Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 37 Advance to level seven!

Jonah Allen was a colonel in Army Y. Not only did he have many soldiers under his command, he also cooperated with many international forces.

Among them, most are international business and pharmaceutical giants, including several powerful arms companies.

This time, Jonah Allen dispatched three cargo ships, a warship, hundreds of drones, and more than 20 helicopters to find the corpse of the giant beast lost on the seabed.

Such strength is enough to destroy the national defense of a small country!

After arriving at the target sea area, Jonah Allen immediately ordered: "Everyone, start searching immediately. If you find anything, report it immediately!"

"Yes! Colonel!"

All soldiers began to search the sea area.

Jonah Allen invested a lot of equipment, including underwater detectors, small submarines, and even, in order to improve efficiency, he even asked soldiers to carry out frogman diving suits on board to search manually.

Because what happens here will soon enter the eyes of the top management of Country M.

When the time comes, they will definitely send warships to search here.

What Jonah Allen has to do now is to take advantage of the close distance of his base and use this time difference to find the corpse of the giant beast in advance.

An hour passed...

"Have you made any progress? Have you found it?"

Jonah Allen urged loudly on the command ship.

He had to be anxious because he had just received relevant news that the White House of Country M had sent a search and rescue team into the Pacific Ocean.

Before the fleet, there are fighter groups.

There is not much time left for Jonah Allen!

"Colonel, we made a new discovery underwater!"

At this moment, a frogman dived out of the water and reported loudly.

"Say it!"

Jonah Allen said eagerly.

"We found the wreckage of the M country warship!"

the soldier shouted.

As he spoke, behind him, several soldiers dragged up a fragment of a warship.

"According to the intelligence, the giant beast should be not far from here!"

Jonah Allen was overjoyed when he heard this.

Then, he immediately said to his soldiers: "Attention, everyone! Start a carpet search around this area immediately!"


Jonah Allen's soldiers took orders one after another.

Once you have a specific search scope, it becomes much easier to find it.

Especially the giant octopus monster was very big. Soon, a soldier swam out again to report the situation: "Colonel! We have found it!"

"found it?"

Jonah Allen was overjoyed.

Immediately, he put on a diving suit and dived into the sea with the soldiers.

Soon, Jonah Allen followed the soldiers to the place where the giant octopus sank.

"It's incredible! This giant beast has lived for at least tens of thousands of years!"

When Jonah Allen saw the giant octopus carcass the size of a small mountain sunk at the bottom of the sea, he clicked his tongue in admiration.

He did not forget the business and immediately ordered: "Quick! Vassar! Collect specimens immediately!"

Vassar is a biologist brought by Jonah Allen and is following him at this time.

"Colonel, the flesh and blood of this giant beast seems to have been eaten away by something!"

said the soldier who first discovered the body.

After they saw the corpse of the giant beast, they had already started investigating.

As a result, what shocked them was that the body of this giant beast turned into an empty shell!

"What? How is this possible?"

Jonah Allen said angrily.

The flesh and blood of this giant octopus is his main target.

Immediately, Jonah Allen swam hard and used equipment to climb directly onto the giant octopus' body.

Soon, he personally looked through the big hole in the shell.


This giant beast has become an empty shell!

This discovery made Jonah Allen furious.

However, he couldn't do it in vain, so he ordered: "Come here! Carry this body back for me!"

"Yes! Colonel!"

The soldier in charge of the survey immediately responded loudly.

For Jonah Allen, the remaining shell also plays a certain role.

Perhaps, part of the giant beast's DNA can be extracted from this shell.

Following Jonah Allen's order, the surrounding freighters came over immediately.

Originally, according to Jonah Allen's idea, he planned to dismantle the giant octopus monster and transport it away.

However, they discovered an amazing phenomenon. All their current methods could not cause damage to the shell of the giant octopus!

"This is incredible!"

Dr. Vassar, the accompanying biologist, stared wide-eyed.

"Nothing is impossible! It can withstand the explosion of torpedoes, and even the explosions of cruise ships and warships. The shell must be extremely hard!"

Jonah Allen has long been mentally prepared for this.

Then, the soldiers began to dive into the water and used steel cables to secure the shell of the giant beast.

Finally, the two cargo ships started moving together, pulling the shell of the giant beast towards Jonah Allen's base.

A deserted island.

Lin Feng didn't know that his loot had been dragged away by Jonah Allen's people.

He was sleeping in a newly dug cave.

At this time, two hours had passed since Lin Feng started evolving.


The entire mountain range where Lin Feng was sleeping began to tremble.

It seems that something is about to break free in the mountains!

The animals living on the mountain began to flee in panic.

They thought there was an earthquake.

This violent fluctuation lasted for a full hour!

In the end, the entire mountain range was raised by a full five or six meters due to the drastic changes below, and cracks one or two meters wide appeared in some other places!

Lin Feng was awakened by the extreme squeezing. This feeling was as if a huge mountain was pressing on him, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"Did my body shape change significantly this time?"

Sensing the abnormality in the outside world, Lin Feng was pleasantly surprised.

"Hey! Congratulations, master! This evolution has been completed and you can break out of the cocoon!"

The countdown is over, the smart assistant reminded.

"Is it finished?"

Lin Feng heard the sound and suddenly opened his eyes. He began to use his sharp claws to tear open the light film covering his body.

The intelligent assistant prompted: "Master, your evolution was very successful this time. Do you need to analyze the specific effects of the evolution?"

"Analyze immediately!" Lin Feng ordered.

System: "Under analysis... Analysis completed, host, your evolution this time is mainly reflected in two aspects: strength, speed, and defense. Strength: increased by 20.1 times, speed: increased by 2.1 times, and defense increased by 4.1 times."

"This advancement is very good, especially the strength, which has been increased by a full 20 times!"

Lin Feng's golden pupils flashed with excitement.

Before this, he already had 15 tons of power, which increased by 20 times, and now reached an astonishing 300 tons!

Lin Feng couldn't help but asked expectantly: "Intelligent assistant, how much has my size increased this time I evolved?"

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