Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 264 Undersea Sacrifice!

The underwater world.

The Night Demon Sea King is riding on a huge underwater ship.

Surrounding him were the chiefs of various tribes under the sea.

Outside, there is an army of underwater races.

In the middle of the army are millions of underwater creatures.

Today is the sacrificial day that occurs once every ten years.

The Night Demon Sea King gathered the creatures contributed by the seven sea clans and went to the abyss of the sea to offer sacrifices.

Outside the big ship, the troops were lined up, holding various types of firearms in their hands.

At this moment, Tang Hai and others were wearing the uniforms of mermaid soldiers and mixed in with the mermaid soldiers.

In front of the queue of mermaid soldiers, there was a huge sea beast, and riding on it was the princess of the mermaid tribe, Tina.

At this moment, Tina, the princess of the mermaid tribe, looked heroic in her well-fitting military uniform.

Tang Hai urged the sea beasts under him to catch up with the mermaid princess in front, and asked in a low voice: "Your Highness, our battle is so big, what are you doing?"

Behind Tang Hai, Mr. Wu and others also listened with their ears pricked up.

Tina, the princess of the mermaid tribe, was expressionless: "You shouldn't ask, don't ask!"

Tang Hai was immediately choked by these words.

He frowned: "What do you mean you shouldn't ask? Now we can be considered a member of the mermaid clan, don't you think so? These days, I, Tang Hai, take care of me thanks to the princess. As long as it is useful to me, Tang Hai, I will You must go up to the mountain of swords and down to the sea of ​​fire!"

Tang Hai slapped his chest so loudly that it made a loud popping sound, and he spoke so passionately that even he believed it.

Mermaid princess Tina glanced at Tang Hai, and then said: "Are you also willing to feed you to the sea beasts in the abyss?"


Tang Hai was shocked.

Such a huge formation is actually going to feed sea beasts?

If this news didn't come from the mermaid princess, he would have thought he was going to attack the surface world!

After Tina, the princess of the mermaid tribe, said this, she stopped talking.

Because, now, she is in a very bad mood.

This time, 100,000 members of the mermaid clan were sacrificed during the sacrifice!

She, Tina, is the daughter of the queen of the mermaid tribe and a majestic princess of the mermaid tribe, but she is unable to protect her people and watches them become meat on the chopping board!

"Um, Princess Tina, what is going on?"

Tang Hai continued to ask.

He wanted to know the inside story of this matter.

After all, this time, he is in the team.

If something unexpected happens then, that would be bad!

However, the mermaid princess Tina obviously didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Soon, the seven undersea tribes came to a place under the sea in a mighty manner, and then stopped.

Tang Hai looked around and found that this was not the abyss under the sea as the mermaid princess said.

On the contrary, the sea floor here is very flat, and there is a huge platform not far away.

As the armies of the seven undersea tribes descended, the surrounding seawater began to surge instantly.

Later, Tang Hai was shocked to find that several huge sea beasts appeared in front of him.

Each of them is the size of a submarine.

"Oh my God! There is such a big guy under the sea!"

Tang Hai's eyes widened.

Except for him, the other archaeologists from the ground also looked dull.

There is a crab, forty to fifty meters high, and its whole body is like a mountain.

There is a giant python, more than a hundred meters long, like a train!

There is also a turtle, which seems to be carrying a mountain!

Tang Hai secretly guessed in his heart, could it be that the seven undersea tribes sacrificed their lives to these undersea giant beasts?

He couldn't help but think of some myths and legends from ancient China.

According to legend, in ancient times, the legend of the river god spread among the people.

If a river floods year after year, villagers will sacrifice animals.

Even in Journey to the West, boys and girls are used!

Could it be that these giant sea beasts are the river gods in myths and legends?

As the army stopped, behind the crowd, the huge sea ship also stopped.

Then, the door of the large sea ship opened, and the Night Demon Sea Emperor walked out surrounded by the heads of the major clans.

The Night Demon Sea King was wearing a black armor and looked very majestic and domineering.

Behind him, followed the Prime Minister of the Sea Clan, Qing Lin.

On both sides, there were the queen of the mermaid tribe, the king of the shark tribe and other ministers.

Seeing the Night Demon Sea King, a giant turtle spoke: "The time has come! Where are your sacrifices?"

"It's been prepared a long time ago!"

Night Demon Sea King pointed at the seven underwater creatures behind him and said.

"Okay! Present them! Lord Poseidon is going to enjoy the food!"

The giant turtle said in a muffled voice.


The Night Demon Sea King looked very humble in front of this giant turtle.

Because this giant turtle is the spokesperson of the great creature under the abyss!

"Bring the sacrifices!"

Night Demon Poseidon said loudly.


Behind the Night Demon Sea King, the undersea soldiers placed the sacrifices of various undersea tribes that had been prepared long ago onto the high platform.

The faces of these underwater creatures have numb expressions.

From the moment they were selected, their fate was determined!

Soon, the huge platform was filled with densely packed underwater creatures.

When the four huge sea beasts saw this, they lined up in all directions under the leadership of the giant turtle.

If Lin Feng were here, he would definitely be very familiar with the scene before him.

Because this is the harbinger of opening a wormhole in undersea space.

At this moment, Night Demon Sea Emperor also glanced at the Prime Minister Qing Lin beside him.

The Prime Minister nodded slightly to indicate that everything was ready.

The queen of the mermaid tribe looked at the tribesmen on the platform who were about to be devoured as sacrifices with a complicated expression.

Every ten years, she has to personally send away the 100,000 mermaid clan members. At this moment, she has gradually become numb.

At a certain moment, blue light began to be released from the giant turtle.

Immediately afterwards, the same blue light was released from the other sea beasts.

These rays of light gradually connected together and intertwined together to form a blue light shield, linking all the creatures on the huge platform that were used as sacrifices.

"Princess Tina! What are you doing?"

Tang Hai asked in a low voice when he saw this scene.

"This is activating the formation!"

Mermaid princess Tina whispered.

"Of course I know this is the formation formation. I want to ask, what are they doing? Is it a summons? Or what?"

Tang Hai pointed to the four giant sea beasts in the distance and said.

"Do you understand this?"

Mermaid princess Tina exclaimed in a low voice.

"Of course! Fatty's family has been doing this for generations! I don't understand, who else does?"

Tang Hai spoke plausibly.

Hearing what Tang Hai said, a ray of light suddenly appeared in the blue eyes of the mermaid princess, and she asked in a low voice: "So, do you know how to interrupt this formation?"

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