Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 242 Modified mecha!

Following the order from the President of Country M, area 51 immediately began to become tense and busy.

Brothers Yang Xi and Luo Li wore combat uniforms and stepped into the cockpit of the Ranger mecha.

The three sisters Dora and Messi also wore combat uniforms and entered the cockpit of the red Storm mecha.

Subsequently, the staff at the command center began to inspect the mecha.

After all testing procedures are passed, the lower part of the cockpit is combined with the body parts of the mecha.

Subsequently, the two mechas were hoisted by helicopters and moved to the launch pad.

Colonel Kosk pointed to the huge launch pad in front of him and said: "Your Excellency, this launch pad uses aerospace technology and can send our mechas to any country in the world in a very short time!"

"Is this launch pad safe?"

The president of country M asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, your Excellency, this launch technology comes from an alien spacecraft. This is a brand-new energy source with stronger battery life!"

Colonel Kosk said with a smile.

Soon, the Wanderer and the red Storm mecha began to dock with the launcher.

In the cockpit, Yang Xi said to Luo Li: "Luo Li, are you nervous?"

"Of course! When I was a kid, I looked at the planes in the sky and wanted to fly into the sky. I didn't expect this day to come so quickly!"

Rowley, who was driving on the left, said with a smile.

"Start preparing!"

Yang Xi smiled and nodded.

In the command center, Colonel Kosk looked at the picture on the screen. When he saw that the pilots in the two mechas were ready, he immediately said: "Start the ignition process!"

On the other side, the engineer immediately shouted loudly: "3,2,1, ignite!"


Under the Wanderer mecha and the red Storm mecha, two flames were sprayed out.

Then, the Wanderer mecha and Red Storm instantly lifted off the ground, flying towards the sky like two rockets, pulling out long tail flames at their tails.

At the ground command post, Colonel Kosk and the President of Country M looked nervously at the two mechas in the sky.

Because this kind of lift-off technology is used for the first time, there are huge risks.

When ascending at high speed, various situations will occur inside the mecha, and it may even explode directly due to the violent friction of the atmosphere!

Finally, under the strong thrust, the two mechas reached the predetermined height. Both mechas were in extremely good condition.

On the other side, the Yang State received a notice from the President of Country M and immediately established a pre-battle headquarters.

This time, the Yang State deployed a reorganization division to assist the M State in capturing King Muto.

Because Country M promised to the Sheep Country that after transforming the mechanical Muto Queen, she would first help the Sheep Country get rid of the invading supernatural beasts.

The last time the supernatural beasts attacked the Sheep Kingdom, the capital of the Sheep Kingdom was destroyed.

It can be said that the Sheep Kingdom’s hatred of supernatural beasts is the highest in the world.

In the last battle with the supernatural beasts, the capital of the Sheep Kingdom was destroyed, millions of civilians were displaced, and the mecha Peace Dove created was also destroyed in the battle with the supernatural beasts!

As for the Sheep Kingdom, the troops dispatched were under the overall command of Colonel Scott.

Colonel Scott is an officer in his fifties. He has a short cut and wears a camouflage uniform. His hair is slightly white and his face is very serious.

"Colonel, there is news from Country M that the support mecha is on its way over and is expected to arrive in ten minutes!"

At the front headquarters of the National Front, a communications soldier reported the situation to Colonel Scott.

Colonel Scott was studying the terrain of King Muto's lair. When he heard the soldiers' words, he immediately said to the adjutant: "Send a helicopter to go here and explore the situation here!"


The adjutant immediately went to carry out the order.

Later, Colonel Scott walked out of the command center and took out a pair of binoculars.


On the horizon, two fireballs flew towards this side quickly.

"Is that a missile or a rocket that was dispatched?"

a soldier asked doubtfully.

"It's a mecha hunter!"

Colonel Scott corrected him with a glare at the soldier.


The Wanderer and the red storm trailing long tail flames quickly fell from the sky.

When it was only 1,000 meters above the ground, a pair of wings suddenly stretched out from the back of the Wanderer mecha.

On the other side, Red Storm also showed the same situation.

After extending their wings, the falling speed of the two mechas gradually slowed down.

"These two mechas have been modified and their technology is even more advanced!"

Colonel Scott said as he lowered his binoculars.

Soon, two huge mechas slowly landed on the ground not far from the command post, pressing a deep pit into the ground.

Colonel Scott immediately led people over to greet him: "I am the commander responsible for responding to you, Colonel Scott!"

"Hello, Colonel! I am the captain of the mecha team for this operation, Yang Xi!"

Yang Xi's calm voice came from inside the Wanderer mecha.

Standing in front of the huge body of the Wanderer mecha, Colonel Scott smiled and said: "Captain, happy cooperation!"

“It’s a pleasure to work with you!”

Yang Xi responded.

Colonel Scott continued: "I have sent a helicopter to the target location to inspect the situation and will return soon!"

"Okay! Let's wait for them here!"

Yang Xi nodded.

Not long after, a helicopter returned quickly.

On the helicopter, a sheep country expert came down and said to Colonel Scott: "Colonel, we have identified King Muto's lair. In the eastern dense forest, we found a huge pothole and detected a large amount of radioactive elements. !”

"Thank you! Dr. Hansen!"

Colonel Scott nodded.

Immediately, he introduced Yang Xi in the Wanderer mecha: "This is your navigator, Mir. He is the pilot of Mir, Captain Kahn!"

"Hello! Captain Kahn!"

Yang Xi's metallic voice came from inside the Wanderer mecha.

Captain Kahn walked out of the helicopter, raised his head and looked up at the Wanderer mecha, and said the same: "Hello! Wanderer!"

Colonel Scott said loudly: "Captain Kahn, now you will pilot the Mir and lead the Ranger mecha team to King Muto's lair!"

"Yes! Promise to complete the mission, Colonel!"

Captain Kahn saluted Captain Scott and assured.

Then, he turned around and stepped into the helicopter.

As for Dr. Hansen, he stayed at the front command post.

"Set off!"

Following Colonel Scott's loud shout, the Mir gunship slowly took off and flew towards the eastern dense forest.

The Wanderer and Red Storm followed closely behind.

Inside King Muto's lair.

Lin Feng slowly walked towards the inside of the lair.

At a certain moment, the hair on his body stood on end.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful sonic attack came from inside the cave.


The powerful sonic attack directly knocked Lin Feng, who was about to approach, backwards.

King Muto's sonic attack is more powerful than the giant bat beast's sonic attack.

Not only was blood oozing out of Lin Feng's eyes and ears, but his brain was also severely damaged.

At this moment, he finally felt the pain Godzilla had just suffered.

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