Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 75 Attack on the whaling station!

"See it! I see it!"

Harpooner Sval watched a huge wave approaching quickly and roared excitedly.

"Try my harpoon!"

As he spoke, he aimed in the direction of the huge wave and pulled the trigger.


A harpoon quickly rushed towards the huge waves.

After a while, everyone was disappointed to find that the harpoon did not hit the target!

"Isn't it? This big guy can swim so fast?"

Danny, the black machine gunner who was standing on the ship and watching, said in disbelief.

They had no idea that Lin Feng was swimming faster than the speed of sound in the sea!


The white wave passed over the two harpooners and hit the whale ship directly.

When Captain Lawrence saw the white wave approaching unabated, he immediately shouted: "Danny! Quick! Shoot!"

As he yelled, Danny immediately held the heavy machine gun in his hand and shot wildly at the white waves in the sea.

Da da da!

The heavy machine gun sprayed out streams of flames and dense bullets, piercing the white waves in the sea.

call out! call out!

The bullet hit the water and made a splashing sound.

The black man Danny shouted hysterically: "Die! Big guy!"

Then, he never thought that this crazy shooting did not stop the big guy in the water at all!


The huge white waves capsized the whale ship in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, several crew members on the whaling ship fell into the sea in an instant.


There was another loud noise.

Lin Feng smashed the whale ship to pieces with a single blow of his tail!

"Oh my God! What kind of monster is this?"

Captain Lawrence was in the water and realized that the big guy they were attacking was not a whale at all!

This is a big monster with golden scales that looks like a giant python!

The equipment on the whaling ship transmitted this scene back to the whaling station.

"Alert! Alert! Whaling ship No. 6 is under attack!"

Those who remained in the whaling station heard the alarm and burst into laughter.

"Isn't it right? Lawrence and the others went to hunt a baby whale, but they were attacked by the baby whale?"

"Maybe the mother of the calf discovered them!"


They didn't take it to heart at all.

This kind of thing happens often.

In the past, whalers often died at sea during whaling operations.

After all, whales are the largest living mammals!

This is, inside the base, after watching the last picture sent back by Whaling Ship No. 6, an intelligence officer immediately exclaimed loudly: "No! Whaling Ship No. 6 has sunk!"


Everyone was surprised when they heard this.

Sinking so quickly?

Immediately, a company executive shouted loudly: "Send out the emergency rescue team! I don't want the whale not to be caught and have to pay a large amount of compensation!"

A large ship parked in the base harbor immediately launched an emergency operation, and several rescuers wearing life jackets boarded the rescue ship.

This rescue ship was larger than all the whaling ships, and it also deployed more intense firepower than the whaling ships.

Soon, the rescue boat quickly headed towards the center of the incident.

The intelligence officer said again: "Director Michelle, I think you should send more people! This big guy who attacked Whaling Ship No. 6 looks very unusual!"


Director Michelle heard this and immediately walked into the control room.

He looked at the picture on the surveillance camera.

This was just uploaded by a drone, recording the entire process of the sinking of Whaling Ship No. 6.

In the picture, the black machine gunners fired wildly, and then, with a bang, the whaling ship was directly hit and exploded!

Afterwards, all the drones in the sky crashed, and the picture went dark!

"Oh my God! What kind of monster was it that attacked them?"

Director Michelle said in disbelief after watching the last picture sent back by Whaling Ship No. 6.

"Send the drone over again!"

"Okay! Director Michelle!"

The intelligence officer immediately pushed a button.

In an instant, several drones rose from the base and flew quickly towards the sea.

At this time, the rescue ship was almost approaching Whaling Ship No. 6.

On the ship, the little leader responsible for directing the rescue mission said: "Everyone, check the rescue equipment!"


Immediately afterwards, the ambulance crew began checking the rescue equipment.

"Oh my God! There's a tsunami!"

Suddenly, a person on the boat exclaimed.


Everyone looked toward the sea.

I saw a huge white wave more than ten meters high, sweeping towards the rescue ship quickly!

"Oh my god! How could a tsunami suddenly occur?"

Everyone on the rescue boat wailed in their hearts.

The white waves are getting closer and closer.


The bottom of the rescue boat seemed to be hit by something.

Everyone on the boat felt a violent shaking and became unstable.


Huge waves hit the rescue boat, and many people were soaked by the waves!

Before anyone could react, the entire ship was rolled over by huge waves!


The crowd let out a scream.

Fortunately, they were all wearing life-saving suits and they did not sink directly to the bottom of the sea.


Then, everyone saw a giant beast with golden scales swimming past them!

"The target of this giant beast is the whaling station!"

Everyone looked at the direction where the huge waves were going and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Could this be the culprit who attacked Whaling Ship No. 6?"

The leader of the rescue team asked in surprise.

He immediately sent a message to the headquarters through the communicator: "Headquarters! Headquarters! I am Taps! Our rescue ship was attacked by a giant beast!"

"What? You were attacked?"

Michelle in the control room was shocked.

Before he could speak, the other party said: "Director, after the mysterious beast overturned the rescue ship, it came towards the base!"

"Coming towards the base?"

Michelle was shocked.

He immediately hung up the phone and yelled: "Everyone prepare immediately, there is a mysterious monster attacking the base!"

"A monster is attacking the base?"

"Oh my God! Could it be the giant beast that sank Whaling Ship No. 6?"

"Look at the sea! There's something going on!"

Hearing the exclamations, Director Michelle immediately took the telescope and looked towards the sea.

I saw a huge wave as high as a person, rushing towards the whaling station!

"Hurry! The tsunami is coming!"

Michelle shouted immediately when she saw the tsunami coming.

"How could there be a tsunami at this time?"

The expressions of everyone at the whaling station changed and they immediately began to pack up the leather to prevent it from getting wet by the sea water.


Huge waves crashed against the facilities outside the base.

A huge wave as high as a person surged into the base, and some goods that had not yet been rescued were soaked by the sea water.

And at this time, boom! Boom!

The sound of huge footsteps sounded like a magnitude 7 earthquake, and the ground of the entire base was shaking violently!

"Oh my God! Is there going to be an earthquake?"

Director Michelle’s expression changed drastically.

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