country M.

"I planned to attack Skull Island and lost all my troops but failed to capture this King Kong. I didn't expect that it would die in the hands of a supernatural beast!"

The president of country M was a little sad when he saw this scene.

Polar bear country.

"The supernatural beasts have landed in China, and our country of polar bears is next. What can we do to deal with them?"

The president of the polar bear country said worriedly.

When he thought about it, even King Kong was killed in the battle, and the Chinese country must not be able to withstand the attack of the supernatural beast.

When the time comes, the supernatural beasts destroy the cities of China and will go all the way north and spread to the polar bear country.


King Kong turned into a dazzling flame and fell to the ground.

At this moment, its huge body suddenly disappeared!

"Aren't I dazzled?"

In the base command room, Chen Lin said in disbelief.

"Another huge organism appears in our waters!"

A soldier responsible for monitoring information shouted.

Then, everyone looked at the picture, and a figure even bigger than King Kong appeared in the waters of southern China.

"It's him! The golden flying dragon appears!"

After seeing the figure in the picture clearly, Dr. Mark couldn't help but said in shock.

"Just now, when King Kong was about to fall to the ground, it was the golden flying dragon that saved him!"

Xu Dong said from the side.

The superpower he evolved is super vision. Even though he is far away, he can see clearly!

"How is this done?"

Liu Xuanfeng murmured to himself.

"This is a teleportation ability!"

From Liu Xuanfeng's abdomen, the sound of venom came out.

"What? Teleportation ability?"

Liu Xuanfeng exclaimed.

"Yes! The universe is very big, and the distance between stars is very far. Sometimes, it takes tens of billions of years for light to reach it. However, for some advanced life forms, these distances, Just for a moment!"

Venom sighed.

It has seen some great beings, and it only takes a moment to cross the star field!

"Is it the legendary space jump or wormhole technology?"

Liu Xuanfeng asked doubtfully.

"Yes! I didn't expect that this golden flying dragon actually possesses such innate magical powers. From this point of view, he must be a high-level cosmic life form!"

Venom said with great envy.

If possible, he could not wait to abandon Liu Xuanfeng and possess this golden flying dragon as soon as possible.

However, Venom also knew that the golden flying dragon was already powerful enough to look down on his weak abilities.


When King Kong appears on the surface of the sea, the high temperature on its surface immediately evaporates the seawater into water vapor.

When it saw Lin Feng suddenly appearing, it immediately grinned.

In front of this golden flying dragon, King Kong seemed like a child.

Along with Lin Feng, there were Rangers, Red Storm, Raiders, and Polar Bear Mechas.

Seeing this scene, the President of Country M, the President of Polar Bear Country, and the President of Maple Leaf Country were all dumbfounded.

Why did their country's mecha get mixed up with a giant beast?

Moreover, this giant beast looked very familiar.

This is very similar to the golden giant beast that appeared in the South China Sea and flew towards Egypt.

Of course, the size of the two giant beasts is completely different.

However, this is enough for everyone to connect the two.

At this moment, the soldiers on the warships at sea screamed in surprise.

"Is that the Chinese Dragon?"

They were closest to Lin Feng.

At a glance, I saw Lin Feng's iconic dragon head.

His majestic eyes and golden scales are exactly the same as those of the dragons in myths and legends!

"This golden flying dragon is so domineering! It has the aura of an emperor!"

In the command room, General Wang also praised Lin Feng when he saw him.

"Golden Dragon Emperor?"

Chen Lin and others' eyes lit up when they heard this, this name is not bad!

General Wang saw the expressions of Chen Lin and others and immediately asked: "Do you know this golden flying dragon?"

"Yes! General Wang, we relied on the Golden Dragon Emperor to save us on Skull Island, and the super powers we obtained are also closely related to him!"

Dr. Mark nodded honestly.

"If Dr. Jones and the others knew that the Golden Dragon Emperor was back, they would be very happy!"

Dr. Chen said with a smile.

At this moment, Dr. Jones and others are guarding another military base.

After all, since the great changes occurred on Skull Island, the world has not been peaceful. China has established multiple military bases. Dr. Jones and others temporarily live in China and have also joined the defense department to contribute.

"Yes! I'll tell them right now!"

Liu Xuanfeng said with a smile.

In such a critical moment, the appearance of the golden flying dragon undoubtedly gave everyone great confidence.

After Lin Feng extinguished the flames on King Kong's body, he lifted King Kong's huge body with his feet and flew from the sea to the port.

At this time, in the sky, the giant bat beast saw Lin Feng saving King Kong, and stared at Lin Feng with blue eyes.

It didn't rush down immediately because it didn't know Lin Feng's specific strength.

Lin Feng ignored it for the time being, but walked straight to the giant rat beast that fell on the ground.

At this moment, this giant rat beast was already dying.

Before, King Kong gave it a fatal blow and even destroyed the poison sacs in its body!

At this moment, a layer of blue mist lingered above the port.

This mist contains extremely terrifying toxins.

This kind of poison comes from the planet where the super beast lives, and can exterminate all living things. After the giant rat beast dies, the venom in the poison sac can destroy a city and turn it into a dead city!

Lin Feng saw this scene and immediately asked: "Intelligent assistant, will this toxin affect me?"

"Yes! Master, this kind of supernatural beast is produced as a weapon. Once an individual dies, its body will automatically decompose, and the blood will evaporate into the atmosphere and combine with oxygen molecules to form nitrogen dioxide, which will have a great impact on the environment. It is dangerous, and there is strong acid in the body, which is very corrosive, and the gases you breathe out also contain radiation!"

The smart assistant replied.

When Lin Feng heard this, his brows suddenly furrowed.

We can't let this poison spread like this, otherwise, everyone in this city will die!

At this time, the smart assistant said: "Master, don't worry! There is a solution to this toxin!"

"Oh? How to solve it?"

Lin Feng asked immediately.

He remembered that in the Pacific Rim movie, when the mutant beasts die, they will eventually pollute the entire city and turn it into a barren wasteland.

"There are two ways. First, Godzilla is happy to use them as food!"

The smart assistant replied.

"I can understand this. Mr. Brother has always been very fond of things that pollute the environment!"

Lin Feng nodded.

Mr. Brother’s setting is that the earth’s own immune system can deal with the venom of this supernatural beast, which is very normal.

"The second one is the Five Elements Crystal Stone that the master obtained before!"

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