Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 331 Clues to the Sea Clan’s artifact!


The mutated black cow was very angry and spit out black smoke from its mouth and nose.

"Cough! Cough!"

Several fishermen smelled the black smoke and immediately began to cough violently.

"Ah! My head is so dizzy!"

Someone made a pop and fainted to the ground.

"No! Is this smoke poisonous?"

Zhao Hao's expression changed as he became the Earth Tiger Man.

Soon, he also felt dizzy.

Obviously, Zhao Hao became the Earth Tiger Man for the first time and had no combat experience at all, so he fell into the trap of the Black Bull Beast.


The black bull beast rushed forward and hit Zhao Hao's body with a pair of hard horns.

There was a loud noise, and Zhao Hao was knocked out!


The captain looked at Zhao Hao worriedly.

"Don't even think about it! Don't even think about defeating me!"

Zhao Hao stood up unsteadily.

He was in adolescence and had read countless online novels, hoping to become a hero.

At this moment, the Earth Tiger Armor gave him such an opportunity, and he must seize it!


The black bull beast once again exhaled black smoke from its mouth.

It spit out black smoke while attacking Zhao Hao.

Boom! Boom!

Zhao Hao was poisoned by the poisonous smoke and his strength was greatly reduced. He was no match for the Black Bull Beast!

"What should I do? Why haven't the supports come yet?"

The captain was extremely anxious.

At this moment, a helicopter flew over the fishing boat.

This helicopter uses new energy and can fly smoothly from China to Antarctica. This distance is no problem!

Da da da!

From the helicopter, a barrage of cannon bullets came down.

The leather of the black bull beast is very hard, and it withstood the attack of the machine gun without any abnormality at all!

"So strong!"

The pilot sighed.

At this time, Lin Hong had already opened the hatch and jumped out of the helicopter!


The pilot was startled.

This was the first time he saw Lin Hong's action.

I saw a pair of white wings instantly stretched out from Lin Hong's back!

"Is this Birdman?"

Below, the fishermen were shocked to see this scene.

Lin Hong slowly flew towards the black bull beast and started to strike from the air.

On the helicopter, Chen Lin said to the pilot: "Put me down! I'll save people!"


The pilot responded immediately.

Soon, he lowered a rope and let Chen Lin down.

After Chen Lin landed on the deck, she immediately began to look at the wounded on the ship.

She found that a middle-aged man was the most seriously injured. At this moment, the blood loss was very serious and he needed to seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Without saying a word, Chen Lin formed a seal in her hand, and streams of green light poured out.

The wounds on the middle-aged man's body healed quickly after being nourished by the green glow.

However, his face was still a little pale.

These are not something Chen Lin can treat.

Because her medical ability is very strong in treating external injuries, but not internal injuries!

Later, Chen Lin went to treat other people.

Every time one was saved, someone said gratefully: "Thank you! Girl, you are really an angel!"

Chen Lin looked at Zhao Hao aside, a little surprised: "Is this a robot?"

"Huh? No! He is my nephew. He just glowed with a light and became like this!"

The captain immediately came out and said.

"A ray of light? Is he awakening?"

Chen Lin was surprised.

Soon, she checked and found that Zhao Hao was only poisoned by poisonous smoke.

So Chen Lin immediately formed a seal in her hand to detoxify Zhao Hao.

"Ah? What am I?"

Zhao Hao woke up and found a human girl standing in front of him.

"You just fainted!"

Chen Lin explained and stood up.

She looked into the sky, where Lin Hong was fighting the Black Bull Beast.

"That's a monster!"

When Zhao Hao saw the black bull beast not far away, he immediately exclaimed.

Then, he took steps and rushed forward quickly.

boom! boom!

Zhao Hao and Lin Hong joined forces and began to fight the black bull beast.

"Earth-shattering knife!"

After fighting for a while, Zhao Hao summoned a weapon.

This is a thick orange-yellow long knife.

choke! choke!

Under the attack of the long knife, the black bull beast began to retreat steadily!

The more Zhao Hao fought, the braver he became. Finally, the black bull beast was defeated and was killed by the two men together!

"What are you doing?"

Lin Hong frowned and looked at Zhao Hao.

"This is the Earth Tiger Armor!"

Zhao Hao replied truthfully.

Just now, if it weren't for them, he might have died in the hands of the Black Bull Beast.

Lin Hong and Chen Lin looked at each other and then said, "You are very strong. Are you interested in joining us?"

"What do you do?"

Zhao Hao asked curiously.

"We are from the Monster Quick Response Force. According to the literal interpretation, we specialize in fighting monsters!"

Lin Hong said with a smile.


Upon hearing this, Zhao Hao immediately decided to join.


Chen Lin stretched out her hand and shook hands with him.

"Wait a minute!"

Zhao Hao immediately moved his mind and touched the Earth Tiger Armor, turning into a seventeen-year-old handsome boy.

"It turns out that you are still a little kid!"

Chen Lin said with a smile.

"Please take care of me, two seniors!"

Zhao Hao behaved very politely.

"Let's leave! Someone is here to deal with the aftermath!"

Lin Hong said.


Chen Lin got on the helicopter first.

"Uncle, I followed them! I will come back to see you when I have time!"

Zhao Hao said to his uncle.

"Okay! Okay! Hao'er is promising!"

The captain was extremely relieved.

Now that the world is becoming more and more unsafe, his nephew has become a superman, which is a happy thing.

The inner world of the earth, a small island.

Lin Feng didn't know what was happening in the surface world. Three days later, Badru contacted him and had already settled matters in the tribe.

After he got the news, he immediately flew to the joint.

When Badru saw Lin Feng, he immediately knelt down respectfully: "Sir!"

"No courtesy! Tell me how the investigation went?"

Lin Feng asked expectantly.

"Sir, I linked to the Home Tree to check the messages left by my predecessors, and found some useful information!"

Badru said immediately.

"Oh? What's the news?"

Lin Feng said immediately.

"It is rumored that a long time ago, a tribe member mistakenly entered an underground cave. In the cave, there was a monster guarding a scepter!"

Badru tells the story he got.

"Is this message so brief?"

Lin Feng was slightly disappointed when he heard this.

Badru was a little embarrassed: "That tribesman was uneducated and just briefly recorded what he saw!"

"Okay! It's better to have clues than no clues!"

Lin Feng nodded.

So, he asked: "Where is this underground cave?"

"Sir, this cave is to the south of the tribe, adjacent to the Dragon Swamp!"

Badru found a map and pointed on it.

As soon as Lin Feng thought, the map appeared in front of him.

Soon, he had the entire route memorized.

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