Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 84 Tomb robbing expert!


On a helicopter in flight.

"How long until we get to the Egyptian temple?"

In the luxurious cabin, a wealthy Indian man in a suit asked.

"Mr. Salman, we will be there in half an hour!"

Next to Salman, the rich Indian man, a man who looked like a butler said immediately.

"What about the mercenary organization you contacted?"

Salman opened a bottle of red wine, took out a goblet, and poured himself a glass.

"Mr. Salman, I have hired the world's seventh-ranked mercenary organization for you - Sirius!"

The butler immediately said respectfully.

Country M, Chinatown.

A fat man in a jacket is shopping for goods in the antique market.

Suddenly, he turned over the sunglasses in his hand and instantly saw several strong men in black suits approaching behind him.

"No! I'm being watched!"

The fat man's expression changed drastically.

This fat man is called Tang Hai, nicknamed Fatty Tang, and people on the street call him Fat Master. He is a second-tier dealer who resells antiques in Chinatown.

He doesn't know how many people he has offended in his life, so he has always been cautious.

Without saying a word, Fatty Tang put his sunglasses on his eyes and ran away.

"Stop! Stop!"

Several strong men in black immediately chased after him.

"Give way! Give way!"

Although Fatty Tang is fat, he can run extremely fast, weaving through the crowd like a loach.

Suddenly, a person pushing a cart blocked the front.

Fatty Tang immediately jumped up into the air and rolled over from the cart.

All the strong men behind him were blocked by the carts.

A strong man in black pulled out a pistol and fired into the air.

"Bang! Bang!"

Several gunshots were fired, and the antique market was in a state of chaos.

"This is a big deal! Fatty, I've dug up your family's ancestral graves, right?"

Fatty Tang held his head and ran away in embarrassment while running as hard as he could.

At this time, the strong man in black at the rear immediately reported to the headquarters through the headset: "The target has been found! He is in Chinatown and is running away to the West Alley!"

"We must not let him escape! The pyramids under the Egyptian temples have thousands of years of history, and there is no room for loss!"

A slightly older voice came from the headset.

"Yes! Mr. Wu!"

The strong man in black immediately replied respectfully.

A group of strong men followed Fatty Tang in hot pursuit.

Sometimes stalls on both sides of the road were knocked to the ground.

The stall owners around me were angry but dared not speak out.

In the corner, some Chinese people saw this and were puzzled: "Why are these ghost guys chasing Fatty Tang?"

"I guess he stole some rich businessman's treasure again!"

"I think someone's ancestral grave has been disturbed again!"


Everyone laughed, but no one came out to help.

Because this scene is very common.

Fatty Tang offended a lot of people by fighting against antiques, and was hunted down every day.

However, he is indeed very capable. The storms and waves have all come through, and he is still alive and well now!

Seeing that the leader of the strong man in black was about to lose track of his target, he immediately said to the headset: "Request the dispatch of a drone!"

Soon, a commercial vehicle parked at the entrance of the alley flew out a series of drones and flew into the alley.

The speed of the drone was very fast, and it quickly caught up with Fatty Tang.

When he saw the drone in the sky, he suddenly panicked: "Which god have I offended? Are all the ones running on the ground and flying in the sky here?"

However, Fatty Tang was not slow on his feet. In order to avoid the drone, he ran as far as possible into the messy places.

At one point, he climbed up a dilapidated building.

Fatty Tang’s place to stay is right here.

He finally ran back because there were still his belongings where he settled.

No matter what, you can't lose the guy who's eating.

Fatty Tang had just climbed into the house through the window.

All the lights in the room came on at once.


The sound of countless bullets being loaded was heard, and then Fatty Tang saw several pistols pointed at his head.

"Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!"

When Fatty Tang saw this battle, he immediately raised his hands above his head and said with a forced smile.

At this time, an old man wearing a Tang suit turned his back to him: "Mr. Tang Hai, we have been waiting for a long time!"

Fatty Tang immediately looked up at the speaker.

He couldn't help but tremble with fear.

This man is Mr. Wu, who is powerful in Chinatown.

Wu Lao operates hotel chains, jewelry stores and pawn shops.

Fatty Tang immediately cried and said, "Mr. Wu, this is really unjust! Although I, Tang Hai, are a bastard, I also know who should be offended and who should not be offended!"

Mr. Wu turned the ring on his thumb: "Mr. Tang, you don't have to be afraid. We came here to ask questions!"

"Then what are you doing?"

When Fatty Tang heard this, he asked doubtfully.

He cursed in his heart.

Isn’t this a question of guilt? This is going to kill people!

They all barricaded the house with guns and ammunition!

Mr. Wu held a pipe in his hand.

He took a deep breath, then spit out a string of eye circles: "I came to you to ask for your cooperation!"

"Looking for cooperation with me?"

Fatty Tang was surprised.

He blurted out: "Did some blind person offend Mr. Wu, and Mr. Wu asked me to dig up his family's ancestral graves?"

Mr. Wu smiled and shook his head: "I came to you for a big deal!"

"If I can go out of my way to make Mr. Wu go there in person, this matter is not a big deal!"

Fatty Tang had an ugly smile on his face.

Mr. Wu waved to a young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses next to him.

The young man immediately handed a photo to Tang Hai.

Fatty Tang looked at it and asked in surprise: "Egyptian Sun Temple?"

Mr. Wu smiled and nodded: "That's right! It seems that I, the old man, did not misjudge the person!"

"Old Wu! I will not do this immoral thing of stealing the temple! I will be punished!"

When Fatty Tang heard this, he immediately shook his head.


A man next to him immediately put a pistol on Fatty Tang's head.

"Do it! Do it! Since Mr. Wu has spoken! No matter how difficult it is! Climb the mountain of knives, descend into the sea of ​​fire, I, Tang Hai, have done it!"

Sensing the muzzle on his forehead, Tang Hai immediately yelled.

Mr. Wu nodded slightly towards the man.


There was a sound of a trigger being pulled.

Immediately afterwards, Fatty Tang felt a pain in his scalp.

"Ah! Ah! Don't kill me! I've already said yes, why do you still want to kill me?"

Fatty Tang made a sound like a killing pig.

Mr. Wu motioned to the man to let Fatty Tang go.

Then, he said: "Tang Hai, it's not that Wu doesn't believe you, this is my business rule. If you don't listen to me, there is only one way!"

After saying that, Mr. Wu left Fatty Tang's house under the protection of everyone.

However, a few people stayed.

Among them was the young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

He smiled and said to Fatty Tang: "Tang Hai, don't worry! My adoptive father didn't want to kill you just now! He just put something in your head. If you don't obey, you will die!"

Just now, what was in the gun was not a bullet, but a microcapsule.

It is the latest technology of the M country's military. Once it is inserted into the human body, it can continuously track the target's location.

Mr. Wu's people injected this thing into Tang Hai's head to prevent him from escaping midway.

At this time, the man with gold-rimmed glasses said again: "Tang Hai, you are an expert in tomb robbing! This operation is very special. Many powerful people have already rushed there. It is very difficult... But we can only allow Success does not allow failure, so as for the team, it is up to you to form it yourself!”

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