Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 63 Jonah Allen died tragically!


The mutant Tyrannosaurus rex will not let go of such an opportunity.

It roared and rushed towards the armored convoy.

Boom! Boom!

Every time the mutated Tyrannosaurus rex's huge body took a step, the ground shook violently.

The soldiers around Jonah Allen instantly turned pale.

They began to retreat wildly.

At this moment, all battlefield discipline was reduced to nothing!

Because they are facing an invincible enemy!


The mutant Tyrannosaurus rex stepped down with its giant foot and crushed an armored vehicle.

It bit down again, taking a tank in its mouth.


The armor of the tank could withstand the explosion of grenades, but at this moment, it was bitten and exploded!

"Too cruel!"

Countless soldiers looked up at the tall figure of more than thirty meters with horrified expressions.

Even Lin Feng in the sky had to admit at this moment that he was no match for him in a close-quarters fight!

Lin Feng asked the smart assistant: "Can the smart assistant analyze the energy in the mutated Tyrannosaurus Rex? I want to know, can it launch electromagnetic pulses again?"

Electromagnetic pulse was the only skill he was afraid of from the mutant Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Lin Feng knew that with the strength of the mutant Tyrannosaurus rex, it would definitely not be able to continuously release electromagnetic pulses like Muto.

Because this electromagnetic pulse, like his destructive light, requires a large amount of biological energy.

Lin Feng can also use his tail to absorb electrical energy from the air.

The mutated Tyrannosaurus Rex relies on bioenergy within its body.

This is doomed, the mutated Tyrannosaurus rex cannot be activated multiple times in a short period of time.

Just now, when the mutant Tyrannosaurus rex released the electromagnetic pulse, Lin Feng felt that the mutant Tyrannosaurus Rex instantly became much weaker.

However, facing an integrated army, the mutant Tyrannosaurus had no choice but to do this.

After all, it doesn't have hard scales like Lin Feng, which can withstand tanks and artillery.

These artillery fires, in a saturation strike, can cause fatal damage to the mutant Tyrannosaurus!

"With the biological energy in this mutated Tyrannosaurus Rex, it can release an electromagnetic pulse at most once!"

The smart assistant analyzed it for a while and then said.

"Can it be released once? Then it can almost be released three times in a row!"

Lin Feng nodded, already understanding in his heart.

The intelligent assistant reminded: "The cells in the mutated Tyrannosaurus rex are in a state of rapid division. Its biological energy will be restored after an hour!"


When Lin Feng heard the news, he couldn't help but cursed.

He was surprised by the mutant Tyrannosaurus Rex's rapid recovery.

At the same time, this also reminded Lin Feng that he must take action as soon as possible.

Otherwise, after an hour, the bioenergy in the mutated Tyrannosaurus Rex will be restored!


"Da da da!"

The soldiers retreated while shooting wildly at the mutated Tyrannosaurus rex.


Mixed with explosions from time to time, this is when a soldier fired a grenade, trying to die with the mutated Tyrannosaurus rex!

At this moment, the mutant Tyrannosaurus rex rushed into the army and ran rampant. Whether it was an armored vehicle or a tank, it was like paper in front of its huge body.

The soldiers desperately discovered that their powerful firepower was nothing in front of this mutant Tyrannosaurus Rex!

The bullet hit the tyrant's silver scales, not even penetrating the skin, as if it was scratching an itch.

This in turn angered the mutant Tyrannosaurus rex. He stretched out his neck, opened his huge mouth, rolled his tongue, and rolled several soldiers into his mouth!

Jonah Allen, escorted by several soldiers, fled in a hurry.

This time, they didn't even drive the car.

Because the mutated Tyrannosaurus rex can release electromagnetic pulses, which can instantly shut down all surrounding vehicles.

"This skill is very good!"

Lin Feng, who was watching from the air, was a little greedy.

If a war breaks out with humans, electromagnetic pulse will be a big killer.

It can instantly cut off power in human cities, and all planes, tanks, and cars will instantly shut down!

Even a large-scale electromagnetic pulse can prevent humans from even launching nuclear bombs!

Currently, among the weapons controlled by mankind, nuclear bombs are undoubtedly the weapons that pose the greatest threat to Lin Feng!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng flapped his wings and flew down quickly.


Lin Feng flew over the mutated Tyrannosaurus Rex and flapped his wings.

Suddenly, a strong wind emerged from the ground, flying sand and rocks, and the scene was extremely chaotic!

The mutated Tyrannosaurus looked up at the golden dragon above, with a cold look in its huge eyes.

Sooner or later it will tear this winged creature apart!

However, at the moment, the mutant Tyrannosaurus Rex is more concerned about Jonah Allen.

The memories of its birth are all on this island, being imprisoned and studied by Jonah Allen. You can imagine how strong the hatred in its heart has become!


The mutated Tyrannosaurus rex collapsed with one kick, and its giant foot landed not far from Jonah Allen.


Jonah Allen couldn't help but exclaimed. When he saw the concrete ground, it was instantly crushed by the giant foot like Optimus Prime.

"Da da da!"

Several soldiers immediately raised their guns and fired wildly at the mutant Tyrannosaurus Rex.

However, this weapon is useless against it!


The mutated Tyrannosaurus rex swept its huge tail angrily.



A series of screams were heard, and several soldiers who fired were swept away by the mutated Tyrannosaurus Rex's tail.

The huge force caused them to die tragically on the spot!

"George, where is Victor?"

Jonah Allen glanced at the mutated Tyrannosaurus rex approaching him, with the last glimmer of hope in his heart.

George shook his head: "Colonel! The radio signal has been interrupted and we can't contact him!"

"It's over! It's too late!"

Jonah Allen glanced at the mutant Tyrannosaurus Rex getting closer and closer behind him, feeling bitter in his heart.

He didn't expect that his final outcome would be like this!


The eyes of the mutant Tyrannosaurus rex revealed a strong murderous aura. The next moment, it raised its giant foot and stepped down towards Jonah Allen!


Jonah Allen looked at the giant feet getting closer and closer, his heart filled with despair.


There was a loud bang.

Smoke and dust billowed, and Jonah Allen thought he was dead. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was standing between the two toes of a mutated Tyrannosaurus rex!

He looked up and met the playful gaze in the huge eyes of the mutated Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Obviously, the mutated Tyrannosaurus rex was deliberately playing a trick on him.

The eyes of the mutated Tyrannosaurus Rex turned cold, and several toes on his giant feet closed instantly.

The next moment, a scream sounded in the night sky.

Jonah Allen was turned into a meatloaf by the mutated Tyrannosaurus Rex with his toes!

"I never thought that the colonel would end up with such a miserable end!"

In the distance, Jody, hiding behind a group of buildings, sighed.

Claire glared at him: "You still have time to worry about others! Soon, you will end up with the same fate!"

Owen immediately made a silent gesture.

He pointed at the golden flying dragon in the sky.

Both of them understood what Owen meant.

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