Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 92 Area 51 of Country M!

After Lin Feng left the sky over the Philippines, he flew towards Egypt along the route planned by the intelligent assistant.

He passed many small countries along the way. When he appeared in the airspace of these small countries, all these countries were on high alert.

However, with the lesson learned from the Philippines, no one dares to send fighter planes to intercept Lin Feng anymore.

"Oh my God! Where is this golden beast going to fly to?"

All over the world, countless pairs of eyes are staring at this golden beast.


Relevant departments brought together paleontologists to conduct discussions.

"In the pictures returned from the satellite, this golden giant beast that can fly in the air does have some similarities to the dragon in myths and legends!"

A biologist named Wu said.

"Only the head and scales are similar. In myths and legends, our Chinese dragon has no wings and has seven legs!"

Soon another biologist retorted.

"History is history, myth is myth! Perhaps, people in the past did not see the full picture of this giant beast. After all, in ancient times, the detection of deep sea and high altitude was not as detailed as it is now, and there was no camera equipment. Recording errors also belong to normal!"

An elderly professor in the middle said.

These scientists believe that this mysterious giant beast that emerged from the South China Sea is very likely to be the dragon that appears in myths and legends.

The totem of China.

After all, the truth of history has long been lost in the ages.

The person who presided over the normal seminar was a Chinese elder.

He looked at everyone expectantly: "So what do you think? What is this giant beast's attitude towards humans?"

This is the issue that the Chinese elders are most concerned about.

"I think it should be malicious to humans! Don't forget the behemoth attack on Boston that happened in country M some time ago!"

A young biologist who studied in China said.

His surname is Shen, and his name is Shen Yun.

About thirty-one or twelve years old, he is the youngest professor in the Department of Biology of Huazhong University.

He is handsome and personable, and is very popular among teachers and students in the school.

In country M, he studied under a leading biology expert in country M, Professor Clemen.

The professor insisted that giant beasts would pose a huge threat to human existence.

After hearing Professor Shen Yun's words, the Huaguo elder nodded slightly.

Then, he looked at the others present: "Don't be restrained and express your opinions!"

After a pause, Professor Wu said: "I personally believe that this dragon-like beast has no ill intentions toward humans. The news just returned from the Philippines shows that it did not actively attack human cities! And the way it destroyed a fighter jet showed that The combat power is fully capable of razing the Philippine capital to the ground!"

"I also agree with Professor Wu! If this mysterious giant beast is the prototype of the dragon and Kunpeng in Chinese myths and legends, then it is obviously friendly! Because it represents auspiciousness! It is the totem of our country. !”

A beautiful professor also said.

Her name is Chen Lin.

He looks somewhat similar to Dr. Chen.

Because they are twin sisters.

In the history of Dr. Chen Lin’s family, all generations have been twins.

The Chen Lin family has always been dedicated to studying Shenlong, and they know more about Shenlong than anyone else here!

"I second the motion!"

"I also agree!"

Most experts present agreed with Chen Lin and Professor Wu's views.

However, some professors stood on Shen Yun's side. They believed that they should take advantage of the moment when the golden beast landed and organize an army to kill it by surprise.

The reason why the elders of Hua Guo held this seminar was.

There is another reason. Country M is convening all countries in the world to deal with this golden beast together.

Because the abilities displayed by this golden giant beast are exactly the same as Muto!

Last time Muto attacked several large cities in Country M, causing unimaginable losses.

The government of Country M was worried about history repeating itself, so it decided to send troops to suppress it first!

What puzzles the elders of Hua is where M country has the confidence to dare to attack this golden beast.

Because this golden beast can launch electromagnetic pulses. This is a 'nuclear bomb' that can fly in the air!

Country M, Area 51.

Accompanied by the President of Country M and several senior military generals, he came here.

"Your Excellency, President!"

Seeing the president arriving in person, the troops stationed at Area 51 saluted.

The President of Country M waved to the surrounding soldiers with a smile.

Soon, a group of people stepped onto an elevator and fell rapidly downwards.

A hundred meters deep underground is a huge base.

Inside the base, people were coming and going, and they were busy nervously.

The President of Country M asked curiously: "Colonel Kosk, how is the research plan going?"

"Your Excellency, this research is very successful!"

Colonel Kosk said immediately and respectfully.

Soon, the group arrived deep into the base.

The President of Country M looked up and saw a huge red robot standing in the center of the base, which was as tall as dozens of buildings.

"Your Excellency, this is the first robot warrior we have developed! It has not yet been named!"

Colonel Kosk explained.

The President of Country M smiled and said: "This robot warrior is red, let's call it Red Storm!"

"Red Storm? What a name!"

The president named it himself, and the officers present cheered.

The president of country M asked curiously: "What are the specific parameters of the red storm?"

"Your Excellency, the Red Storm is 76 meters tall and weighs 1,722 tons. It is driven by diesel! The power core is the Ark 1 generation!"

Colonel Kosk introduced in detail.

"What a giant! It's so beautiful!"

Seeing such a giant, the president of country M was very happy.


Colonel Kosk hesitated.

"But what?"

The President of Country M asked.

"This mecha is too big and requires three people to operate it. We haven't found a suitable driver yet!"

Colonel Koske stated the difficulty.

The President of Country M immediately asked: "How does this guy drive? Is it feasible to use a spacecraft pilot?"

"Your Excellency, this mecha is more difficult to drive than a spaceship. Mecha pilots use multi-person driving. The pilots must achieve the 'unity of man and god', and their brains are linked to each other and work together." Share memory and consciousness to achieve synchronized and consistent actions. Therefore, drivers must emphasize coordination and close physical functions!"

Colonel Koske shook his head in embarrassment.

"Colonel Kosk, are you saying that triplets are needed to pilot this mecha?"

The president of country M frowned tightly.


Colonel Kosk nodded.

The President of Country M shook his head regretfully and temporarily gave up on the mecha.

Then, he said: "Take me to see the weapons that can be used in this operation!"

"Your Excellency, please follow me!"

Colonel Kosk said.

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