Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 288 Transformers are coming!

Outside the earth's atmosphere, a spaceship jumped into space and suddenly appeared here.

"Your Majesty Commander, Earth Star is just ahead!"

The red robot driving the spaceship said respectfully.

"Start scanning now!"

The one called the Commander is a huge blue robot.

"Yes! Your Excellency, Commander!"

The red robot immediately pressed a button.

Suddenly, the instruments on the spacecraft started to activate.

Soon, a mysterious wave enveloped the earth.

On the spaceship, a virtual screen appeared instantly.

In the screen, a map of the earth is displayed, which is very detailed.

These alien robots are scanning the earth in all directions.


A rapid siren sounded.

The blue robot immediately came over, with a hint of trembling in his voice: "That's the Mechanical Heart!"

The mechanical heart, the energy of his mother's heart, was stolen by a traitor.

This galaxy fleet has searched several galaxies with the goal of retrieving the lost mechanical heart of its home star.

"The level of civilization on this planet is unparalleled, and the energy situation is abundant! Threat index: None!"

Soon, such a line of text appeared on the holographic screen.

"Your Excellency Commander! Our home planet has been destroyed. We can completely occupy this planet as our new home!"

Behind the blue robot, a white robot said excitedly.

He is a medical robot.

The blue robot did not agree immediately, but said: "Starscream, Canglang, you go to the Earth Star to seize the Heart of Machinery!"

"Yes! Commander!"

The red robot said respectfully.

The one named Canglang is a gray robot.

He also accepted the order and said: "Yes! Commander!"

Then, two huge robots slowly walked towards the hatch.

When the two robots arrived near the hatch, the blue robot opened the control panel and pressed a button.

Woo! The hatch is open!

The two robots jumped towards the Earth Star!


From the tails of the two men, blue flames were emitted, and they rushed towards the earth's atmosphere very quickly in an instant!

Earth, Country M Area 51, command room.

"Alarm! Alarm!"

Intelligence agent Dandy is checking the surveillance.

At this moment, the alarm suddenly sounded. He immediately looked at the computer screen and was shocked: "Your Excellency, Colonel! There is a meteorite falling in the sky! The direction is exactly where we are!"

"What? A meteorite fell?"

When people in the command room heard Dandy's words, they immediately came over to watch.

Sure enough, in the picture, two objects wrapped in flames were quickly landing towards this place.

This speed was so fast that the surface of the falling object was already burning with raging fire!

"Quick! Predict the exact location where these two meteorites will fall immediately!"

Colonel Kosk shouted immediately.

"Yes! Colonel!"

In the command room, several scientists immediately began emergency predictions.

After a while, two coordinates were marked.

One is in a forest ten kilometers away from the base, and the other is in a small town to the west!

These two coordinate locations are less than 20 kilometers away from the base!

After seeing these two coordinates clearly, Colonel Kosk immediately ordered: "Send two special operations teams to find them immediately! No matter what these are, I want you to bring them back intact!"

At first glance, these two objects seemed to have fallen from outer space. He suspected that there might be rare outer space materials on these two meteorites, and new weapons might be developed.

"Yes! Colonel!"

The adjutant said immediately.

Soon, two Cobra helicopters set off from the base, and they each chose a direction to explore.

Green Town.

At night, in a quiet town, a group of people were having a bonfire party.

They sang and danced around a huge bonfire.


From the east, a scream came, followed immediately by a violent explosion.

In an instant, all the dancing people were stunned!

"What was that just now?"

A girl named Anna asked.

"It seems like a meteorite fell from outer space!"

Her dance partner Dam responded.

"Oh my God! It's incredible! Hurry! Let's go take a look before the relevant departments arrive!"

The girl Anna said extremely excitedly.

"Okay! Baby! Wait for me!"

Dam was dragged by the girl Anna and ran towards the east side of the town.

From a distance, they saw a deep pit dug out on a thoroughfare on the east side of the town.

At this moment, in the pit, there is blue electric light shining.

"It doesn't look like a meteorite!"

The girl Anna looked at the blue electric light and stopped, feeling a little uneasy.

"What could it be if it wasn't a meteorite? Could it be that a satellite in space fell down?"

Dam said doubtfully.

He didn't dare to get close and looked at the deep pit in the distance.

At this time, the girl Anna took out her mobile phone, turned on the camera, and pointed at the deep pit shining with blue electric light.


A strange voice sounded.

"It seems like something is moving inside!"

The girl Anna raised her mobile phone with one hand and pointed over there.

"It seems so! Anna, let's go back quickly!"

Her boyfriend was worried.

At this moment, a huge hand stretched out from the deep pit.

This palm is silver-gray and has a very metallic texture!

"Oh my god! Such a big hand?"

Seeing this palm, the girl Anna couldn't help but cover her mouth with one hand.

The little boyfriend next to her was also shocked.

At this moment, other people in the town also came over.

When they saw this scene, they all exclaimed loudly: "Monster!"

As these screams rang out, a gray metal palm once again stretched out from the deep pit.

Immediately afterwards, a giant robot dozens of meters tall climbed up from the pit.

It is silver-gray all over and rich in metallic luster.

Its eyes are red and seem to be looking here.

"Oh my God! It's a giant robot!"

The girl Anna exclaimed when she saw this scene.

"Could such a large robot be used by the military to perform secret missions?"

The boy Dam has a lot of imagination.

At this moment, Canglang had already begun to scan the crowd here.


The instruments on it were flashing continuously, and each aiming device locked the moving crowd firmly.

Those watching the excitement had no idea that a huge crisis was approaching.


A cannon barrel protruded from the robot wolf, and a brilliant blue light was emitted from the barrel.


The shells bombarded the crowd watching the excitement, and immediately, blue shock waves spread in all directions!


People screamed and flew up!

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