Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 375 Swallowing the Western Dragon, the hope of advancement!

"How about it?"

Lin Feng returned to his original form and walked to the side of Mazdom, the Western Dragon.

He took back the Monument of King Yu. At this moment, the Western Dragon Mazdom was dying.

"Spare, spare my life!"

Mazdormu, the dragon of the west, was dying.

"I think it's most reliable to treat you as nourishment!"

Lin Feng ruthlessly refused.

Then, he bit the western dragon Mazdom's neck.

laugh! laugh!

Lin Feng's body began to glow, and he continued to swallow the life energy in the Western Dragon's body.

The western dragon Mazdormu was not willing to die.

He slipped his mind body out of his body.

"Still want to run?"

Lin Feng's consciousness has been locked on the Western Dragon Mazdom.

Seeing Mazdom's mental body jumping out of his body, he immediately wrapped it up with his soul.

A moment later, the body of the Western Dragon Mazdom was devoured by Lin Feng, leaving only a skeleton.

"Master, you have made a fortune this time!"

Seeing Lin Feng finish devouring the Western Dragon, the smart assistant immediately said.

"Intelligent assistant, how much life energy did I swallow from this giant dragon this time?"

Lin Feng asked curiously.

"Master, the life energy of this Western dragon is very huge. Master has completely absorbed it this time, which is enough to advance to the level of King Ghidorah!"

The smart assistant said.

"King Ghidorah's level? Compared to before, what's the difference?"

Lin Feng asked.

"The difference is huge! Master, after you reach this level, you can survive in space!"

the smart assistant said excitedly.

"What else?"

Lin Feng didn't think that being able to survive in space was in line with King Ghidorah's strength.

"In addition to these, the master's size will increase to a certain extent based on the original! Master! Advance quickly! There are some things happening in the universe at present. I will tell you after you finish the advancement!"

The smart assistant immediately urged.

"Is there something important?"

Lin Feng said suspiciously.

This is the first time he has seen an intelligent assistant so urgent.

Therefore, Lin Feng immediately collected the mental body of Mazdom, the Western Dragon.

He plans to advance to a higher level first, and then absorb his thought body!

Lin Feng directly condensed into a giant cocoon in the center of the devastated battlefield, and then started to evolve.

The surface world.

On this day, the whole world was shocked!

A mysterious space fleet appeared outside the Earth's atmosphere!

A small island in the Pacific Ocean.

This is the base of Eunice, the X-planet.

Suddenly, Eunice learned about the arrival of the alien fleet, and her expression changed: "Why did the headquarters notice this planet?"

Because the symbol of that fleet is clearly the space battleship of Planet X!

This means that Planet X noticed the Earth Star and began to march towards the Earth Star!

Eunice especially didn't want the headquarters to notice Earth Star at this time.

Because she has regarded the Earth Star as private property.

At present, various changes on the Earth Star indicate that the Earth Star was once a very powerful planet.

Nowadays, some mysteries are constantly unfolding before her eyes.

Currently, Eunice has advanced to the peak of the ninth level.

One step further is the planet level. Such a being can control a planet alone in the X Star Territory!

Eunice didn't want the headquarters to pay attention to Earth Star at this moment.

Because, in this way, she would have no way to develop on the Earth Star alone!

As for Babanu, who came to the Earth Star together at the beginning, Eunice has already taken care of him.

"What happened that brought Dixing to the attention of the headquarters?"

There was a hint of doubt in Eunice's silver eyes.

It has been safe and sound for more than a hundred years. Why did this happen?

With such doubts, a mysterious chip appeared in Eunice's hand.

This chip was peeled off from the body of her commander, Babanu!

On Planet X, the hierarchy is extremely strict.

Eunice is only the lowest-level soldier and has very limited information.

Likewise, the smart chip she is equipped with is also the worst and can only be used to store information and contact Shangguan.

Moreover, Eunice is not yet able to report the situation directly to her superiors beyond Babanu.


Eunice decisively installed Babanu's smart chip into her body.

After a moment, her silver eyes instantly turned into gold!

This is a symbol of the upgrade of the smart chip in the body!

"Captain Baba Nu of spaceship X6523, please reply immediately after receiving it!"

Eunice had just upgraded her smart chip, and a mechanical beep sounded immediately.

"Report Commander, I am No. 458723!"

Eunice immediately reported her number.

"Soldier No. 458723! This is the X023 fleet headquarters. Please report the situation to the captain immediately!"

During the communication, a notification tone came again.

Eunice's face looked a little ugly when she heard the information coming from the communication.

Before arriving on the Earth Star, she was just a soldier with a number but no name.

Now, she, Eunice, has become a strong person, and she will even be able to take a step further soon!

The prompt sounded three times in succession before Eunice replied: "This is Soldier No. 458723. The commander directly under him, Babanu, has died in the line of duty..."

"Please report to me truthfully the circumstances of the death of the direct commander Babanu in the line of duty!"

During the communication, the mechanical beep sounded again.

In the eyes of Planet X people, Earth is just an insignificant planet.

In the past, even the conditions for invasion were not met.

However, things are different now.

On the planet Earth, a mysterious power begins to revive, and many opportunities are coming.

Star Territory X, as the closest star territory to the earth star where intelligent life exists, immediately set its sights.

Moreover, the federal congressmen of Planet X found some information in the files.

As early as a hundred years ago, a fleet from Planet X sent a detection spacecraft.

"Chief Babanu was killed in the execution of his mission!"

Eunice reported the situation without emotion.

"How is it possible? How could Baba Nu, a high-level X-planet, encounter something unexpected on a low-level Earth planet?"

The X023 fleet commander felt extremely incredible.

Because, in the data, Earth Star's rating has always been very low.

However, in the past hundred years, the rating of Earth Star in the interstellar world has gradually increased.

However, as an experienced Planet

"Commander, you don't know. There are more than ten S-class life forms on Earth Planet!"

Eunice began to blame the cause of Babanu's death on the S life form on the earth!

"It's actually like this!"

The X023 fleet commander was very shocked when he received the information sent back by Eunice.

He didn't know that Eunice was hiding a lot of information.

After a moment, the commander of the X023 fleet responded: "Planet X will not let any officer die unexplained. This commander will immediately report to the headquarters and request to send troops to Planet Earth!"

"Yes! Your Excellency, Commander!"

Eunice shouted back.

Then she hung up the communication.

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