Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 235 Godzilla’s new target!

"Okay! Master!"

After receiving Lin Feng's order, the intelligent assistant immediately began to collect satellite images over the island country.

First of all, what was displayed in front of Lin Feng was a sea area.

This sea area is the same sea area where Godzilla evolved before.

However, at this moment, the place is completely empty, Godzilla has already left!

"Where's Brother? Has it already evolved?"

Lin Feng asked doubtfully.

"No! Master, the last time Godzilla fought against the Master, he temporarily activated the red lotus state, which put a huge load on the body. If it hadn't been for Mothra's rescue, it would have exploded long ago. However, even so, Red Lotus The lotus state has also caused huge damage to Godzilla's body. Godzilla's appearance in the island country to swallow nuclear waste is actually to repair his body!"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, the intelligent assistant explained.

"So that's it! No wonder the blood dyed the sea water red at that time!"

Lin Feng suddenly realized.

Nuclear radiation is a huge tonic for Godzilla, just like the effect of life energy on Lin Feng.

After Godzilla was seriously injured by the oxygen destruction device, Dr. Serizawa sacrificed his life to send a nuclear bomb in order to speed up Godzilla's recovery.

It was that nuclear bomb that allowed Godzilla, who was seriously injured and fell into a deep sleep, to not only recover completely, but also become stronger!

"Intelligent assistant, help me check where my brother has been now!"

Lin Feng is very concerned about Godzilla's movements.

"Master, I will search for your target again immediately!"

The smart assistant responded.

Soon, the smart assistant found Godzilla's location through satellites in space.

At this moment, Godzilla was swimming rapidly in the offshore waters of the island country. His huge body set off a huge wave in the sea water, like a big ship sailing.

"Intelligent assistant, immediately simulate for me the goal of President Brother's progress!"

Lin Feng said immediately.


The intelligent assistant immediately began to determine the target Godzilla was going to based on his path.

After a moment, a location flashed rapidly on a virtual satellite map.

The intelligent assistant said: "Master, where Godzilla went is exactly where the supernatural beast 'Cutter' is!"


Lin Feng showed a true expression.

Whether it's a supernatural beast or a nuclear power plant, they are all excellent food for Godzilla.

At this moment, a nuclear leak occurred in the nuclear power plant, which is absolutely fatal to Godzilla!

It can be expected that Godzilla will definitely embark on the road of hunting supernatural beasts!

Inside the underground shelter of the island nation.

The Prime Minister of the island country is watching the situation on the ground through the TV screen.

In the TV screen, a huge supernatural beast was wreaking havoc everywhere.

This supernatural beast is 97 meters high, has blue-grey skin, weighs 3,000 tons, and has extremely amazing defense. Fighters sent by the island country’s air force bombed it for up to an hour without leaving any scratches on it.

Seeing the scene on TV, the Prime Minister of the island country had an extremely solemn expression.

The cabinet ministers surrounding the prime minister of the island country also showed extremely ugly expressions.

A cabinet member murmured: "What is happening to this world? Why is our island country so troubled? What have we done wrong?"

Apparently, the recent series of events had brought this official to the verge of a mental breakdown.

"Perhaps this is nature's punishment for us humans to exploit resources too much. The end of the world is coming!"

The Minister of the Environment also murmured.


The Prime Minister of the island nation glared at both of them.

At this moment, this supernatural beast 'Cutter' has arrived near a bridge.

Boom! Boom!

Every time the supernatural beast took a step, the ground began to crack, and all the buildings in front of it were chopped off with the cutting knife on its head!

The deputy prime minister of the island country asked: "Sir, what did Country M say?"

"Experts from country M are helpless!"

The Prime Minister of the island country said while staring at the TV screen with the supernatural beasts that were destroying everything around them.

"Not even Country M can destroy this supernatural beast!"

The surrounding cabinet members said one after another.

At this time, the Prime Minister of the island country said: "The President of Country M just told me that at noon today, the two supernatural beasts that landed in China were killed by China!"

"What? Did Hua kill the supernatural beast? Or two of them?"

The cabinet members below heard the words of the island country's prime minister, and their faces were full of astonishment.

It has been a week since the supernatural beasts invaded human cities. This is the first time I heard that a country has eliminated the supernatural beasts.

The last time the island country eliminated a supernatural beast, it was only at the cost of a city that it was bombed to death with a super bomb as powerful as a nuclear bomb!

The deputy prime minister of the island country immediately asked: "Did China use a nuclear bomb?"

"Impossible! We are so close to China. If there is any movement over there, we will definitely be able to sense it here!"

A defense minister shook his head.

The president of the island country said: "In China, the figure of King Kong appeared. It helped China resist the supernatural beasts. Then, the Chinese totem - the dragon came and killed both supernatural beasts!"

"What? The mythical creature Dragon?"

Everyone was extremely shocked when they heard the words of the Prime Minister of the island country.

The island country pays great attention to the history of China, and naturally knows about the Chinese totem dragon.

"The totem creatures of China actually exist!"

The deputy prime minister of the island country looked shocked.

A cabinet member looked unhappy and said: "Where are our country's sacred beasts? The island countries have already reached such a situation, why doesn't it come out? It's useless for us to sacrifice to them!"

At this moment, someone shouted: "Look! It's Godzilla!"

"What? Godzilla?"

"Oh my God! Godzilla appears again!"

Hearing the notification sound, everyone looked at the TV screen.

Sure enough, Godzilla appeared in the picture.

It slowly approached the shore from the sea.

“It’s really a leaky house and it rains all night!”

"It's over! God will destroy our island nation!"

"The end is coming!"

Seeing such a scene, everyone felt sad.

The last time Costa invaded the island country, it caused an explosion at the No. 1 nuclear power plant.

The city of Pingdao turned into ruins.

At this moment, Godzilla is once again approaching the city. It seems that the island country is facing another unprecedented catastrophe!

The appearance of Godzilla made the officials of the island country look desperate.

Because, Godzilla is more invincible than the supernatural beast.

Last time, with the assistance of Country M, the island country tried to use bombers to carry super bombs to bomb Godzilla. The final result was that all the bombers were destroyed!

"What's going on? Godzilla seems to be in conflict with that supernatural beast!"

At this moment, someone exclaimed.

Everyone looked into the screen, and sure enough, Godzilla rushed straight towards the supernatural beast 'Cutter'.

While swimming quickly in the water, Godzilla let out a dull roar.

And the supernatural beast Cutter who was destroying the bridge also stopped destroying it after Godzilla appeared and looked over cautiously.

The battle between the two giant beasts is about to break out!

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