The leader of the Cancer Clan was stared at by Lin Feng's golden eyes, and he felt his heart tense.

He immediately rushed towards the war beast quickly.

And the giant war beast also opened a light door from its abdomen at this time.

"The leader of the Cancer Clan has been defeated and is preparing to escape?"

Seeing this scene, a minister in the Sea Palace said doubtfully.

"Of course! Didn't you see that the Cancer Clan couldn't even hurt a hair on that abyss beast? If you continue to fight, you will only die!"

The leader of the giant shark clan said worriedly.

"Not necessarily!"

Prime Minister Qinglin whispered.

"Huh? You're a big crab and you still have some blood, but you didn't run away!"

At this time, the leader of the Octopus Clan said in surprise.

In the picture, after the leader of the Cancer Clan entered the war beast, he didn't even think about escaping.

He took the position of the driver, drove the Cancer clan's war beast, and rushed towards the abyss beast!

Boom! Boom!

The giant crab walks on the ground, and its huge weight makes a huge sound on the ground.

Even if everyone is far away, they can still feel the ground shaking violently.

"This is somewhat similar to a mecha. Tina said this big guy was from 10,000 years ago. Is the undersea technology so advanced?"

Lin Feng was surprised.

In the cockpit of the giant crab, the leader of the giant crab tribe kept running.

When he was very close to the golden beast, he pulled a mechanism.

In an instant, several barrels protruded from the mouthparts of the giant crab.

Boom! Boom!

A series of blue beams of light bombarded towards the golden beast!

This is the firepower on the giant crab, which is much more powerful than a high-pressure water cannon.


Two shells struck Lin Feng's huge body, knocking him back.

However, his powerful defense still blocked the shell.

Seeing this scene, two Cancer Clan soldiers shouted in the giant crab cockpit: "Clan leader! This abyss monster is too scary! Let's run away!"

"Shut up! When have we, the Cancer Clan, ever been afraid? If you want me to run away in fear of a fight, don't even think about it!"

The leader of the Cancer Clan shouted.

Then, he operated the buttons inside again.

At this moment, two huge electric whips stretched out from between the giant crab's giant claws.


The electric whip was flashing with blue electric sparks!

"Want to attack me with lightning?"

When Lin Feng saw this, a gleam of contempt appeared in his golden eyes.

The next moment, he vibrated his wings and rushed towards the giant crab.

In the cockpit of the giant crab, the leader of the giant crab tribe waved with his pair of pincers.

The next moment, stab!

In the giant crab's pair of claws, the electric whip also began to wave.

Seeing the electric whip coming, Lin Feng didn't dodge and ran straight into it.

"This is?"

Seeing this scene, the mermaid princess Tina opened her mouth in worry.

"Don't worry, Your Highness Princess! Compared to playing with electricity, Shenlong is the ancestor of playing with electricity!"

Tang Hai had great confidence in Lin Feng.

Everyone in the Poseidon Palace, including the Poseidon, was looking straight into the virtual screen.

They wanted to know whether the abyssal beast would be injured under this high-voltage electric whip!

After all, this high-voltage electricity is the nemesis of many living things!


With a flash of blue light, the electric whip in the giant crab's hand turned into an electric snake hundreds of meters long, winding towards Lin Feng's huge body!


In an instant, the giant whip circled Lin Feng several times and entangled him tightly!

Stab! Stab!

Blue electric sparks flashed on Lin Feng's golden scales.

It looks extremely gorgeous!


Seeing that the golden beast was hit by a high-voltage electric whip, there was no abnormality at all, and everyone's hearts were shaken violently.

The high-voltage electric whip in the hands of this giant crab has a voltage of tens of thousands of volts!

In an instant, 10,000 large underwater sharks can be electrocuted to death!

However, at this moment, when the electric whip hit the golden beast, he didn't even shake!

Seeing this scene, Night Demon Sea Emperor's expression was extremely gloomy.

Obviously, he still hopes that the leader of the Cancer Clan can test the strength of this abyssal beast.

"Come here!"

The leader of the Cancer Clan was extremely shocked when he saw this scene.

However, he was not discouraged, but controlled the giant crab's pincers, trying to pull the golden beast over.

"Suck me!"

At this moment, Lin Feng's tail and wings were flashing with blue electric light.

The next moment, the electric whip wrapped around his body went out!

"Oh my God! The electric energy on that high-voltage electric whip was directly absorbed by this abyssal beast!"

Inside the Cancer, the leader of the Cancer Clan looked shocked.

At this moment, Lin Feng was suspended in the air with his wings spread out.

His whole body was bathed in blue electric light.

Boom! wipe!

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, and there was lightning and thunder!

In an instant, an extremely terrifying thunderstorm formed around Lin Feng!

"This golden beast can control lightning and storms!"

Seeing this scene, Night Demon Sea King exclaimed in low voice.

Can control thunder and lightning, which is the nemesis of all underwater creatures!


Lin Feng rode blue lightning and flew into the middle of the Cancer Clan soldiers.


Lightning struck, and the Cancer Clan soldiers on the ground were struck by lightning, and a large number of them died instantly!

"So powerful!"

The Cancer Clan soldiers looked up at the golden giant flying in the sky, riding thunder and lightning, accompanied by hurricanes, and were frightened!

Seeing the golden giant beast slaughtering his own people, the leader of the Cancer clan immediately took control of the red giant crab beast and rushed towards him quickly!

Sensing the movements of the Cancer, Lin Feng stopped attacking ordinary Cancer soldiers.

He stopped, the wind howling around him, lightning and thunder, the sound was extremely terrifying!

boom! boom!

The leader of the Cancer Clan quickly rushed towards Lin Feng on the giant crab beast, waving the huge pair of pincers in his hands.

"Want a head-on confrontation? I'll help you!"

Lin Feng's golden eyes showed boundless dominance.

The next moment, he increased his speed and crashed straight into the giant crab.


With a loud noise, Lin Feng, who was only 120 meters tall, directly knocked the giant crab over 150 meters away and flew away!

However, the leader of the Cancer Clan was extremely stubborn. After he was knocked away, he immediately drove the red crab and charged over again.


Another violent collision!

This time, Lin Feng was still not shaken at all!

"It's over!"

Lin Feng glanced at the golden crab.

The next moment, he opened his mouth, and three golden bolts of lightning shot out from his mouth and between his eyes.


Three golden lightning strikes on the tall body of the red giant crab.

The next moment, the head of the red giant crab beast was torn open in an instant!

"Clan leader!"

When the Cancer Clan soldiers saw this scene, they exclaimed in unison.

Immediately afterwards, the red giant crab beast fell down with a roar!

Lin Feng only used three golden beams to easily destroy the cancer beast that has been inherited by the cancer family for tens of thousands of years!

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