Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 351: Roar to death!

As the night grew darker, in the Elf Forest, countless elves began to fly in the air, like fireflies.

At this moment, the scout in front reported: "Her Majesty the Queen! The evil dragon army has entered the Elf Forest!"

The Elf Queen glanced at Drumman, and then said: "Attack immediately!"


The scout immediately gave the order.

Lin Feng had already formed a soul, and his consciousness was extremely powerful. He instantly saw the flying dragons appearing in the sky above the Elf Forest.

These flying dragons look similar to lizards.

There are a pair of bat-like wings on its body. They fly in the air, constantly breathing into the forest.

call out! call out!

Balls of flames fell to the ground, and instantly, a fire broke out in the Elf Forest!

In an instant, the archers lurking in the Elf Forest began to fire arrows.

call out! call out! call out!

Specially made arrows flew into the air.

Puff puff!

These arrows were blessed by magic and were very powerful. They instantly hit the flying dragons in front of them.


An evil dragon crashed to the ground with a roar.

Immediately some elven warriors rushed forward and fought with the evil dragon.

Seeing this scene, the Elf Queen did not dare to relax at all.

Because these pioneers are the weakest.

The more powerful evil dragon army is still behind!

Those flying dragons that escaped the arrows continued to fly into the Elf Forest.

Soon, they entered the place where the Elf Magic Legion was ambushing.

A green staff appeared in the hand of Elf Elder Lina, and she began to recite obscure spells.

After a moment, green lights flashed.

In the air, vines were winding towards the flying dragons!

The strength of this elder is also very powerful, reaching the level of the title mage.

The magic she used this time was her most powerful eighth-level magic.

The strength of the flying dragons in the air cannot be underestimated. They spit out flames from their mouths, and the wind blades begin to deal with these vines.

Below, the magician army began to raise their staffs and recite spells.

Suddenly, overwhelming magic poured towards the evil dragon in the sky!

The Elf Queen has been paying attention to the battle situation.

Once a beast king-level warrior appears in the Evil Dragon Legion, high-end combat power like her must be dispatched immediately.

At this moment, a black light flashed in the void, and those green vines withered instantly.

Then, a violent voice came: "Elf Queen, my king's goal this time is the moon spring water, I don't want to go on a killing spree!"

"This is the Poison Dragon King!"

Upon hearing this voice, the expression on the Fairy Queen's fair cheeks instantly changed.

Although the Poison Dragon King is not as strong as her, he is very difficult to deal with.

Because this is a poisonous dragon, and its innate ability is to release poisonous gas!

Under the erosion of these poisonous gases, large areas of vegetation in the Elf Forest will wither instantly.

Even weaker elves will die instantly if they are exposed to the poisonous gas of the poisonous dragon!

"give it to me!"

When Badru saw the Poison Dragon King appear, he shouldered his sword and walked outside.

"Leave it to Chief Badru!"

The Elf Queen breathed a sigh of relief.

Because there are more powerful beings in the Dragon Swamp, and she needs to continue to sit in the Elf Forest.

Lin Feng now turned into the size of a mosquito and followed Badru.

Soon, they arrived at the battlefield.

The Poison Dragon King sprayed black mist from his mouth, turning the area into a swamp of death.

On the ground, several elves had already died on the ground, and even their bodies had been corrupted.

"Human! You're here to die!"

The Poison Dragon King saw Badru coming and taunted him with disdain.

"Even if you, the Evil Dragon Emperor, come in person, you won't be able to escape death. A little guy like you is not afraid of Feng Da flashing his tongue!"

Badru put the Storm Sword on his shoulder and taunted him mercilessly.

"Damn! Human, go to hell!"

The Poison Dragon King was furious and sprayed poison gas at Badru.

"You little guy like this, just die!"

Lin Feng on Badru's shoulder looked at the Poison Dragon King and whispered.

The next moment, a terrifying mental wave emitted from Lin Feng's body.

This is Lin Feng launching a spiritual attack!


A cold voice sounded in the Poison Dragon King's mind.

"you you……"

The Poison Dragon King felt that his mind was frozen instantly, and he was terrified.

In a moment, the Poison Dragon King fell from the sky!


There was a loud noise, and a Western dragon with a size of more than 20 meters hit the ground heavily!

The Poison Dragon King's eyeballs turned white, and its spirit had been completely wiped out by Lin Feng!


Seeing this scene, the surrounding powerful elves were speechless.

What's happening here?

Badru died immediately before taking action?

Could it be that Badru has mastered some kind of powerful spell?

The next moment, an even more surprising scene appeared.

I saw that shortly after the Poison Dragon King landed on the ground, the flesh and blood on his body quickly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye!

After a while, only a huge skeleton was left on the ground!

"What exactly is going on?"

An elder of the elves looked at Badru in shock.

Badru shrugged: "Perhaps the poisonous gas it mastered was too strong and it poisoned itself to death?"

He was also very surprised when he spoke.

Lord Shenlong is really too strong!

In one sentence, the Poison Dragon King will be roared to death!

Badru estimated that if he took action, although he could kill the poisonous dragon king, it would still take at least thirty or forty moves.

Therefore, in the past battles, he has never been able to kill this poisonous dragon!


From the outskirts of the Elf Forest, two angry roars came.

"This belongs to the Fire Dragon King and the Wind Dragon King!"

Upon hearing these two angry roars, the Elf Queen's face changed.

She raised her scepter and prepared to fight in person.

At this moment, Badru stopped her: "Your Majesty the Queen! Leave these two dragon kings to me!"

"Chief Badru, can you handle it alone?"

The Elf Queen hesitated.

"Don't worry! I think they didn't pay attention to Feng Shui when they went out today. They will probably fall to death in the Elf Forest!"

Badru said nonsense.

Of course, this completely illogical statement was also taught by Lin Feng.


The Elf Queen stopped in her tracks.

However, she still paid close attention to this side, and she made up her mind to immediately support Badru as soon as he showed signs of being defeated!

Soon, in the forest of elves, two western dragons flew in.

One of them is red and one is green.

Among them, the red western dragon is the Fire Dragon King.

The cyan one is the Wind Dragon King!

These two evil dragons often join forces and are powerful!

Seeing the huge skeleton on the ground, the Fire Dragon King roared in shock and anger: "Who killed the Poison Dragon King?"

"It's him!"

Badru carried the giant sword of the storm and said nonchalantly.

"What? You old bastard is talking nonsense!"

The Wind Dragon King was furious.

"How could he kill himself?"

The Fire Dragon King also roared. Apparently, he felt that the human on the ground had deliberately deceived him.

"Of course it's him! Because he was stupid to death!"

Badru was all smiles.

"You! Damn it!"

The two evil dragons glared at Badru.

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