Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 370 Huang Yao’s true form!

"This is the moment!"

Eunice, the X-planet, immediately shouted when she saw the water disappearing in mid-air.

"Launch a saturation attack on Snake King Valley immediately!"

The Night Demon Sea King behind Eunice immediately shouted an order.

Soon, flying battleships with strange shapes were lined up. On the flying battleships, various large-caliber artillery were aimed at the Snake King Valley.

"This is the Hai Clan's waiting-class flying warship. It is equipped with destroying-class artillery that is enough to kill Grandmaster Huajin!"

Meng Kaishan, the master of Baji Martial Arts School, looked solemn.

Eighty years ago, the Sea Clan had a war with the Human Race.

During that war, the high-tech flying warships of the Sea Tribe had left a very deep impression on the land humans.

Ordinary artillery can't tear apart the body-protecting Qi of Grandmaster Huajin, but the high-pressure water cannon on the Hai Clan's flying battleship can easily do this!

In this war, human beings on land suffered a huge defeat at the beginning of the new year.

Later, the Sea Clan also showed off its magical armor, which was actually able to fight against the powerful warriors without defeat!

In the end, the Dragon Temple joined the battle and two giant beasts took action, causing the Sea Clan to suffer a major defeat and temporarily ceased fighting.


Night Demon Lord, the leader of the sea clan, gave an order loudly.

Boom! Boom!

A stream of blue light beams rushed towards the Snake King Valley!


A mountain peak was hit by a blue beam of light and exploded!

"This is so powerful!"

The owner of Hongmen Martial Arts School, Hong, saw this scene and his eyes jumped.

He had just made an estimate, and even a strong man of his strength would not be able to get any benefits from a head-on confrontation with this sea flying warship.

call out! call out!

The overwhelming blue light beam poured into the Snake King Valley.

Countless snakes as thick as buckets were attacked by artillery fire and were blown to pieces!

"Hiss! It's going to kill the snake!"

When Big Python Xiaobai saw this scene, he trembled with fright.

Because its physical strength is far from being able to withstand the attack of this high-pressure water cannon.

Being hit by this blue light beam, the giant python Xiaobai will be shattered to pieces!

In the Snake King Valley, countless blue light beams bombarded the Snake King Huang Yao with his eyes closed.

She is the focus of the Sea Clan's care.

Everyone looked at Snake King Huang Yao, wanting to know whether she could withstand the bombardment of the Hai Clan's high-pressure water cannon.


Several blue light beams bombarded the snake king Huang Yao who had no protection at all.

Then, a violent explosion sounded, and the hill was flattened!

"The firepower of the Sea Clan is so terrifying!"

Seeing this scene, all the awakened people outside the valley felt their hearts skip a beat.

Such an attack actually destroyed a hill!

If the Sea Tribe were attacking them, they would have suffered heavy casualties at this moment!

"It seems! We still can't be too careless, high-tech weapons are still a threat to us!"

Guo Shen, the master of Xingyi Martial Arts Hall, murmured.

When he became the master of Huajing, he no longer had any respect for high technology.

Because after cultivating the body-protecting Gang Qi, one can withstand high-tech firearms.

Even with great strength, reaching the realm of human immortality and above, he can even carry a nuclear bomb!

"No matter how strong the snake king is, he is still made of flesh and blood. Without protection, he will die this time!"

Hongmen, the master of the Hongmen Martial Arts School, stared at the Snake King Valley with burning eyes.

At this moment, mountains collapsed and ground cracked in the Snake King Valley, and dust was flying!

The figure of Snake King Huang Yao has long disappeared!

At this moment, boom!

There was a loud noise, and everyone noticed that in the dust, a giant tail dozens of meters long blasted into the sky.

Countless boulders were flying, and the scene was extremely terrifying!

"This is?"

Countless awakened people looked at this scene in shock.

"Snake, giant snake! The snake king has transformed into his true form!"

The master of Xingyi Martial Arts School exclaimed.

He did not expect that Snake King Huang Yao was still alive after enduring the saturation attack of the Sea Clan's destroyer ship without the slightest protection!

"very scary!"

Countless awakened people looked into the Snake King Valley, and they felt a resurgence of aura in the Snake King Valley that made them tremble!

"Continue the attack! Change to the Emperor-class battleship!"

Night Demon Sea King was shocked when he saw this scene and immediately shouted.

Suddenly, two extremely huge gun barrels protruded from the vehicle he had just been riding in.


Two lasers that pierced the sky bombarded the Snake King's body!

The artillery on this emperor-class battleship uses lasers.

The power is more terrifying than the high-pressure water bombs of the annihilation-level artillery, and it can annihilate even the physical body of the ninth-level behemoth!

"court death!"

At this moment, a cold voice came from the valley.

Everyone looked around and saw a huge dragon head sticking out of the huge pit.

Her silver eyes were looking at the Night Demon Sea Emperor coldly!

The owner of this dragon head is none other than Snake King Huang Yao!

"This, this is not a snake anymore!"

Guo Shen, the master of Xingyi Martial Arts School, exclaimed.

"Jiao! This is a dragon!"

Guo Shen, the master of Baji Martial Arts Hall, also exclaimed.


A heaven-shaking dragon roar came from the huge dragon head, and the sound shook the sky!

Not far away, in a valley, Lin Feng heard the movement coming from the Snake King Valley and couldn't help laughing: "I'm so impatient! Someone actually dares to anger Huang Yao!"

Lin Feng knew Huang Yao's terror.

He has been practicing Jiaolong for thousands of years, and the method he practices is still the Dragon Transformation Technique passed down by the ancient Jiaolong!

When these people mess with her, don't they think she lives too long?

Lin Feng estimated that Huang Yao's Yuan Shen cultivation had at least reached the Yuan Shen stage!

As for her physical body, it's not too bad, because the ancient dragon clan's physical body is famous for its strength.

Lin Feng also studied the Dragon Transformation Technique just now.

This is an extremely powerful training outline. With continuous training, the physical body can be continuously strengthened.

After thousands of years of cultivation, Lin Feng guessed that Huang Yao's physical body might have exceeded the limit of the ninth level!

Lin Feng did not want to provoke such a being too much. This Sea King of the Sea Clan really despised Longevity!


In the Snake King Valley, the Snake King Huang Yao transformed into his true form and turned into a thousand-meter-long dragon.

Its body is as white as jade, shining with a strange brilliance.

After her true body appeared, the laser beams also hit her body.

However, this laser, which is enough to tear apart the body of a ninth-level behemoth, cannot tear off even a single trace of her scales!

The next moment, Huang Yao shook his body and rushed towards the direction of the Hai Clan!

"No! The dragon is charging towards us!"

Everyone in the Hai Clan was shocked.

"Get out! Get out!"

Seeing that the Destroying Emperor-class battleship was unable to do anything to Snake King Huang Yao, Night Demon Sea Emperor immediately broke away and hid in the battleship.

Several other annihilation-class battleships immediately lined up to take the lead behind the Sea Emperor.

At this moment, the huge dragon transformed by Snake King Huang Yao has wandered over.

Its silver eyes were icy cold, its giant tail swung, and it bombarded several annihilation-class battleships!


The next moment, the ship's hull, which was made of special materials and could withstand the bombardment of Grandmaster Huajin's energy, burst into pieces!

Dazzling flames erupted, and several Hai Clan destroyer-class battleships exploded into pieces in the air!

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