Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 30 The whole ship was shocked!


A helicopter quickly flew over from the sea, and after getting the code, it landed on the warship.

The captain, Rear Admiral Rossio, personally came to the deck to greet them.

"Dr. Chen! I have long admired your name!"

"His Excellency Major General Rossio!"

Dr. Chen shook hands with him warmly.

Lin Feng also saw the scene on the warship: "Is it her?"

This Dr. Chen, Lin Feng has also seen in the movie, is the Chinese biology professor Dr. Chen played by Ji Ji Zhang.

Dr. Chen looks to be in his twenties, wearing a black leather coat, tall, with short hair, delicate facial features, and big, bright eyes.

Lin Feng did not expect that Dr. Chen would also come here this time.

Dr. Chen and Major General Rossio exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then said: "Your Excellency Rossio, please introduce the specific situation to me!"


Major General Rossio nodded, and then he introduced the specific process to Dr. Chen.

"What did you say? There were more than three thousand tourists on that cruise ship?"

Dr. Chen's face changed when he heard that there were more than 3,000 tourists on the Black Pearl.

Major General Rossio sighed: "The Black Pearl exploded on our way here!"

The surrounding M country soldiers also lowered their heads in frustration.

They were originally coming to the rescue.

However, before they arrived, the Black Pearl had been blown up!

"Could this be done by extremist terrorists?"

Dr. Chen pondered for a moment and then said.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out for the time being!"

Major General Rossio heard this and nodded.

In today's situation, there are indeed terrorists who take advantage of the chaos to do some inhumane things.

If this is the case, then you must not let them go!

This is more than 3,000 lives!

Major General Rossio continued: "I have called the headquarters and applied to view the satellite images!"

Country M has a strong military strength and has deployed a series of military satellites in space.

Through these military satellites, every move on the earth can be monitored at any time!

It can be said that military satellites must have captured what happened in the Pacific.

However, to view these pictures, you definitely need extremely high permissions.

However, in order to thoroughly clarify this matter, Rear Admiral Rossio has submitted an application to the Pacific Fleet Headquarters.

At that time, the Commander-in-Chief will definitely submit an application to the headquarters of Country M.


Dr. Chen nodded in agreement.

"Oh? Military satellites have been monitoring what's going on here?"

Lin Feng was shocked when he heard Major General Rossio's words in the picture transmitted by the smart assistant.

"Master, don't worry! I can control all networks on the earth, and I will eliminate all traces of the master's existence!"

The smart assistant said immediately.

"I don't know, who is more powerful between you and Iron Man's Jarvis?"

Lin Feng asked curiously.

"Of course I am more powerful! That level of artificial intelligence is completely different from mine!"

The smart assistant said proudly.

"Then can you control military satellites on Earth?"

Lin Feng asked doubtfully.

He once watched a science fiction movie.

It tells about a group of hackers who can control military satellites in outer space, manipulate weapons on military satellites, and attack targets on earth at any time!

"Of course! However, there are X-planet spacecrafts in outer space now. If I show up, I will attract their attention!"

The smart assistant responded.

"Then don't expose it!"

Lin Feng nodded.

He finally figured out something. The technology of smart assistants completely surpassed Earth's technology.

However, in outer space, there are people from Planet X monitoring us.

They can discover smart assistants at any time.

At this moment, on the M country warship, Major General Rossio had received a reply from his superiors.

Major General Rossio and the senior generals on the warship sat in front of a computer.

At this time, the picture played in the computer was uploaded from the satellite in space.

Dr. Chen was also watching attentively.

In the picture, there is a cruise ship sailing quietly.

It was the Black Pearl.

At first, the Black Pearl was calm. Suddenly, the cruise ship stopped.

"Did something go wrong with the Black Pearl at this time?"

Major General Rossio paused the screen and asked doubtfully.

"No trace of the monster has been found yet!"

All the officers watched the video attentively.

From the picture, they found no abnormalities.

Obviously, the giant octopus attacked from the bottom of the sea, and no one could detect it from the video.

Unless Major General Rossio and others can obtain the surveillance video from the Black Pearl.

Major General Rossio watched for a while and found nothing unusual. He clicked to continue playing.

Soon, a fishing boat approached.

"It's a pirate!"

Seeing the heavily armed mercenaries, Rosio's eyes showed an astonishing murderous intent.

As a soldier, he hates these pirates who care so little about human life!

Obviously, these pirates wanted to rob the Black Pearl.

After all, they had received news that there were many rich people gathered on the Black Pearl.

If they could plunder the wealth of these rich people, these pirates could make a huge fortune!

"Could it be that these pirates robbed the Black Pearl and then blew it up?"

An adjutant guessed.

The other officers nodded.

They feel that this is the truth of the matter.

Major General Rossio did not speak, but his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

This group of evil-doing pirates robbed this luxury cruise ship and actually blew it up.

On this luxury cruise ship, there are more than 3,000 wealthy people from all over the world!

Such a crime is unforgivable!

Major General Rossio continued to watch. He just wanted to catch all these nasty pirates after watching the entire video!

As the scenes continued to play, everyone held their breath.

Because the truth is about to be revealed.

At this moment, an officer exclaimed: "Oh my God! The Black Pearl is actually shaking! Is this a tsunami?"

The rest of the people were extremely nervous!

Because they also discovered this, this luxury cruise ship weighing 250,000 tons actually vibrated in the sea water!

This is simply an incredible thing!


In the sea water, the waves suddenly lifted, and several terrifying tentacles stretched out from the sea water!

These tentacles pulled the pillars on the cruise ship, and then everyone saw a huge body emerging from the water!

"Oh my God! There really is a monster!"

"What kind of sea monster is this? It looks like an octopus, but it's dozens of meters tall?"

"Could it be that this giant sea monster attacked the Black Pearl?"

The officers who watched the video were collectively surprised.

This giant sea monster looks like an octopus.

But this size is almost half the size of the entire cruise ship!

"This, this is a giant octopus that lives tens of thousands of meters deep on the seabed!"

Dr. Chen exclaimed when he saw this scene.

"Dr. Chen, do you know this sea monster?"

Hearing Dr. Chen's exclamation, Major General Rossio immediately asked eagerly.

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