Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 390 Control at will!

Lin Feng thought of the ability to control electromagnetic power and immediately started trying it.

First, he began to control the suspended mountain peak occupied by the red fox.

This mountain peak is very huge, several miles in diameter.

The red fox stands on the suspended mountain peak. It waits for the mountain to move. When it approaches the mountain in front, it will use its full strength to jump to another mountain peak, just like playing checkers.

This is an extremely risky thing.

Because the arrangement and combination of these suspended peaks form a large formation.

Each of these peaks is random.

It may look calm on the surface, but it is also possible that when you jump on it, the mechanism will be triggered immediately.

Some of them will immediately burst into flames!

There are also some mountain peaks that will burst out with thousands of sword lights!

Before this, many creatures had broken into this suspended mountain peak, but most of them died in various formations!

This is also the reason why the flaming red fox mocked Lin Feng before.

Because, in its view, Lin Feng looked like a lizard. He didn't look very intelligent and he didn't look like he would live long.

Lin Feng tried to control the suspended mountain where the flaming red fox stood.

As his thoughts moved, the mountain peak obviously moved forward in an instant.

"Great! It's moving! It's moving!"

The Fire Fox King didn't know that Lin Feng was controlling it, and was very excited to see the suspended mountain below him moving forward.

Later, Lin Feng tried to move the suspended mountain peak backward.


The suspended mountain peak under the Fire Fox Throne immediately moved back!

"Hey! What's going on?"

The Fire Fox King became anxious when he saw that the mountain peak under him had just moved forward and immediately retreated.

"Go left!"

Lin Feng continued to practice controlling the suspended mountain.


The mountain peak under the Fire Fox Throne instantly flew to the left!

"Huh? What's going on with this mountain? It seems to violate the previous movement pattern?"

At this moment, the Taoist priest wearing a green robe turned around and was surprised to see this scene.

It has been some time since they entered this formation.

With constant scrutiny, although the green-robed Taoist priest had no way to break the formation, he did sum up some experience.

These suspended mountains are slowly advancing. As long as you seize the opportunity and jump to the suspended mountains in front, you may get closer to the Sword Palace in the middle.

Of course, this involves huge risks.

You may jump over in one step and trigger the formation. Then, what awaits you is raging flames or thousands of swords piercing your heart!

Here, spiritual consciousness is imprisoned, and you can only rely on intuition when facing these traps.

The green-robed Taoist priest was like crossing a river by touching stones, and finally approached the Sword Palace in the center. At this time, the movement trajectory of the suspended mountain peak suddenly changed. Could this not worry him?

"Third sister! Be more careful!"

The mandrill noticed the abnormality on Fire Fox King's side and immediately reminded him.

"Brother, I don't know what's going on!"

A look of panic immediately appeared in the Fire Fox King's eyes.

At this moment, Lin Feng suddenly accelerated the movement of the suspended mountain below the Fire Fox Throne.

call! Boom!

With a loud noise, Lin Feng controlled the suspended mountain peak under the Fire Fox Throne, causing it to hit a huge mountain peak on the left!

"Ah, no!"

When the Fire Fox King saw this scene, he immediately exclaimed.

However, after the impact, no changes occurred.

"I'm scared to death!"

The Fire Fox King's eyes showed a look of shock.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred in the field.

Lin Feng was like disrupting a chess piece on the chessboard, instantly triggering a comprehensive reaction.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The rest of the suspended mountain peaks immediately began to move!


Not far away from Lin Feng, a suspended mountain peak collided with another one.

A loud noise was heard, and then Lin Feng saw thousands of sword lights shooting out from the mountain that was hit!


When the other creatures on the suspended mountain saw this scene, their eyes showed fear.

These sword lights are left behind by the sword cultivators of the ancient Shushan Sword Sect, and they are very powerful!

Even if they are shot by these swords, they will be shot into hedgehogs immediately!

Lin Feng was very close and could sense the heart-stopping power in those sword lights!

"So strong!"

However, these suspended peaks have been specially refined by the great masters of Shushan, and each one is extremely strong.

Under the attack of these sword lights, he was safe and sound in the end!

At this moment, the suspended mountain peak where Lin Feng sat began to move automatically.

And the direction it moved was surprisingly the mountain peak that was hit just now and immediately emitted a sword light!

"Hahaha! You are dead this time!"

The Fire Fox King not far away was paying attention to Lin Feng. When he saw this scene, he immediately laughed.

Just now, the suspended mountain below it was hit, which made it very embarrassed. Now that Lin Feng was almost certain to die, it felt very gloating.

The green-robed Taoist priest at the front glanced in the direction of Lin Feng and immediately looked away.

He didn't care about Lin Feng, he only cared about when he could enter the Shushan Sword Palace.

Because he is a Taoist priest from Qingcheng Mountain in the Shu region, and he covets the Shushan Sword Palace very much.

After all, Shushan was the number one sword sect in ancient times!

If the green-robed Taoist priest can obtain the inheritance of Shushan Sword Palace, he will definitely shine in the rising earth!

It is even possible to follow in the footsteps of the predecessors of the Sword Immortal and soar through the air!

The Mandrill King also turned back and glanced at Lin Feng coldly, and then whispered: "Another one who overestimates his abilities will be eliminated!"

Obviously, it doesn't care about Lin Feng's life or death, and is even more happy to see one less competitor!

Not far away, Snake King Huang Yao glanced at Lin Feng. He said with cold eyes: "Jump to the left. If you are lucky, you may be able to save your life!"

Overall, the suspended mountain where Lin Feng is located is closest to the suspended mountain on the left. If he is physically strong and can cross this distance, he can jump to another suspended mountain.

In this way, you can escape the fate of being pierced by ten thousand swords!

Lin Feng glanced at the suspended mountain in front of him and immediately activated his magnetic field control power calmly.


Just when Lin Feng sat down on the mountain and was about to hit it, the mountain containing sword energy moved quickly!

"How can this be?"

Seeing this scene, the Fire Fox King said in disbelief.

Apparently, this never happened!

Not only the Fire Fox King, but also the Mandrill King who was farther away also turned around and glanced. Then, its eyes rested on Lin Feng's body for a moment: "Good luck guy!"

Obviously, the mandrill king didn't realize that the mountain containing the sword energy was controlled by Lin Feng, and thought it just happened to leave!


Snake King Huang Yao glanced at Lin Feng in surprise.

She obviously didn't expect that this guy who was similar to his own race would be so lucky.

In the first few, they all ended up with no bones left.

Many of them are powerful alien demon kings!

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