Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 57 The heaven-defying immortal flower!

Jonah Allen's private island, central control room.

"Jody, is there a signal coming back?"

Jonah Allen has been waiting in the control room.

He kept urging Jody on.

"Colonel, not yet!"

Jodi kept his eyes on the surveillance screen.

However, the drone failed to track the target at all.

On the one hand, this is because Lin Feng and the megalodon are too fast, and on the other hand, their battle is still under the water.

Jonah Allen punched the table hard.

"If anything happens, notify me immediately!"

With that said, Jonah Allen left the central control room.

He's going to see the mutant Tyrannosaurus rex.

After Lin Feng and the Megalodon left, Jonah Allen ordered Victor to use Oka to hypnotize the mutated Tyrannosaurus rex.

The hypnotic effect of Oka is very good. In less than 10 minutes, this giant succumbed to Oka!

Because the No. 1 restricted area has been destroyed, the mutant Tyrannosaurus rex was imprisoned in the No. 2 enclosure.

When Jonah Allen came outside fence No. 2, the soldier on duty immediately saluted: "Colonel!"

Jonah Allen nodded slightly and then entered the control room of Pen No. 2.

In the control room, there is monitoring equipment, and you can see everything going on in Pen No. 2.

At this time, in the control room, several scientists were studying something.

Among them are Dr. Victor, Claire, and several other scientists on the island.

After Jonah Allen entered, he did not interrupt everyone's research, but waited aside.

After waiting for half an hour, everyone's research stopped.


everyone shouted together.

Jonah Allen nodded: "How is the research going? Are all Tyrant's indicators normal?"

This is what he cares about most.

Just now, Victor and the others were studying the cells of the mutated Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"The Immortal Flower is incredible! Now, the Tyrant is still in a period of rapid growth!"

Victor said excitedly.

This discovery surprised him.

It seemed that Jonah Allen did not lie to him.

What really attracted this Nobel Prize-winning scientist was not Jonah Allen's charisma, nor his military prowess.

Rather, it is the various behemoth genes that Jonah Allen has mastered.

Dr. Victor had an accident during an experiment, one of his arms was blown up, and he suffered from insomnia in his right eye.

These are impossible to cure under current medical conditions.

However, Jonah Allen gave him hope.

He told Victor the news about the Immortal Flower.

And it is guaranteed that this immortal flower can make people immortal, and at the same time, it can also restore people's missing limbs!

It was this huge temptation that made this rising star in the scientific world join Jonah Allen's team!

"Still in the period of rapid growth?"

Jonah Allen was also surprised when he heard this.

The Tyrant was already twice the size of Tyrannosaurus Rex and has been growing at a rapid rate. In the end, what kind of giant will it become?

"We just measured that the tyrant's size has reached 36 meters and the height is 12 meters!"

Claire said from the side.

"In just 4 hours, Tyrant grew another 4 meters?"

Jonah Allen was shocked.

In the afternoon, when they first captured the tyrant, they measured the tyrant's body length. At that time, it was 32 meters.

"Okay! If it continues to grow at this rate, the tyrant will become stronger and stronger!"

Jonah Allen's face was filled with joy.

Owen, who was in the corner, looked worried.

He looked at fence No. 2 with great concern.

If this rapid growth continues, this No. 2 fence will not be able to contain the tyrant!

"Let's go! Take me to see it!"

Jonah Allen walked outside the control room.

As they approached the No. 2 fence, everyone felt that the building seemed to be shaking violently.

The closer you get, the stronger this feeling becomes!

Jonah Allen looked at Victor in confusion: "Victor, what is going on?"

"Colonel! This is normal. The cells in the tyrant's body divide rapidly, which will cause physical discomfort. It's like snakes shedding their skin. They will rub their bodies against stones!"

Dr. Victor said with a normal expression.

They had discovered this phenomenon before.

At that time, everyone thought that the tyrant wanted to break down the wall and escape from the wall.

As a result, when I got closer, I discovered that the tyrant was simply rubbing his body against the wall of the fence.

Jonah Allen nodded and continued walking forward.

Soon, they came to the glass railing and looked inside through the glass.

At this time, the tyrant was lying in the corner of the wall, using its huge body to rub against the wall again and again.

Every time it hit, the whole building shook violently.

One can imagine how powerful this giant is!

"Turn on the lights!"

Jonah Allen said to Claire.

It was already very dark at this time, and the situation inside the fence was not clearly visible.

"Yes! Colonel!"

Claire immediately took the order.

The next moment, she pressed the button, and a light came on next to the tyrant.

Jonah Allen looked carefully.

He found that there were stains of blood on the wall.

Obviously, these were caused by the mutant Tyrannosaurus Rex's body growing, feeling uncomfortable, and rubbing against the wall.

Upon noticing that the lights were turned on, the mutant Tyrannosaurus Rex immediately opened his eyes and looked toward the glass wall.

Through the glass wall, it looked at everyone's eyes, full of wildness and ferocity.

Being stared at by this ferocious gaze, everyone was moved and their hearts tightened.

Jonah Allen couldn't help but smile and said: "It is indeed the most powerful biological weapon, and its sharp edges are revealed before it is even unsheathed!"

He didn't care at all about the threatening gaze of the mutated Tyrannosaurus rex.

No matter how powerful this mutated Tyrannosaurus rex is, it is still under his control.

Because, Jonah Allen owns Oka.

He believed that through Oka, he could perfectly control this mutated Tyrannosaurus Rex tyrant.

At this moment, the ground shook violently.

Everyone noticed that the mutated Tyrannosaurus Rex slowly stood up.

"What is it going to do?"

Claire stared worriedly at the mutated Tyrannosaurus Rex in the enclosure.

"Don't be nervous! The tyrant may have been lying down for too long and just wants to stand up and take a walk to relax his muscles and bones!"

Jonah Allen looked relaxed.

It seems like everything is under control!

Owen, who was following the crowd, became wary.

Because he saw ferocity and wildness in the eyes of the mutant Tyrannosaurus Rex.

This is obviously not the look a tamed pet should have!

boom! boom!

The mutated Tyrannosaurus rex takes steps inside the enclosure.

With every step he took, the ground shook violently, as if an earthquake had occurred.

"Look! I said it just wanted a walk!"

Jonah Allen was smiling.

At this moment, the mutated Tyrannosaurus Rex suddenly quickened his pace.

Boom! Boom!

Every step covered a distance of more than ten meters.

Originally, the mutated Tyrannosaurus Rex was more than fifty meters away from the glass railing where everyone was.

Within a few seconds, it had already crossed this distance and rushed over!


Everyone exclaimed, looking at the behemoth that was getting closer and bigger in their eyes in horror!

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