Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 3 Evolution! Have feet!


Lin Feng swept his tail and shot out quickly from his streamlined body.

The next moment, he appeared next to a fat mouse again.

The mouse didn't even resist and became Lin Feng's food.

Although Lin Feng is now only as thin as his arm, his strength is very strong and his reaction is extremely fast, which is beyond what these mice can match.

He skillfully hanged the big rat, skinned it, and ate it.

Everything is as standard as a textbook. This is the instinct that Ghidorah has hunted for hundreds of millions of years and remained in his body.

After eating a mouse again, Lin Feng felt that his body had more strength.

"Intelligent assistant, how strong am I now?"

Lin Feng asked curiously.

He could feel that his body was full of power, but he didn't have a clear idea of ​​how big it was.

"Master, your current winding force is 9800N and your speed is 20m/S."

"Oh? My current strength is equivalent to a punch of 100KG? 20 meters per second is not bad, faster than the world sprint champion!"

Lin Feng was very satisfied after learning the detailed data.

He understood that this was because Ghidorah's body shape was born for hunting and was the most suitable for killing. Therefore, in terms of strength and speed, it was much stronger than creatures of the same size!

"There are really a lot of rats here! This is an advantage for me!"

Lin Feng used the heat source sensor to sweep it away, and all the surrounding red light groups appeared in his sensor.

The next moment, his figure flashed out quickly and rushed towards a fat mouse nearby.


A fat mouse was successfully hunted by Lin Feng. After a while, it became Lin Feng's food.

In this sewer, passages extend in all directions. Lin Feng uses his unique body shape to shuttle through the water like a sharp arrow, hunting rats crazily.

I don't know how long it took, but Lin Feng dropped a pile of rat skeletons and was extremely satisfied.

Because, he just successfully plundered 10 mice.

The life energy gained was enough for Lin Feng to evolve to the second level.

The intelligent assistant just told him that when he evolves to the second level, one of Ghidorah's physical characteristics will be restored.

Lin Feng is looking forward to it very much. If he evolves wings, it will be much more convenient for him.

"Master, you need to find a safe place now and wait for your evolution!"

The smart assistant prompted.

"How long will this evolution take?"

Lin Feng asked.

"It takes 10 minutes!"

"10 minutes?"

Lin Feng began to observe the surrounding environment, which was relatively empty.

10 minutes is indeed a very long time, and other changes may easily occur.

If the body was picked up by other animals, it would really become a big joke!

Soon, Lin Feng found a safe place.

"This is it!"

Lin Feng first found something to cover himself with, and then curled up into a ball.

Soon, Lin Feng's body was covered with a golden light film.

A mechanical prompt: "Evolution begins, countdown: 600,599..."

As the beep sounded, Lin Feng clearly felt a warm energy arising out of thin air in his body, which spread throughout his body in an instant.

As the heat dissipated, Lin Feng felt that his muscles and bones were rapidly becoming stronger.

At a certain moment, heat gathered in Lin Feng's abdomen, and he clearly felt his abdomen was a little itchy, just like the feeling of growing flesh when an injury was healing.

"Hey! Congratulations, master! This evolution has been completed and you can break out of the cocoon!"

The countdown is over, the smart assistant reminded.


When Lin Feng heard the sound, he suddenly opened his eyes and began to bite open the covering of light film with his sharp teeth.

The intelligent assistant prompted: "Master, your evolution was very successful this time. Do you need to analyze the specific effects of the evolution?"

"Analyze immediately!" Lin Feng ordered.

System: "Under analysis... Analysis completed, host, your evolution this time is mainly reflected in two aspects: strength and speed. Strength: increase by 2.3 times, speed: increase by 1.3 times."

"Has the strength increased by 2.3 times? Then my current strength is not inferior to that of adults, right?"

Lin Feng's golden pupils flashed with excitement.

"Wait! Why do I feel like I have grown hands?"

"Master, this is an illusion. You did not grow arms, but a pair of claws."

The smart assistant said.

"Oh yes!"

Lin Feng was stunned.

Then, he lowered his head and looked at his abdomen. Sure enough, there was an extra pair of claws.

This claw, like the dragon's, has five toes and is also covered with golden scales.

Lin Feng tried waving his two claws and felt that they were very powerful and flexible, and should be able to tear apart prey.

"With double claws, I am completely different from snakes now!"

"Master, you can swallow the ore to strengthen your bones, scales, and claws!"

The smart assistant prompted.

"Can I still swallow the ore?"

Lin Feng was stunned.

If it can swallow even hard minerals, then Ghidorah's digestive system must be very good, right?

"Master, I can generate an attribute panel for you so that you can view your abilities more intuitively."

The smart assistant reminded.

"Generate properties panel now!"

As soon as Lin Feng had an idea, he immediately ordered the intelligent assistant to generate his attribute panel.

Host: Lin Feng

Species: space monster

Level: second level

Abilities: Super Healing, Plunder Evolution, Heat Sense, Destruction Ray, Claw Rip

Lifespan: not calculable

Life energy: 0 points.

Strength: 2254N

Speed: 26m/s.

"I've reached the second level now, it's time to move location!"

Lin Feng's eyes flashed with wisdom.

At this time, his appearance is completely different from that of a snake. If he is seen by other humans, he will definitely attract attention immediately.

After all, with a head like a dragon, he is the only one in the world.

Especially now, the battle between Godzilla and King Ghidorah has just ended, and the entire human race is in grief.

If someone thinks he is Ghidorah, he will definitely be hunted by everyone!

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