Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 367 A vision is born!

"Is there another way to say it?"

Lin Feng continued to ask the smart assistant.

"There is another saying. This stele of King Yu records the process of King Yu coming to the south to control floods, using Yuelu Mountain as his camp, and leading the ancestors of Changsha to slay evil dragons and fight floods. The inscription was carved by the best local craftsmen. , and the seventy-seven ancient and difficult to decipher characters on this inscription were given by King Yu himself!"

The smart assistant told Lin Feng another legend.

"Did you record something?"

Lin Feng was stunned.

He thought it was possible.

If this is the case, then we cannot understand this inscription from the surface meaning of the words!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng moved his mind, and the moon spring water appeared in front of him.

Moon spring water can improve your understanding in a short time.

Lin Feng's purpose was to use this point to understand the inscription.

Because these seventy-seven ancient characters cannot completely record the process of Dayu controlling floods, slaying evil dragons, and fighting floods.

Then, the only thing that can be done is that Dayu formed a thought about the scene at that time, and then stored it in this King Yu Monument!

Lin Feng was inspired by this in "Xia Ke Xing". Perhaps these people focused on the literal meaning, which was why they couldn't decipher it!

Just when Lin Feng drank the water from Moon Spring, the young man had already identified seventy characters.

At this time, an astonishing phenomenon had occurred in the field.

I saw that the waves suddenly appeared and rushed towards the hills!

"Is this an illusion?"

The awakened ones who were observing the inscription exclaimed.

"No! This is not an illusion, it's really water!"

Soon, everyone felt a chill under their feet, and they were really submerged in the water.

And this flood is slowly rising, and the scene is extremely terrifying!

"Floods are no big deal! We are all awakened beings and are powerful. These floods can't do anything to us!"

someone shouted.

They want to continue to decipher the inscription.

However, at this moment, they discovered a very important fact.

That is, all of them have lost their cultivation in this flood!

"how so?"

Someone was struggling and was washed away by the flood!

"Leave! Must leave! Otherwise we will drown!"

Such a strange sight was so frightening that they immediately struggled to leave.

When they escaped the scope of the flood, they were surprised to find that their cultivation had recovered!

"What exactly is going on?"

Some people are puzzled.

"This stele was left by Dayu. It contains his supreme magical power, which is enough to restrain all practitioners!"

Someone realizes.

At this moment, low-lying areas were flooded.

The Monument of King Yu was located at the highest point on the ground, and everyone immediately rushed towards the Monument of King Yu.

However, before they could get close, they were restrained by a huge force and they could not get closer!

"No! If we want to survive, we must leave this area, otherwise we will definitely die!"

Wu Qingfeng looked at the people struggling in the flood and said.

It's ironic, they are all awakened people with great supernatural powers, but at this moment, they are drowning in the water and will die at any time!

The monstrous flood produced by this Monument of King Yu is extraordinary and can wipe out all their cultivation and turn everyone into mortals!

Some people looked at the Monument of King Yu reluctantly and had to leave.

Because, no matter how good the treasure is, it must be destined to leave.

"I'm proficient in water magic. I wonder if I can stay?"

Some people began to speculate.

However, when they experimented, the outcome was the same. Even if they were proficient in water magic, it was useless!

The flood created by this Monument of King Yu has shocking power. Here, they have become ordinary people!

Lin Feng is attached to the giant python Xiaobai.

At this moment, Xiaobai is in the snake clan camp, located in the center, close to the Monument of King Yu.

However, Xiaobai was also partially submerged in the flood. He was very frightened and wanted to escape.

"Xiaobai! Stay!"

Lin Feng stopped it immediately.

Because he had just taken the water from Moon Spring, and his understanding had greatly increased at this time, and he was studying the inscriptions and stone carvings.

At this moment, the opportunity is rare!

"Lord Shenlong! Let's leave! This Monument of King Yu is evil!"

The giant python Xiaobai felt that he was in this flood, and his soul felt trembling.

It had a premonition that if it continued to stay in the flood, it would die too!

"Stay here! If the water keeps rising, you're going to be like a snake approaching!"

Lin Feng glanced at the location of Snake King Huang Yao. The terrain there was quite high and had not yet been flooded.

However, the Snake King Huang Yao has a high status and no living being dares to approach him.

The giant python Xiaobai trembled, and Lin Feng let it get closer to the snake king.

Doesn't this cost it a snake's life?

At this moment, Taoist Master Qingfeng and others had left their position on the hill.

They appeared below the hill.

Everyone looked up from the valley and were stunned!

I saw that the flood seemed to be flowing down from the sky!

"This, this is rootless water!"

"This water is all produced by the Monument of King Yu!"

At the foot of the mountain, there was no flood and everyone was safe.

However, standing at the foot of the mountain, they could not see the inscriptions and stone carvings.

"I'm going to miss such a good opportunity!"

Countless awakened people feel like cats clawing at their hearts.

They looked at the Monument of King Yu on the hill and wanted to rush back.

However, they were soon blocked by the torrential flood!

"How could this happen?"

Outside the valley, everyone looked into the sky and could see the water that seemed to be born from the clouds.

"The Monument of King Yu has been successfully interpreted!"

someone exclaimed.

"Shall we do it now?"

Hong Wang, the owner of the Hongmen Martial Arts School, looked at Eunice, a member of Planet X.

"Let your people test it out first!"

Eunice made no objection.


Hong Man agreed.

He looked at the burly man next to him: "Potian, go!"

This man's name is Lei Potian, a disciple of the leader of the Hongmen martial arts school. He entered Huajin fifty years ago and is a great master of the Hongmen.


Lei Potian channeled the Gang Qi under his feet and stepped hard on the ground.

Suddenly, the entire ground shook violently.

Later, everyone saw Lei Potian's whole body covered in a golden aura, and he shot up from the ground like a cannonball!


Lei Potian took advantage of the situation and rushed directly to a height of 100 meters!

"Hiss! Grandmaster Lei is so terrifyingly powerful!"

When other martial arts disciples looked at this scene, they were all shocked and inexplicable.

Lei Potian is the first person under the leadership of Hongmen Martial Arts School.

He is a master of martial arts and a master of martial arts.

There are rumors that Lei Potian can use Gang Qi to withstand rockets, and thermal weapons are almost ineffective against him!

After rushing up to a height of 100 meters, everyone noticed that the thunderbolt did not fall directly. Balls of golden energy were generated under his feet, and he walked towards the hill step by step!

"This is Hong's Lotus Step by Step!"

Someone looked at the leader of the Hongmen. This stunt was Hong's famous stunt, growing lotuses every step of the way.

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