Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 276 The Earth’s Inner Sea!

"Could it be that the Poseidon sent a first-class Night Demon General out into battle?"

Not only everyone in the palace was puzzled, but even the mermaid princess Tina outside the barrier was a little surprised.

Because, the first-class Night Demon General is the real elite of the Night Demon Clan.

The level of training difficulty is very high. It can be said that the entire Night Demon clan cannot find ten first-class Night Demon futures!

Of course, the strength is also very strong. With any one of them, he can sweep away the other clans!

It is precisely by relying on the reputation of the first-class Night Demon General that the Night Demon Clan is able to suppress the other tribes and become the leader of the seven undersea tribes.

"Your Majesty! We were attacked by the rebels of the mermaid tribe! Inside the aircraft were not our soldiers, but the rebels of the mermaid tribe!"

At this moment, a piece of news came to the palace.


Hearing the news, Night Demon Sea King almost vomited blood.

He immediately asked: "Where is Kuye? Has he died in the rebellious hands of the mermaid tribe?"

Ku Ye is the first-class Night Demon general holding a lightsaber.

"No! Lord Kuye is tracking the mermaid tribe's rebellion!"

The person who reported it said immediately.

Night Demon Sea Emperor immediately ordered: "Quick! Close the access to the Sky Barrier immediately!"


Immediately, soldiers changed the access rights to the Sky Barrier.

Soon, the black giant shark aircraft on which the queen of the mermaid tribe arrived arrived in front of the sky barrier.

"Warning! Warning! About to hit the obstacle target!"

A warning sound came from inside the aircraft.


The Queen of the Mermaid Tribe stopped the aircraft dangerously.

In a few moments at night, they will run into each other!

"Your Majesty the Queen, access to the Sky Barrier has been closed!"

Inside the aircraft, a member of the mermaid tribe exclaimed.

The mermaid queen also showed a nervous expression on her delicate face.

Because, if the barrier of heaven cannot be penetrated, they will not be able to escape from the imperial capital.

Then, she will face the pursuit of the Night Demon Poseidon.

Even, at this moment, they were delivered to the mouth of the Night Demon Sea Emperor!

"Come here! Go and capture the rebellious mermaids immediately!"

The Night Demon Sea King saw the aircraft that the Queen of the Mermaid Tribe was riding on stopping dangerously at the edge of the sky barrier, and immediately shouted an order.

Soon, a large group of people rushed out of the palace and rushed towards the mermaid queen and others.

After Lin Feng saw the black aircraft appearing at the edge of the barrier, he directly released his mind and wrapped it.

The next moment, in front of everyone, he activated his magical power and induced teleportation!

In an instant, the black aircraft was teleported out of the sky barrier!


Seeing the black aircraft disappearing in front of their eyes, the pursuers were all dumbfounded.

Night Demon Sea King also exclaimed: "How is it possible? How can they pass through the barrier of heaven? Is there a traitor in the management office?"

Everyone in the palace was shocked when they heard Night Demon Sea Emperor's words.

If there is really a traitor, then as long as the traitor lets in the abyss beast outside, then all of them will be finished!

Lin Feng ignored everyone's surprise and teleported all the following aircraft out one after another.

At this time, the black aircraft opened and the mermaid queen walked out of it.


Upon seeing the queen of the mermaid tribe, the mermaid princess Tina immediately exclaimed.

The mermaid queen nodded in the direction of mermaid princess Tina.

Then, she walked up to Lin Feng's huge body and handed over the leather scroll in her hand.

Lin Feng directly wrapped the leather scroll with his mind power and put it away.

"The mermaid clan's rebellion dedicated the treasures in the Royal Library to the behemoths of the Abyss clan!"

Seeing this scene, Night Demon Sea King's eyes were about to burst into flames.

However, at the moment, he can't control so much.

The first thing is to ensure the normal operation of the sky barrier.

Otherwise, if this golden beast flies in, the sea capital will be destroyed!

After Lin Feng put away the leather scroll, he looked at the Sea Clan soldiers behind the golden light film.

The next moment, he stretched his neck: "Yan!"

A thundering dragon roar!

In an instant, the terrifying shock wave passed through the golden light film and rushed towards the Sea Tribe pursuers inside!


The screams kept ringing out.

The pursuers of the Sea Tribe fell into one piece. Those who were closer were killed directly, while those who were further away were holding their heads and rolling on the ground!

The first-class night demon general Ku Ye had just arrived, and he was also shaken by the terrifying sound wave and held his head in his hands.

A moment later, when everyone came to their senses, there were no more rebellious mermaids and behemoths from the abyss outside the sky barrier!

"Your Majesty, do you want to pursue me?"

Prime Minister Qinglin asked immediately.


Night Demon Poseidon slapped the table with a bang.

So what if we chase him out?

Even when the abyssal beast was outside, he did not dare to send anyone out.

Even from now on, the Night Demon Sea Emperor did not dare to easily remove the sky barrier.

If the behemoths of the Abyss clan are allowed to enter the capital of the sea, then the civilization of the sea clan will be destroyed!

They had no idea that the people attacking this time were not the Abyssal Tribe at all.

At this moment, Lin Feng and others were far away from the Sea Capital.

After flying a certain distance, Lin Feng stopped and placed his thoughts in the mind of the mermaid princess Tina.

The mermaid princess immediately asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, what do you want?"

Lin Feng said: "I want to know the ancient writings of the Sea Clan!"

Mermaid Princess Tina immediately said: "My queen mother has researched this!"

Lin Feng had just read the leather scroll and probably already knew where the Sea Clan's artifact was.

However, that vocabulary is an ancient text of the Sea Clan.

Telekinesis can help Lin Feng communicate with other living beings, but it cannot directly recognize text.

Because words have no consciousness and cannot communicate!

After hearing the words of the mermaid princess Tina, Lin Feng directly released his thoughts and put them into the mind of the mermaid queen.

"Your Mightiness!"

When the queen of the mermaid tribe saw Lin Feng's figure, she immediately said respectfully.

"I need to know what this character means!"

Lin Feng directly showed the shadow of the ancient writings of the Sea Tribe in the mind of the Queen of the Mermaid Tribe.

The queen of the mermaid tribe immediately watched carefully, and soon she said: "This means the sea in the center of the earth in the words of the sea tribe!"

"What? Earth's core sea?"

Lin Feng frowned.

This was the first time he heard this term.

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't understand, the queen of the mermaid tribe immediately explained: "It's like this. According to legend, ten thousand years ago, the territory of the sea tribe included seven sea areas!"

"Oh? Seven sea areas?"

Lin Feng was a little surprised.

The most civilized places on earth are the four oceans.

In addition to these four oceans, are there other oceans hidden away?

The mermaid queen explained directly: "Yes, among the seven seas, the most mysterious one is the Earth's Core Sea, because it is in the center of the Earth!"

"The sea is in the center of the earth?"

Lin Feng was extremely surprised when he heard this.

According to the guidance of the leather scroll combined with the mysterious mural, the Sea Clan's artifact is now hidden in the inner sea of ​​the earth!

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